USS Galileo :: Episode 00 - Pre-Deployment - Mission dedication & sleep deprivation!
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Mission dedication & sleep deprivation!

Posted on 18 Mar 2012 @ 1:11pm by Tarishiana Barel & Captain Jonathan Holliday

1,020 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 00 - Pre-Deployment
Location: USS Galileo - XO's Office
Timeline: MD 6 1000 hours


Tarishiana kept her eyes focused on the PADD as the turbolift moved though the ship. One day she would take the time to appreciate this particular piece of technology, but today was not that day. Within a few moments she had arrived at her chosen deck and disembarked the lift.

The walk to the office of Commander Holliday wasn't a long one. Straightening her uniform and smoothing out her pulled back hair, as she always did in this situation, she rang the chime. She waited for permission to enter and smiled as a familiar voice rang out on the other side.

Finally heading towards his final report of the day, John knew that as soon as he was able, he was going to head straight for his quarters and make a very close acquaintance of his bed. Right now there was no force in the known galaxy that was going to keep him from getting some sleep. It appeared that the fates themselves were playing a practical joke on him, and he was sure that the junior crew members were having a good laugh at the expense of their now almost delirious XO suffocating under the weight of their requisition submissions.

Almost preparing to shut down his desk consoles, John was pulled sharply back to reality by his door chime. Looking at a nearby chronometer, he realised that he had in fact ended up working through the night and into the middle of the following morning. It seemed he should have been less focused on sleep, and more on what was on the menu for lunch.

"At this rate I'm gonna be swinging past sickbay for a stimulant" he muttered to himself. Turning his attention to the door, he called out.


Tarishiana took a few steps into Holliday's office before stopping in her tracks, "Are you ok, Sir?" She asked with a grin before completing the journey to the chair across from his desk. "Uh...I have some requisition requests from the science department, but I can come back?" She was trying not to read what he was thinking, but his exhaustion was overwhelming her telepathy.

"I'm learning today that ok is a very relative term Warrant Officer...nothing half a dozen coffees won't sort have no idea how much paperwork a requisition for self sealing stem bolts involves....don't worry about me, how can I help?"

Tarishiana stretched across the desk extending the PADD to the XO. "Nothing too serious..." She started with a smile, "Just some supply requisitions as well as a request from one of my virologist team to have access to the computer core as well as all as increased in designated power. They are more then willing to work around whatever schedule the Operations department would require but it needs to be signed off by either you or Command Saalm. " She took a breath and gave John a sympathetic grin.

"Well, it could have been a lot more complicated than that, I suppose I should be grateful that some people don't need a huge amount of supplies."

He slowly studied the information located on the PADD in front of him, reading each item in turn. There was nothing particularly unusual or that would require any kind of special authorisation from command. The only main problem was going to be assigning additional computer power to another department. That said, there wasn't quite yet a full crew compliment on board, so some of the other science departments were not yet in need of any processing time.

"Consider it approved. We don't seem to have a quantum mechanics team aboard yet, so I'm sure they won't mind if I transfer some spare time to your virologists. How's your dept shaping up? Ready for launch?"

Tarishiana leaned her hands on the chair in front of her. "Thank you sir." She said with a grin. "I am just waiting for the last three specialty teams to arrive which should be though out the day, today." She thought for a moment. "Most everything is ready, we are still waiting for Operations and Engineering to finish up the last of the equipment installs." She was fully capable of doing them herself but if it was one thing she had learned in all of her time in Starfleet was that if you didn't want Ops trying to do experiments in her labs, she would have to leave the install to them. "After that...the science department will be ready for whatever comes our way."

"Sounds like you have deck 4 running like a well oiled machine. Good to know the senior staff around here have their finger on the pulse. Means that poor, shattered XO's like me might actually get some sleep later on. I didn't realise command postings would lead to this many late nights and missed meals..."

Tarishiana couldn't help but laugh as a thought popped into her mind. "Well don't skip too many meals, Sir. I don't much like the idea of beating you again by default." She resisted the urge to give him a flirty wink like she would have out of uniform instead she simple gave him her best professional smile.

"Sounds good to me - at this rate I'm going to end up having a word with the transporter chiefs to make sure I get to the mess hall on time. I'll get these requisitions in place by this afternoon Chief, now if there's nothing else I wanna try to get these wrapped up before lunch?"

"Thank you, Sir." Tarishiana said with a slightly nod. "I will leave you to your work and return to mine." She turned on her heel and returned from the way she came. She had plenty of work to get done herself and more then a few scientist to get in line before the launch.

"See you around Chief, don't be a stranger"

As he watched her leave, John smiled as he returned to his reports. The conversation had been a nice distraction from the repetition of his work so far, but he still had plenty more to do.


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