USS Galileo :: Episode 15 - Emanation - Loci Arcana
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Loci Arcana

Posted on 04 Oct 2017 @ 1:01pm by Ensign Mimi & Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim
Edited on on 04 Oct 2017 @ 6:45pm

2,071 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Episode 15 - Emanation
Location: Akkadia - House Warraquim
Timeline: MD 46: 2300


Allyndra was waiting for the servant to fetch Mimi. She knew it was late but that would serve them best. She stood on the balcony enjoying the smell of salt and the warm fresh air that blew from the ocean silver tinted with the light of the rings that arched over head. It was peaceful, beautiful and calming, the reason she could imagine for why things had gone the way they had. Still she was convinced progress in a small form had to be made even it was to be less isolated.

She could just make out the Lock low on the horizon and wondered how things were going there. She had managed to go into the archives a few times and discovered that her ancestors had seeded that world with creatures from the rest of the system including dangerous Anesidora.

Perhaps the bargain she had struck might be not quite be a bargain after all. Even the older other House Mothers knew some what had been put there and perhaps that is why they had agreed readily enough knowing the dangers that Ryn now haboured.

Mimi thanked the servant as she walked her through the halls to Allyndra "Baik qulara Allyndra." She said as she approached.

Allyndra tutned and nodded, she got the Nekomi but thought it best not to confuse the poor servant any further. She nodded to the servant and said, "We shall be awhile, please let their be no disturbance."

The servant dipped and then without a word turned and left.

"There now that should give us a bit of time. Let me see...that was good...I am going to hazard evening?"

"Yep." Mimi replied.

"How have you been treated? Is everything well?" Allyndra asked moving down from the balcony to the main area.

"Yes, they are treating us well." Mimi said "I still find it strange to be served like this though, in Nekomi culture we are all equal and work together."

Allyndra made the low musical sort of chuckle. "I have not gotten used to it either. We all serve so that we may learn to lead. Now then as to the rather late night call....I have the time now to show you something. First you must promise on all that you hold dear again not to reveal what I am going to show you."

"You have my promise Allyndra." Mimi replied, she knew this was important to Allyndra.

"Very good, this way," Allyndra went to a spot and pressed on a carving and a door opened. She turned and said, "It is small but should take us to the archives directly. A perk I discovered that these quarters have."

She entered and beckoned Mimi in. It was cramped with two of them but as the door again closed there was barely an indication of movement. The ride took several minutes but the elevator room stopped and another door opened to reveal the archives of House Warraquim. Corridors stretched away in all directions and off each one were glass walled rooms filled with books and artifacts.

"The archives of House Warraquim, all the knowledge that we have ever had is stored here. Very few are allowed and it would be....not pleasant for either of us to know I brought you here."

"Wow." Mimi said, there were all kinds of unusual but also beautiful artifacts everywhere, not that she knew what any of them were.

"And virtually forgotten. So much, and so much of it no longer used or allowed to be studied." Allyndra commented as she headed down the corridor.

Eventually they made their way to a door to a room that had no windows or other indications of what lay behind. Allyndra touched the panel to one side and after a moment the door slid back to reveal a room in which a silver disk, akin almost to those classic old Earth science fiction classics of a flying saucer. It was hardly as large as a Danube and seemed to glow with a slight pulsation almost as if alive. The cavern it was nestled in barely was wider or taller than the craft itself. Allyndra stepped to the side and waved, "A Fold Ship."

"It is different than I imagined." Mimi remarked. "I had thought it would be more....... smooth and sleek."

Allyndra had always thought that the simple disk was sleek enough and there was virtually no seams to be seen. "Well it will get us to where we wish, come on." She moved forward and stopped, before singing something in Akkadian.

A section opened and she entered the ship gently touching the surface. A short ramp lead to the center where a seat with various crystals clustered.

She ran a hand over them gently and again sang in a quiet voice. "The heart of the Fold Ship, these crystals and others, they are actually living things."

"The ship is alive?" Mimi asked surprised.

"Parts of it, yes. A life from that is unlike us." Allyndra took the seat and then looked to Mimi and asked, "Where would you like to go?"

Mimi drew a data stick from her pocket. "This has the spatial grid that the klingon database showed on it. Could this take us that far?"

Allyndra took a look at the data and then she swept a hand over the crystals and again sang to them. In a few moments, it seemed like the view out seemed to ghost and then replaced with blackness of space and stars.

"There I hope that did not take took long." Allyndra said with amusement.

"That was a lot quicker than I expected." Mimi remarked, she looked at the displays to try and figure out the sensors but with everything being in Akkadian she had no idea. "I think you will have to work everything I can not make.... heads or tails of this."

Allyndra nodded and brought up a holographic display that showed the area around the ship. "Just touch it with your hands and you can zoom in, or out by moving them appropriately."

"How far will these sensors go?" Mimi asked as she played around with the display getting a feel for the controls.

"You should be able to get several parsecs out. Resolution does decrease but we can always move the ship if something catches your eye."

"Well there is a small planet of some kind here." Mimi indicated on the display. "Maybe we should start there? it is only a light year away."

Allyndra made a small musical sounding note and the ship was there. Not even it seemed a second had passed. "There we go."

Mimi was still amazed at how the fold ship covered huge distances in moments, she scanned the planetoid with the sensors now with much better resolution now they were closer. "hhmm it is not a planet after all, it is an asteroid."

"Anything that matches anything you had in your data?" Allyndra asked. She tapped a spot on the controls. "There are other ships around," she said casually.

"We are in rough area of the data but there was not much to work with, there is a very old story my mother told me about a Nebo Kamen a......" She paused thinking of the english words. "A.... sky stone that passed near to the homeworld every 20 years. There is a chance this could be it."

"Ah, well let me see if we can project its probable course," Allyndra made more motions and then nodded toward Mimi, "I am putting up the projected course. There is a gravitational anomaly that it is sort of orbiting around."

"If this is Bespiri space it could be one of their systems." Mimi suggested.

"Shall we go? I think it is a neutron star." Allyndra remarked.


She made that musical sounds and again with an ease the one scene faded to be replaced with an new area, it was akin to being in a transport. As she thought it was a neutron star, in fact a pulsar but they were well out of the projected beam.

"Alright here we are, I have updated your data so you can see."

"Hmmmm, just your average pulsar it seems." Mimi said then the sensors made an unusual note. "Wait, what is this."

"Yes? What do you see?" Allyndra asked.

"Something is coming towards us, the radiation from the pulsar is making it show up." Mimi explained.

"Ah sounds like a ship, probably cloaked. Here just a moment." Allyndra made again a few musical notes. "We are phased," not quite bothering to explain what that meant.

"It must be a Klingon ship." Mimi said, her data had come from a Klingon ship so it made sense.

"They can see us, hail us, but there is little else they can do. That is if you want us to linger."

"We should get away from it." Mimi suggested. She didn't fancy lingering with a cloaked ship nearby even if they were 'phased'

"As you wish," Allyndra moved her hands and again sang. A moment later the familiar cavern that the ship had sat in was again the outside view. "There we go. All safe back on Akkadia."

"I did not expect you to bring us all the way back here Allyndra." Mimi said.

"Ah well, sorry, you seemed so concerned about a single Klingon ship. I can return us to near the area or......" Allyndra made a bit musical sound again and brought up the display. "See here we got enough data to plot that asteroids path. There is a planet it passes by periodically."

Mimi was excited but also unsure, the asteroid could be the 'sky stone' of her mothers story or it could just be another asteroid in a galaxy full of them. "Can you take us to it?"

"Of course, let me see, I need to update where the asteroid would pass a system....." Allyndra ran her hands over the crystals and then again sort of sang. There was a moment when it seemed everything was sort of translucent and the cavern walls faded away to be replaced by the blackness of space and stars, not far away was a planet. "There we go."

Straight away Mimi could tell something was not right. The planet in front of them was everything but the almost completely water based planet of her homeworld, there were no moons and no orbital stations like her mother told her about. She sighed slightly. "I thought it would not be this easy." She said clearly disheartened.

"I am sorry. Here let me show you the projection of the asteroid perhaps that might help. There are some other places or we can look elsewhere?" Allyndra put up projected route of the asteroid as it moved.

"We could spend forever searching and never find it." Mimi said. "I guess my luck is not with me today."

"I am sorry. Shall we return then?" Allyndra asked.

"I think we should." Mimi said. "Thank you for trying Allyndra."

"Very well...." She felt disappointed as well. "Unless you want to ask the Klingons."

"I do not think that is a good idea." Mimi replied. Klingons were well known for shooting first and asking questions later.

"As you wish, there is little they can do to us. I do not think you know what one of these ships is fully capable of. I will take us home." Allyndra began to sing again.

"You will not get into any trouble for doing this will you?" Mimi asked as for the last time the walls of the cavern reappeared.

"As long as no one else knows we have been here," Allyndra replied. "The area is restricted to all but a very few of the House. We can return to my chambers the same way and it is before morning yet."

"They will not find out from me." Mimi said. "Thank you for this Allyndra, I really mean it."

"You are welcome, I am just saddened we did not get further. May the Twins bless your search though and perhaps they may guide you on your quest. Now come, let us go back to my room, call for a small drink and none shall be the wiser."

Mimi smiled. "That sounds good to me."


Ensign Mimi
Ryn Expedition

Cmdr Allyndra illm Warraquim
Mother named House Warraquim


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