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Weekly Update

Posted on 14 Nov 2023 @ 4:38pm by Lieutenant Aria Rice

Hello all!

It has been an eventful week! We have had some website updates and more importantly: end of the mission and the start of a new one! Are we all ready to do the time warp again? Remember to keep MD01 at 14:00 to 17:00 free from posts as you’re all expected to attend a very detailed briefing…if you miss it, you’re out of the airlock! Captain’s orders! Which one, who knows….

Now for our newest segment where this crew write to Auntie Anne for advice, suggestions and there will also be an occasional recipe here and there from various crew members!

Dear Auntie Anne. My Chiefs have been changed out more often than I change socks and the moment I bond with one, a new one magically appears! It’s getting stressful and I am running out of replicator rations for various gifts to give the new Chiefs so that they remember me! Help! Signed, Broke my Replicator Credits.

Oh, Broke my Replicator Credits. While I understand that you want to jump ahead and be noticed, buying affection of any kind from another person just isn’t done. And in Starfleet, it’s even more important to just be yourself and show your own skills. Chiefs are busy people and while it might seem they appreciate your gifts, I don’t think it’ll help you stand out. Be confident in your own skills, a Chief is just a fancy Manager, nothing more. We know that the true workers are those on the ground! Hugs, Auntie Anne.

Dear Auntie Anne, my roommate is using my ID for the replicator and have gone through my entire month’s allocation! What do I do? Signed, Broke and Angry.

Dear Broke and Angry. I think this will sort itself out, but best to sit down and have a conversation with your roommate about this. Best of luck, Auntie Anne.

And finally, Nesh Saalm shares her surprisingly simple Peanut Cookie Recipe.

Nesh’s Peanut Butter Cookies

Hey, hey, hey! It’s your kitchen witch! I know I served these on Wednesday, and sorry to Amul for discovering his peanut allergy a little too late in life. But seriously, you’re Risian, and you have never encountered peanuts before? Anyway! You’ll need an old-fashioned oven, set to 180 degrees Celsius, or 350 Fahrenheit if that makes more sense to you. Anyway, use a converter if these degrees don’t gel with your culture. Now, preheat that and meanwhile, get together a cup of peanut butter. Or 240 grams if that’s your jam. And no, add no jam to this! Well, unless you use the finished product as a sandwich. Okay, now weight up 100 grams (or half a cup) of sugar, that white slightly coarse stuff people have in their tea and coffee. Now replicate an egg! One of those from chickens, although you can try with a replacement.

So you put it all in a bowl and mix it. Use your hands if you want but I recommend cool hands for this. Now, scoop out a spoonful and roll into a ball, put on a baking parchment on a baking tray and use a fork to press it down a little. Now pop them into your hot oven and bake for 8-10 minutes.

Eat and enjoy! Keeps for 3 days in a sealed container…who am I kidding, it won’t make it like past lunchtime!

For an Orion twist, try adding green food colouring to it…

And that’s it for this week!



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