USS Galileo :: Episode 00 - Pre-Deployment - In A Picture, Rememberance Part 4
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In A Picture, Rememberance Part 4

Posted on 14 Mar 2012 @ 1:33pm by Lieutenant Commander Evelyn Coleman

818 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 00 - Pre-Deployment
Location: Crew Quarters, El-Auria
Timeline: MD05 2004


[The showers of sparks didn't end. The room was filled with light, and the colors became more vibrant. Then flares, varying in color, began to shoot out of the white beam of light.

Suddenly the beam ceased, the light faded instantly. Evelyn had to blink for her eyes to adjust the dramatic shift. Before she could ask if that was it, they crystal octahedron glowed vibrantly, and then there was a blinding flash of light...]

Evelyn felt as if she was submerged under water, without being wet and the need to hold her breathe. Her once exciting feeling calmed, and she felt purely relaxed. She turned about and didn't feel the ground underneath her feet; in fact they appeared to be dangling. She looked around, only a red crisp light with orange and yellow wisps of clouds were around her. She couldn't see her friends but she wasn't concerned, in fact she felt giddy. Evelyn giggled and twirled herself, she feels like she's flying.

A voice echoed, as the color shifted from red to purple, and then finally blue. The clouds also changed from yellow to white, and orange to pink. Evelyn strained to hear the voice despite it being completely silent.

"Comfort and Joy, Evelyn" the voice whispered, "Comfort and Joy."

Evelyn closed her eyes and leaned back, watching as the colors faded and replaced with a starry night as seen through a glass dome.

Evelyn blinked and shifted, realizing she was lying on the ground. She sat up and grinned. "That was awesome!"

Lucia was sitting up on one of the benches, "Wow" she gasped.

Narco was already on his feet, brushing himself off, "That was intense."

Maurice grinned, feeling proud of himself for certain. "I told you."

Narco moved back and stared at the untouched glasses, "What were the drinks for?" he asked Maurice.

Evelyn looked at Narco, as she returned to where she stood earlier, "Isn't it obvious, after what we just went through?" She looked at him. "I need a strong drink." She reached for her glass, grabbing it. The instant her fingers touched the glass, the water turned into a dark blue liquid. Taking the shot, Evelyn gulped it all down in one shot. Licking her lips she grinned, "Aurian whiskey."

Narco grabbed his, and so did the others. His turned a reddish yellow before he drank, "T'Karrian Brandy"

Lucia's purple concoction saved by her "Violet Tea, yumm" she expressed with a grin.

Maurice's remained clear when he grabbed his. "Nothing like a shot of Vodka!"

Evelyn chuckled and looked around at her friends, they've been with each other for decades. She looked down and blinked hard, pushing back the tears. "I'm going to miss all of you!"

Lucia moved to hug her quickly, "You're coming back, after all you're going to be here for my Bonding Ceremony, and you are going to be my Chief Patron Maiden, after all." She pulled back smiling.

Evelyn hugged her tightly, "Nothing will stop me from being there."

Lucia pulled back, her eyes red with unshed tears, "You got it."

Maurice went to where his stuff was when Lucia and Evelyn were hugging. He came back holding his camera. "Well if you are going to miss us then you need a picture to remember us with." He chuckled.

Evelyn laughed and shook her head, "I'm glad you love your gift."

Narco spoke up, "Maurice, set it up and with the timer." He moved and wrapped his arm around Evelyn, "Don't worry Evelyn, we'll see each other again."

"I'll hold you to that, Narco." She replied looking into his eyes.

"Alright everyone!" Maurice announced rushing to the group.

Evelyn wrapped an arm around Lucia's waist and Maurice took the other end. They all stared at the camera and she smirked hearing Maurice "All right, Say 'cheese!'"


[USS Galileo, Crew Quarters, Present Time]

She pulled the picture against her chest and lowered her head her eyes shut tight. Tying to keep the the flood of sorrow and remorse at bay.

Evelyn couldn't prevent the memory of the day she took her station on the USS Lexington's bridge and the ship picked up a faint single in subspace. An El-Aurian transmission informing her of the Borg destroying her home, and killing everyone she loved.

The transmission wasn't translated to the crew and when she collapsed to her knees sobbing by the station, her colleagues on the Lexington were concerned for her.

"Eve stop!" She yelled at herself, shaking her head, trying to stop the flood of memories. "Just stop." she sniffled as she placed the picture on her desk. She wiped her tears away and leaned back in her chair.

She looked at the picture of her friends and smiled sadly, "I still miss you guys..." she whispered. Evelyn didn't blink back the tears this time


LTJG Evelyn Coleman
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Galileo


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