USS Galileo :: Mimi's life before starfleet part 3
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Mimi's life before starfleet part 3

Posted on 30 Apr 2018 @ 5:11am by Ensign Mimi

1,678 words; about a 8 minute read


Just as she stood up from picking up a bottle of water that had somehow survived the explosion Mimi heard the sound of wrenching metal as the whole hangar superstructure began to collapse, with the natural dexterity of all Nekomi she managed to avoid almost all of the debris until one piece clipped her shoulder and tail, putting her off balance and when another landed on her leg it sent her to the floor, rolling onto her back just in time to see a huge piece coming straight down on top of her she scrambled to get back up but the pain in her leg slowed her just long enough that she couldn’t avoid it and with a thud it hit her knocking her back down to the floor unconscious.


“Status?” Captain Daniels called out as he entered the bridge a few minutes before the start of alpha shift, the USS Charleston was on patrol near the Ceti Alpha system and so far nothing interesting had happened.

“Nothing to report Captain. All we have is stellar dust, and light solar flare activity in the star.” the Ensign at the science station reported.

Lieutenant Takana stood up from the command chair. “All ship status is normal sir. Engineering reports all systems green and the Science department has finished their experiments with the lateral sensor array.”

“Very good, I have the bridge.” Daniels stepped over to the command chair and sat down waiting for the remaining officers of alpha shift to show up.

Strolling out of the turbolift Lt Harker entered the bridge, she greeted the Captain before heading to the Ops console and relieving the night shift officer.

= An hour later =

With little happening on the bridge almost everyone was surprised when the Ops console beeped. “Captain we’re picking up a message over a wide band frequency.” Maria reported.

“Let's hear it.” Daniels replied

Maria opened the channel and a stream of unintelligible words came across the bridge speakers. She dampened the sound to save everyone’s sanity. “The universal translator is having difficulty translating it.”

“Where is it coming from?”

“It looks to be coming from a planet about 5 light years outside federation space.” Came the response from Ensign Jackson at science. “There is a binary system with a single planet there, it could be a distress call.”

Daniels considered his options, even at maximum speed it would take several hours to get there and if it was a distress call whatever the cause was could be long over by the time they arrived but it could still be a distress call and he was honour bound to aid where he could. “Set a course maximum warp.”

Several hours later the Charleston dropped from warp at the edge of the system. “Full sensor scan of the area and the planet.”

“Aye sir.” Jackson reeled off the results as they slowly came in. “No signs of anything unusual with either sun, no ships in the area, the planet seems fine too, no unusual tidal, seismic or volcanic activity.”

“Any lifesigns on the planet?”

“There is evidence of a small settlement on the northern continent but I can’t pick up any life signs, the possible distress call seems to have originated from that rough location and there is a high concentration of subatomic hadron particles in and around the settlement.”

“Captain.” Came the voice of the Charleston’s tactical officer. “Hadron particles are usually left behind on targets that have been hit by klingon disruptor weapons. The settlement could have been attacked by klingons or someone using klingon weaponry.”

“Maria, prepare an away team to go down to the settlement, take medical and security with you, find out what happened and search for survivors if it has been attacked. It looks to be getting darker on that side of the planet, make sure to take torches with you.”

“Understood Captain.” Maria secured the Ops station and left the bridge.

== Planetside several minutes later ==

In the shimmering light of the transporter Maria and her away team rematerialised in the centre courtyard of the settlement, it was still dark but the inky blackness of night was slowly being eroded as the first of the suns began to come over the horizon. “My god, what happened here?” Maria said astounded as she looked around, the settlement was all but destroyed, not a single building was left standing, there were huge craters everywhere and small fires burned belching smoke into the air

“Definitely attacked.” Said Crewman Peters “Both from ground and orbit, clear disruptor impacts on these walls.”

“OK.”Maria started dishing out orders. “Iola, Peters, head that way report every 10 minutes, doc you’re with me.”

“Understood.” Peters pulled out his tricorder and led Iola off in the direction Maria had indicated.

Maria and nurse Joy headed towards what looked like it could have been a hangar judging by the size of the ruin and the smouldering remains of what looked like a ship.

“Where are all the bodies?” Joy remarked as they walked, searching with their torches and scanning with their tricorders. “The sensors showed this settlement to be big enough for around a hundred people.”

“It’s as if someone removed all the bodies or at least moved them all to the same place out of sight.” Maria replied, it was a very unusual situation. =/\= Harker to Charleston. The settlement has definitely been attacked, there is practically nothing left but ruins, no life signs detected yet. =/\=

=/\= Understood away team, keep searching for now =/\=

=/\= Harker to Peters, have you found anything =/\=

=/\= Nothing but destroyed buildings and signs of weapon fire Lt, no bodies, no injured,nothing. =/\= Came the response

=/\= Ok, keep looking, we’re going to take a look at the large building that looks like it could have been a hangar =/\=

Just like the rest of the settlement the hangar was a ruin, not even the shell of the building remained standing, slowly clambering over the wreckage Maria and Joy ventured carefully inside.

After falling asleep over an hour ago to try and preserve the energy she had left Mimi awoke and looked around when she heard the crunch of stone and metal underfoot, something or someone was in the ruins with her, Deciding to keep quiet incase it was a Klingon Mimi tried to keep calm and listened for any clue as to who or what it was.

Joys tricorder started to beep, she tapped a few buttons and scanned around again. “I have a lifesign, it’s fairly faint but it’s there and quite close.”

“How close?” Maria asked.

“About 30 meters in that direction.” Joy pointed with her torch.

Mimi’s ears twitched, she could see flashes of light and hear two distinct voices talking in a different language to the Klingons.

As Maria closed on the life sign she saw the first concrete evidence that there was or at least had been life in the settlement. “There are some bodies here, the Klingons must have not come inside this ruin.”

Joy scanned some of the bodies with her medical tricorder. “Hmmm, these don’t look like they were injured by weapons, judging by the wreckage here, these burns and shrapnel marks I’d say they were caught in an explosion.”

“Makes sense, the Klingons hit the building from orbit and killed the people taking cover here.” Maria replied, stepping over a large piece of debris her tricorder showed she was only a couple of meters away from the life sign.

“These are an unusual species.”Joy remarked. “They are clearly feline based but..”

“Joy get over here, we have a live one.” Maria shouted after she circled around a piece of debris and saw a young female laying pinned under a lot of heavy looking debris, she rushed over to her. “Don’t worry we’re here to help you.”

Mimi finally saw the owner of one of the voices looking down at her, It definitely wasn’t a Klingon. She had a smooth soft face and eyes full of compassion rather than cold aggression. “Li opus langutza.” She called out.

“We’re going to get you out of here.” Maria said, her UT hadn’t translated what the young woman had said but from her expression it was probably a call for help. She tapped her combadge =/\= Iola, Peters, come to the largest building quick, we need a hand. =/\=

=/\= On our way Lieutenant. =/\= Came Peters voice.

As Joy scanned the young woman with her medical tricorder Maria picked at the wreckage moving what she could to try and free her but some of it was beyond her strength. Less than a minute later Iola and Peters entered the hangar. “Over here.” She shouted.

Between the three of them they managed to move the debris off of Mimi. Joy stepped in closer scanning her with the hand probe section of her tricorder. “It’s ok.” She said to Mimi. “You’re safe now, the Klingons are gone and we will take care of you.”

Maria took a few steps away from the group. =/\= Harker to Charleston =/\=

=/\= Go ahead Lieutenant =/\= Came the response.

=/\= We have a survivor, a young female, she’s lightly injured but has been trapped under debris for quite some time, we’ve almost completed our search and so far we have found nothing but bodies. I want to bring her up to the ship for treatment then we can try and find out what happened from her point of view =/\= Maria explained the situation.

=/\= We will beam the patient and Joy straight to sickbay, carry on your search Lieutenant and then come back to the ship =/\=

=/\= Understood Captain, Harker out =/\=

Even without the debris on top of her Mimi remained frozen to the spot partially through fear and partially through barely being able to move her right leg as hard as she tried. A moment later she found herself encased in light like the Klingons had arrived in only blue and the world around her disappeared.



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