USS Galileo :: Episode 02 - Resupply - In the Nick of Time
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In the Nick of Time

Posted on 17 Jan 2013 @ 10:30am by Ensign Tavish Hunter
Edited on on 17 Jan 2013 @ 10:30am

564 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 02 - Resupply
Location: Vega Colony
Timeline: MD16: 2130 hours


The small civilian shuttle sped briskly away from the SS Whitestar. The freighter had been his home for the past few days since receiving his approval to transfer to his new ship.

Tav had spent the majority of the journey reading through Commander Yates' notes on starship engineering, particularly those on the developmental technology he had suggested may be aboard the Galileo. It had been evident that the chief engineer of the Excalibur, a senior officer with a security clearance far higher than Tav's knew something, but was simply not allowed to say.

The Galileo was a science ship, tiny in comparison to the massive hulk of the Excalibur, but with a much smaller engineering team, and, as Yates had put it, a great place to learn to start leading; a talent which unfortunately was passing Tav by.

It was true, he preferred to do things himself. He enjoyed getting his hands dirty, but so did every engineer, enlisted or commissioned; that's why they chose to go into engineering.

The Galileo was scheduled to leave Vega at anytime, she had apparently landed on the surface in order to make some repairs after her last mission, unfortunately Tav could find nothing about it, with the exception of a screen filled with Starfleet Intelligence's seal and the words 'INSUFFICIENT SECURITY CLEARANCE'. It didn't pay to dig further, particularly where the grey shirts were concerned, so he had decided to wait and find out in person, exactly what the ship had been doing. He could only assume that his clearance may be lifted once he became part of the crew.

"I have her in sight Tav," the pilot called out over his shoulder.

The freighter crew had got to know their passenger a little over the last few days, spending time alone in a room wasn't Tav's style. He'd been in their commissary area and helped out with a couple of routine repairs. That was the way you made friends with such a small tight-knit group, 'muck in' as his father used to say.

"Excellent, I may as well just transport on board ocne we have permission," he replied.

The pilot nodded, continuing on his flight path, out of the front viewport he could see the small ship stood on the planet's surface. He tapped his combadge and headed for the transporter pad.

"USS Galileo from Ensign Hunter, I have transfer orders, requesting permission to beam aboard."

"Ensign Hunter, Galileo Ops, we have your clearance, standby on your local pad, energising in 10."

Tav stood calmly on the pad, next to his luggage.

"Good luck Ensign, I'm sure it'll be fun," the pilot offered, the transporter energising as he finished.

Tav mimed a thank you through the dematerialising and hoped that he'd got the message. A few moments later he was standing in the transporter room of a Starfleet vessel.

"Welcome aboard sir," the transporter chief greeted him. "Your luggage should be in your quarters."

Tav glanced to his right where his bags had been, the chief was obviously efficient and removed them during transporter.

"Thanks chief, which way to the XO?" he asked, stepping off the pad.

"Deck 2, first door on the left out of the turbolift."


A post by

Ensign Tavish 'Tav' Hunter
Assistant Chief Engineering Officer
USS Galileo


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