USS Galileo :: Episode 18 - Cold Station 31 - Klingon Requests
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Klingon Requests

Posted on 16 Aug 2023 @ 7:19pm by Lieutenant Aria Rice & Yukime Frost

1,059 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 18 - Cold Station 31
Location: Regula I - Level 16, Administration Module
Timeline: MD16 - 1100hrs


Aria was slowly getting used to being stared at. A human in a Klingon uniform was a novelty after all. She had managed to get an appointment with the station administrator, Yukime Frost. She hoped this worked, if only to be able to cross one task of her ever-growing list of babysitting Klingons on a starbase, plus the complications of her old crew being on the station too. So far, she had avoided them, which was a blessing.

It was a complication she couldn't deal with in this second.

She nodded to the assistant and waited patiently to be let through to see Frost.

"You may go on in." The man jerked his head.

"Thank you," Aria said, giving him a nod before she walked in...Klingon uniform and all.

Silk waited to see the person who made the rather unusual request that was sitting on a PaDD in front of her. It was one thing to let a Klingon ship dock, quite another to arm it to the teeth at a rather remote station.

Aria looked at the woman as she entered, her features neutral as she walked over. Frost was Aria's height, perhaps an inch taller, and the blond hair and blue eyes were striking. Usually, Aria would have complimented her on it...but this was not usual, and Aria was aware she was representing a different ship with different customs now. "Lieutenant Aria Rice, of the IKS Praxis," she introduced herself. "I sent through a request this morning. Thought it might be best to do it face to face as well."

"Indeed. Have a seat. I have some questions." Silk indicated one of the chairs in front of the desk. "Getting a request to allow a Klingon ship to dock was one thing, and now a request to arm it with some potent weaponry? And since when did the Klingons start using non-Klingons on their ships or are you surgically modified?"

Aria took a seat, the questions all at once throwing her a little. But she didn't show it. "The Praxis used its weaponry up whilst defending the USS Galileo," she said, holding her eyes for a long moment. "We're only asked for a resupply. As for me, I am seconded from the USS Galileo as the First Officer on the Praxis."

Silk peered at her so, wanting to discern if what she heard was true. She refrained as it was technically against regulations. "I see. Let me ask then, was it Commander Tarin that made that decision?" Silk knew that she had some power at the station but not what happened within the Fleet. It did make her wonder about the commander's decision, and she could certainly put the questions to others that could have more power. "Do you know her reasoning or at least what she told you?"

Aria looked at her with some confusion. "What are you asking me?" she asked, bluntly. Blunter than she would usually have been. "If Tarin made the decision for me to be on a Klingon ship, or the weapons?"

Silk shook her platinum blonde head. "Never mind. That is for another time. Now then." Silk narrowed her eyes. "Put yourself in my spot Lieutenant. You are running a research station on the edges of known space. You have a ship belonging to a race and empire known many times to be hostile to the Federation come in and then request potent weaponry to be delivered to the said ship. I hope you understand where this puts me."

Aria looked at her, her features neutral. "So that is a no?" she asked, just to make it clear. She made no comment on understanding. She was not in Frost's seat, but her own, and as the First Officer on the Praxis she had been tasked with this. If the woman opposite her refused the request, she would need to reconsider her options.

Silk frowned even more deeply. "Did you hear a no in there?" She didn't wait for an answer. "I simply want you to know what I am going to offer, and hopefully, you will understand. I will approve the request with the following caveats. First is that you personally will make sure every step of the way what happens to them. The second is that I am going to request that there are computer locks on them until the Praxis has undocked and at least out of range of the station before they can be used. If those are acceptable, then the request is approved. Do we have an agreement, Lieutenant?"

Rice watched the other woman for a moment. She hoped the air circulator wouldn't turn, or else the woman's face might be stuck like that. "Computer locks that can be overridden by the Captain and First Officer of the Praxis," she said, without hesitation. That she could most likely swing with Kuran, yet it would mean he'd need her approval before they were unlocked. And she'd make sure she used her Starfleet codes in case she was...overthrown. Yes, it would condemn Aria to travelling further with the Praxis, but with Tarin's ever changing mind Aria might find herself on Qo'nos anyway. Regardless, she could always request a shuttle pick up. "I will ensure their transport," she added, unblinkingly.

"Very well." Silk picked up a PaDD and pressed a thumb to it before pushing it across the desk. "Request approved. I hope I don't regret it."

Aria took it, meeting her eyes before she nodded. "I'll try to make sure you don't," she said, before she finally gave a small smile. "Thank you, for your flexibility."

"Let's hope that it is a step in not shooting at each other anymore. Let me know if you need anything else." Silk sat back in her chair.

Aria gave a quick nod, standing. "Will do," she said, with a small chuckle. The second thing on her list required...something a bit less obvious than a station administrator. But she could do it in her own time. "Have a good day," she added before she left, carrying the authorisation with her.



Yukime "Silk" Frost
Administrator Regula 1
[PNPC Allyndra]


Lt. Aria Rice
First Officer
IKS Praxis


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Comments (1)

By Commander Morgan Tarin on 18 Aug 2023 @ 6:27pm

I like this post :)