USS Galileo :: View Award - Outstanding Commanding Officer Award

View Award - Outstanding Commanding Officer Award

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Outstanding Commanding Officer Award

This award recognizes the efforts put forth by a Commanding Officer; as recognized by his/her Task Force Commanding Officer.

Nomination and selection for this award is on a continual basis, and nominations should be turned into the Task Force Commanding Officer who will decide on the validity of the nomination. Nominations should contain a detailed explanation for the nomination. Once done, the nomination will forwarded to the awards director for awarding.

Category: Out of character
Awarded: 1 time

06 Nov 2014 @ 2:00am
Submitted by Rear-Admiral James Hurin Task Force Commanding Officer Task Force 72: The Peacekeeper:

I would like to nominate Commodore Lirha Saalm, commanding officer of the USS Galileo. The Commodore has been a beacon of what a dedicated CO can do with a little imagination and ingenuity. His sim, the USS Galileo is constantly at the forefront of top posts, activity and player participation. The Galileo is one of the largest, and arguably one of the best sims on Obsidian Fleet. These feats are backed up by simple numbers, numbers that only one other sim I know of, the current Sim of the Year USS Asgard, has achieve over a consistent and impressive stretch. For the month of September, the USS Galileo put out 500+ posts. I don't care who you are, that is epic. Now to the stories told aboard the Galileo. The missions are solid, interactive and everyone has a more than fair opportunity to participate, and add to the stories. Theses stories are well managed, planed and executed with detail and creativity. None of the above could be possible without the guide and direction of it's commanding officer. I implore you to accept this nomination for Outstanding Commanding Officer Award and award it to Commodore Lirha Saalm.