USS Galileo :: Episode 16 - A Far Sun - First Tango on Schofield
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First Tango on Schofield

Posted on 30 Jun 2018 @ 12:36pm by Ensign Miraj Derani & Ensign Mimi
Edited on on 21 Aug 2023 @ 2:47pm

1,432 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 16 - A Far Sun
Location: USS Schofield - Cargo Bay
Timeline: MD 05, 1900 hrs


When Mimi arrived in the Cargo Bay for a workout, it was occupied. M'rthyr the Caitian was there, shifting as much as possible to the sides, leaving the floor clear. When he saw her he stopped lifting an inordinately large grate that made his muscles pop in interesting ways. "Lady Mimi!" he boomed, his face lit with pleasure at seeing her. "You have arrived exactly as I predicted!"

"M'rthyr?" Mimi said, while this was a general excercise area for the crew she never expected him to be there.

"I have noticed that you are a lady of routine. I sought the opportunity to know you better, so I have arranged it to be here when you are. If you would permit."

"I do not mind." Mimi said after a moment, she gave her legs a flex loosening herself up a little and headed over to one of the cargo crates to put her bottle of water down on.

M'rthyr smiled expansively. There were a lot of teeth. "Excellent. Do you dance?"

"I can dance rather well." Mimi replied, she found his question a little surprising. "Nekomi dances anyway."

"Good. Because I would like to teach you a dance I have come to appreciate a great deal. A human dance, of all things."

"You do not seem to me like the dancing person." Mimi remarked.

The Caitians smile got even wider. Like he could gobble her all up. "It is good for co-ordination, balance and stamina. And ladies enjoy it." He added, holding out a hand to invite her to dance.

"Most nekomi dancing is just yourself, I do not know how I will do with a partner." Mimi said but she took his hand anyway.

His large fingers folded over hers, and he gave her a sharp tug, pulling her in close, so close there was a scant hands breadth between them. At this distance he loomed over her, and his arm around her shoulders kept her from adjusting the closeness. "Rest your arm on mine," he wiggled the elbow of the arm holding her close. His other hand had never let go of hers, and he held them both up. "It is simple. Slow, slow, quick quick slow. Follow my lead. Computer, track one!"

The music started, not fast but not slow, an accordion and a lone violin. There were a few bars of wistful quiet music, and then M'rthyr was moving, his broad chest pushing towards Mimi, urging her to step back or be over whelmed. Taking one two paces ford, then a third, before stepping sideways. He didn't take his eyes of her the entire time. "Like that." And then he was off again, driving her back across the cargo bay.

Mimi followed M'rthyr's lead watching his feet for the first few steps to figure out the pattern before looking back up towards him, the large height difference between them meant she had to crane her neck back a little to match his gaze.

There was a light in his eyes. Excitement, thrill, desire, triumph. and then the music started to get more...passionate. The tempo picked up, and they moved faster. He dipped her, bending her back, holding her weight, before pulling upright, closer to him, or pull her into a piroutette, or a stepping back to she would fall into a lunge that would let their thighs brush together.

And all the while he held her eyes, never looking away from her face, trusting to his other senses to guide his movements. The music bubbled with tension, a hot, sweaty tension, that hinted at illicit touches and hurried, angry passions, and as they danced, Mimi could smell his musk rolling off the large felinoid.

"This is an interesting dance M'rthyr." Mimi said, she was enjoying it even though he was almost throwing her around. She could feel the warmth of his body, the strength in his bulky form and the pheremones coursing through him.

The music changed again, heady, and rich with supressed desire. A quivering drum beat beating tautly against the violin melody. "It is a dance of love. Of lust. Of passion held back by a thread," He may have been leading, but as he turned her around the impromptu dance floor, it looked and felt more like a chase, "Desire contained until it is ready to ..explode!" His hands moved to her waist, lifted her, then dropped here into a low dip, so low she could brush the floor with her fingers. "Of two people who desperately want, but should not, must not have. And when two people who have that fire brurning between them dance this dance, then all who see it, know it, and wait for the very air to catch a flame!'

Mimi clung onto M'rthyr as he first lifted her and then dipped her, while leaving the floor wasn't new to her, not being fully in control of herself was. "You mean you and me?" She asked when he eventually pulled her upright.

"Eventually," He lifted his arm, forcing her into a twirl that brought her close to him, body pressed to body, "Soon," he promised, twirling her away again.

Digging her heels in Mimi stopped herself twirling. "M'rthyr, stop please." she told him.

The large caitian hesitated in his motion, the rythmic movement of the dance turning to a normal walk. "Is something wrong? You are doing very well. A natural."

"It is not that." Mimi said desperately trying to think of the right words now she had him stopped. "You are a fine Caitian and I think one day you will find someone to mate with casually." She recalld what he'd said when they met last time in this makeshift gym. "And maybe eventually someone to start a pride with, but." She took a deep breath.

"But what?" M'rthyr began to stalk towards her again in time with the sultry music, "You are happy with a man who will not prove his prowess. Has no accomplishments of his own." he started to circle around her, slow, slow, quick quick, slow, "Who does not, cannot ever understand your body, your wants, your needs?"

"Prowess comes in many forms M'rthyr." Mimi said, the circling was a little unnerving and she got herself ready to move away from him quickly if she needed to but for now she held her nerve.

"It does. But it still needs to be something you possess inherently. Not borrowed from another. What ever form it takes." He held his hand out to her, inviting her to take up the dance again.

"Strength is not everything M'rthyr." Mimi added refusing to take his hand, for now she'd lost her desire to dance with him. "John has things that I find just as attractive."

"Really?" M'rthyr sounded amused more than anything else. "Such as?"

"He is a gentleman, kind, caring and actually listens, unlike a lot of men I have heard." Mimi replied, she doubted anything she'd just said would impress M'rthyr but they were what she liked about John.

"These are good things," M'rthyr nodded gravely. "But how do these things make you come alive?"

"I have simple tastes." Mimi replied. "He treats me very well and that is enough for me."

M'rthyr frowned, shaggy eyebrows pulling together, ears twitching. "Who has hurt you that your standard is so low? A lovely lady should not settle for merely being treated well."

Mimi shook her head "No one has hurt me M'rthyr, this with John is my first ever relationship, I do not know what my 'standards' are yet."

"Then you should aim high. Never act cautiously in matters of the heart!" He picked her up by the waist with all the effort she would need to lift a doll. he lifted her up so he was looking up at her, spun in an exuberant circle. "Feel everything! Be alive! Do not be fearful." He set her down. "You are a goddess. Demand worship! Devotion!"

"I do not need worship." Mimi countered. "All I want is to experience this new life in this new world fate threw me in to."

"Then start living it!" he growled. "You are too hesitant. Too happy with second best. Take a risk." He held out his hand to her. "Dance with me!"

Mimi paused for a moment, she had enjoyed the dancing despite what motives M'rthyr may have had started it for. Eventually she took his hand.



Ensign Mimi
Operations Officer
USS Schofield

PO3 M'rythyr
Security Officer
USS Schofield
[NPC Derani]


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