USS Galileo :: Hand Picked (future timeline)
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Hand Picked (future timeline)

Posted on 31 Mar 2024 @ 3:36pm by Ensign Amanda Turell

245 words; about a 1 minute read

Computer begin recording

Personal log Ensign Turell.

Probably shouldn't be talking about this in a personal log but why not. Me and Ashara got hand picked for what sounds like it's going to be a very interesting job. So far the war for the Galileo has been quite quiet, a few close calls with patrolling birds of prey, the odd transport people from here to there and all that sorta thing, we're a science ship after all; not expected to get into the thick of the fighting.

But now we've a chance to get our teeth into something. Fleet intel found a Klingon intelligence base of some sort, they want us to take it out, We're the closest ship that could reasonably do it.

They're saying there's some form of sensor scattering field that's going to stop us from just blowing the base up from orbit so the plan is to sneak a small team in with a shuttle and infiltrate the base, blow the sensor scrambler up then get the hell out of there before the Galileo comes in and blows the rest of the facility to kingdom come.

I've a funny feeling about this one, it's either going to go really well or really badly. Intel suggests the garrison and staff of the base is no more than a dozen so it should be and easy job but nothing is certain in war.

I should get back to the planning, computer end recording.


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