USS Galileo :: Personal Log-03
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Personal Log-03

Posted on 29 Apr 2012 @ 10:04pm by Command Master Chief Markum Quinn

359 words; about a 2 minute read

Personal log: stardate, supplemental

So I have finished moving into Tarish's....our quarters. I know that it seems kinda fast, but somehow I know. It's like I've always known. Am I crazy? Probably, but when was that headline news? It'll work out fine.

We spoke to Markus today. He looks great. So young and full of energy. He's ready to take on the universe, just like his father was around the same age. I am worried about him going to Risa to help out with the plague that had suddenly manifested there. I can't keep him safe forever, I know that. It would be unfair of me to even try, but dammit, he is my only child. I already missed out on so much of his life. I have always wanted to be a father, to have kids running around at my feet, slobbering on my face, spitting up on my uniform just prior to a big inspection. I am a father, but I never even got to know my son until well after he was out of diapers, and already on his way to being a teenager. I guess those chances are all but over, I think. Fate, it's a real bitch sometimes.

So Peers is working out really well. She is a smart kid, lots of potential. A lot more upstairs than I had at that age. Her biggest problem in engineering is me. I push her pretty damn hard. Maybe too hard sometimes. I just see the potential in those eyes of hers. She has that same desire, and excitement that I have when a new complication comes along. It's funny to watch. Sometimes that kid gets so excited that her mouth runs before her brain can catch up. It's something you could bring popcorn and a date too. She will be running Main Engineering one day. One day soon I'd imagine.

Okay, enough of me babbling to myself about this stuff. I do enough of it all day long. I have a test to try and study for. Who knew that attempting to finish of my doctorate would be so stressful. Oh well.

End log.


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