USS Galileo :: A thrice told prophecy
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A thrice told prophecy

Posted on 26 Jan 2017 @ 7:04pm by Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim

245 words; about a 1 minute read

Allyndra knew that there was a lot to put in a log but here on Kreanus she did not suspect that they would be kept personal and besides the computer records here were probably useless anyway. So she decided she would, as she sat in her office tell a tale from her own world. It would mean little to any listening ears and it got her mind away from patients, and trying to plan escape and sabotage.

"Once there was a lady that was born of a woman and the god the caves. She was ugly and scaly and lived in the caves by the sea. It was said that she stole the young children to feed upon. She was called the Na'heka.

One day a great lady of one of the Houses decided that she would gain greater fame if she could kill the Na'heka. A priestess told her that to attack the Na'heka that she would die from the bite, and by breaking her neck and by drowning.

The great lady laughed at this, "How can one die three time!" So she ignored the priestess and sought out the Na'heka. She tracked the creature to a cave and tied to attack it but the Na'heka bite the lady, who was so startled by the bite that she fell from the caves, breaking her neck on the rocks and falling into the sea where she drowned and thus the priestess warning had come true."


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