USS Galileo :: Episode 18 - Cold Station 31 - Expect the Unexpected
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Expect the Unexpected

Posted on 09 Oct 2023 @ 11:50am by Commander Scarlet Blake & Lieutenant JG Montgomery Vala

1,850 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 18 - Cold Station 31
Location: Regula I - Level 16, Blake's Temporary Office
Timeline: MD18, 1130 hrs


Joining a new crew was always a painful process. To go from a ship where everyone was, at worst an acquaintance or possibly at the extreme a petty rival, to a ship where everyone was an unknown was never easy. So many different variables, so many different personalities. Vala sighed a little as he slowly walked the corridors of Regula to the Executive Officers temporary base. Hopefully he'd settle in soon.

After a few minutes he arrived at the office the computer claimed the XO was in. He brushed his uniform a couple of times and straightened his collar, then tapped the callbell. "Lieutenant Vala reporting."

"Come in," Blake called out, tapping the corner of a padd. It had been a busy morning, full of bustling crew and cargo. The stop over hadn't been nearly long enough considering the recovery many needed, and it was being demonstrated by a slight frenetic feel in the air around the base.

Vala straightened his collar and walked in, doors smoothly parting as he stepped forward.

She glanced up to see the officer in the doorway, letting her padd fall to the desk as she caught up another with the new crew entries on. "Lieutenant Montgomery Vala, yes...?"

Standing slightly to attention, he inclined his head respectfully, fixing Blake with his gaze. "Yes indeed, Commander. Reporting for duty."

Blake nodded as she sat back and crossed her legs, taking a moment to just take him in for a moment. "Of course, come in, take a seat, and you can tell me a little about yourself," she motioned for the seat on the other side of her padd covered desk.

Vala stepped forward and sat down. There was a certain amount of what he assumed was organised chaos arrayed in front of him. Padds were convenient for storing large amounts of data, but if you wanted to casually stack them they tended to slide around and form more of a pile. He'd often been mocked for it, but he'd always had an archaic affinity for using paper in the lab as it was easier to organise.

He never really knew where to start when talking about his past. "Well I'm originally from the Romulan Star Empire, as may be... uhm... apparent." Vala made a sort of vague gesture to his features. "But I've been working within the Federation for over fifteen years now. Two stints at the Daystom Institute, and two aboard ships. The USS Antares, exploring the far side of the Mutara Nebula, and the USS Asgard patrolling the Phendana Drifts." Neither had ended well. A lot of people had died. "More generally, I am a particle and fields specialist, but have recent specialist geology experience. I hope this is complementary to the science team aboard."

Blake nodded slowly to his story, glancing down over the padd that displayed his record as he spoke. It was always more interesting to hear it in their own words though, there was always something hidden between the lines. 15 years...that was some career already. "Absolutely. We're a small crew and need everyone to muck in, even outside of comfort zones, but specialist knowledge is most definitely valued and appreciated."

"Mucking in won't be a problem." Vala appreciated this approach - pragmatism was always something he favoured. "On the Asgard I was part of a very small science team and as the ship often had missions which were a touch more on the tactical side, I have embraced the need to be practical and well disposed towards all sorts of different situations." A flash of his almost fatal combat with the Klingon pirate came to mind. "I'm no stranger to a challenge and I like to think of myself to be a lateral thinker."

"Good to hear," Blake chuckled softly, nodding as she leant on the arm of her chair to watch him rather than the padd. "We are a science vessel, but we also get more than our fair share of trouble. But it sounds like that wouldn't phase you?"

Vala shook his head slightly. "I have found that to be fairly standard on my previous postings." A few more choice memories flicked through his mind. "I try to remain in good physical condition, and practice with a phaser when time allows. I have found that science officers on Starfleet ships end up in a bit of a jack of all trades situation as soon as their boots touch the ground on an away mission. There's certainly science to be done, but there's often one complication or another to keep us on our toes."

Blake gave a slight nod to his observation, but she was watching him carefully. He was well spoken, considered and measured. No doubt it was what made him good at his job. But it made it harder to get under the skin of him. "So, why Starfleet?" she suddenly asked, her voice soft.

"A fair question." Vala had seen been given a couple of opportunities to simply stay at Daystrom since arriving in the Federation. Once before he went to the academy, and once before his assignment here. "Two reasons. First, there's only so much you can do in the lab. Much of the bleeding edge science is done out here on the fringes. I want to be part of that, and I want to work with the best." He had a look of conviction on his face. "Second, I owe a lot to the Federation I suppose. I am a refugee and I arrived at a time of tense relations. The Federation took me in. They had faith in my research; faith in me. I feel that I should be out here defending their values and assisting in their interests."

Blake nodded with acceptance, believing in what he said. His sincerity was authentic, and his motive understandable. Many other officers would cite the same reasons too. "What do you hope to achieve from your work?"

"Naturally that is somewhat dependant upon our assignments." He took a moment to think. "In terms of my position I hope to work alongside the chief science officer to ensure the science department continues to effectively match and surpass any challenges that may arise. As I understand from the briefing packet I received during the journey here, it is already a fine department but I will do what I can to elevate further." Vala hoped his experience would be useful amongst such a large department. He had not yet got full details of personnel specialisms - he hoped his particular skills would fit in well. "Beyond that I intend to build on the research in material science that I begun at Daystrom, examining practical applications for hyper-magnetised Gallicite. The labs here have appropriate equipment so I intend to make some progress in my downtime." Hopefully a friendly engineer would lend a hand with some of the more... abstract elements of his theory. "And of course if any phenomena arise that are worth further investigation, that could open up paths for other projects."

Blake chuckled softly, nodding with understanding as she scrolled down over his record. "We have plenty of like minded people on the Galileo. I'm sure you'll find people willing to help, or they may even bring their own projects to you," she confirmed.

"That is excellent to hear." Vala said lightly. "If I may, I'd like to ask you something, Commander - what sorts of missions has the Galileo found itself on lately?"

Blake took a deep breath as she sat back to consider her answer. What a loaded question with an even more loaded answer that could be. "There's a lot of investigations and call for aid. However, with that comes the inevitable danger."

Vala gave a quick nod. It was to be expected in such a region of space. "I've been out to the fringes before, commander, I certainly factored in substantial risk when I requested this assignment." He maintained a steady expression. "If there's anything particular you think I should know then by all means let me know. If not I am happy to take things as they come."

"I would say that the best thing you can do on the Galileo is...expect the unexpected," she replied softly, but quite seriously. Some of the things she'd seen and experienced...there was no other way to phrase it. "And never pass up the chance to eat and sleep. You'll need all the energy you can get."

Expect the unexpected was a favourite paradox of Starfleet, Vala mused. He knew what she meant and had learned early in his career in the Federation that on exploration ships, things seems to get very strange or very dangerous, very fast. "I will take that under advisement. I have heard that Commander Tarin runs a tight ship - I will be sure to appreciate any opportunities for rest that arise once we are underway."

Blake didn't respond to the comment, and she held back the wry smile that threatened at the wording. That was a way to put it. "Do you have anything else you'd like to ask me?" she offered. She had an open door policy, but sometimes it was good to get some questions out of the way early on.

Vala nodded slowly. "I suppose it would be useful to know your assessment on the state of the science department. I met Lieutenant Ullswater earlier today and she seems like she will be an excellent colleague. I would find it useful to get any insights on the department at large that you may have so that I can start on the right foot, as it were."

"Lieutenant Ullswater is newly appointed as Chief, but has been with us for some time. She's proven herself to be a brilliant and deeply thoughtful science officer," Blake confirmed his instinct was on the money, nodding gently as she thought on the question in wider terms. "We're a smaller crew, especially at the moment, it means everyone's having to work hard, and sometimes pull more than their own weight. But it's a tight knit team that always pulls together."

"I appreciate the insight, commander." Vala nodded and gave a small smile. "I will do what I can to elevate the science department, and the Galileo as a whole, as much as I can."

"I'm sure you will," she replied lightly, and with no doubt that he meant what he was saying. "If you have no further questions, you're free to go."

"Thank you Commander." He stood up. "I appreciate you welcoming me aboard. I will see you on duty." Vala gave a respectful nod.

"Your assignment and room details," Blake pressed her thumb to one of the many padds on her desk to authorise it before offering it over to him. "Welcome aboard, Lieutenant."

Vala took the padd. "And thank you for this. Have a good day, Commander." With that he made to leave.


Lieutenant (JG) Montgomery Vala
Deputy Science Officer
USS Galileo-A

CMDR Scarlet Blake
First Officer
USS Galileo-A


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