USS Galileo :: Assistant Chief Counselor/Medical Officer's Log # 11 - "Yay Team!"
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Assistant Chief Counselor/Medical Officer's Log # 11 - "Yay Team!"

Posted on 30 Apr 2013 @ 1:15am by Lieutenant JG Delainey Carlisle

296 words; about a 1 minute read

I'm going on an Away Team mission.

Though not the first of my career, this will be my first aboard Galileo.

To be honest, I'm not sure whether to be flattered or wary.

I would never admit this to an actual person because it's the kind of thing that reinforces the healer, and especially counselor, stereotype, which I detest...but I'm feeling a bit rusty when it comes to just exploring seemingly uninhabited places. As a Starfleet Officer, of course, in theory I'm trained for a variety of things, including away team duty of an exploratory nature as well as hand to hand combat.

Translation? I learned to do those basics a hundred years ago, and I'm just grateful I passed those courses without a) dying of boredom and b) ending up with a permanent bruise on my ass from hitting the mat so much.

I am what one would call "competent" in certain areas while "more than competent" in what I love. Intellectually, I understand the importance of all areas of my training, but on an emotional level, let's be real: there's just some aspects of training I'll never get nerdly enthusiastic about, ever.

But I've been assigned to an Away Team with expert scientists from Galileo. Inviting me on this sort of expedition is like inviting a miniature golf enthusiast to play in the Masters Championship. I think I'll recognize my kind of science in the mix when we get there, but mostly, I'll be trying not to screw things up. I'm naturally curious about a lot of things, but that doesn't mean i'll be inclined to focus on any one of them in depth.

I'll be more focused on how members of my team interact with one another. That, and not getting eaten.


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