USS Galileo :: Episode 13 - Rogue - Nutritional Niggles
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Nutritional Niggles

Posted on 22 Jan 2017 @ 12:35am by Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim & Ensign Mimi
Edited on on 27 Jan 2017 @ 8:04pm

1,386 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 13 - Rogue
Location: Kreanus Colony - Infirmary
Timeline: MD 5 1000hrs


Mimi hurried through the mass of bodies going every conceivable direction through one of the main open spaces in her section of Kreanus, darting left and right avoiding people she gradually made her way to the infirmary.

"Commander..... Allyndra are you here?" She called out.

Allyndra was sipping at a cup of very precious fluid. She had gotten enough permission on the medical replicator to again create something that passed for sustenance. It was artificial in the extreme, bland as a piece of paper but better then nothing, and a lot of sugar helped cover the taste. She would have not answered but she recognized the voice and called out, "In here,". In here was what passed for an office. It had a tiny bit of privacy and a console that was linked into at least what passed for a medical database here.

Haring Allyndra's voice from across the room Mimi headed over to the office and stepped inside. "Hi Allyndra."

"I thought I recognized the voice," Allyndra waved to a repaired chair. "Please have a seat though I warn you the legs are a bit uneven." She set aside the cup and sucked at her lips for a moment. "What can I help you with? How is the jaw coming?"

"It is better, still a little sore." Mimi slipped into the chair finding just like Allyndra said that it wasn't quite level.

"So what brings you to the sickbay this day then?"

"I'm having trouble getting enough food." Mimi told her.

"Finding enough food seems to be a problem for everyone. The mess hall replicators are not the best and the material limited. At least there is something there that passes for food for most." She tapped her cup. "I know just what it is to feel like one is starving or am I missing something?"

"Everyone doesn't have to mostly drink blood or eat meat like you and me Allyndra. But when I finally get to one of the replicators all the food I can eat has already been taken."

"I see and let me guess the replicator is probably not giving enough protein for you physiology. Let me guess you have not come to chasing the Moreleki?"*

"Moreleki?" Mimi asked. "You mean those big rat like things? I haven't yet but they look like there is a lot of meat on them."

"Alright, let me see what I can do. I can put things in for medical but again there are just so many priorities." She waved a hand, "This place is trying to support more people then the machinery can handle. Tell you the truth of the matter, this place is going to fail without major help. Water can't keep up, power can't keep up, well.....that is something that is not helping your tummy. Alright, I am going to authorize you to have a chance at the medical replicator every third day. I know it is not much, but like I said, everything is stretched and more than stretched."

"I will take whatever I can get if it stops me from starving." Mimi said, that was about all the replicator would do, she was already getting close to her limit.

"Hmmm.....I just had a thought but something you might want to pursue. In order for this world to even be as warm as it is there is still ocean below the ice. In fact that is where the water plant gets some of its source. I have heard there is still a biological chain going, perhaps there might be something akin to fish?"

Mimi cocked her head a little, some fresh fish sounded wonderful but then she thought of a problem. "If there were wouldn't the Kreanans have already started catching them."

"They might have, but perhaps might be hoarding. Could be that they just don't have any good fishermen. Well, first things first, let's get you fed now and then I am going to put you on the water projects and you can see what you can find out." Allyndra thought a moment..... "How big a meal can you handle?"

"I don't know." Mimi replied "I've been sick a few times after eating even if it was only a small meal."

"Hmm.....alright, well then I am going to put you in for a three day run before we switch to the every three days. It might not be the best but better then nothing. Come on then, let's get you a meal and maybe talk about other things." Allyndra made a wave of her hand and indicated the replicator standing in the corner.

"You have extra food here?" Mimi asked then thought about it for a moment, it was logical that the infirmaries had food set aside specifically for the patients there that might not be able to get to the replicators in the galleys.

"Of course, we have to take care of patients. Special diets, nutritional needs along with medications and such. I have to justify the use but considering that I can see the ribs under than uniform I don't think I need a full medical exam."

Without another word Mimi darted off to the replicator returning a couple of minutes later with a good plateful of assorted meats. Sitting back down she dived in tearing apart big chunks of food with her long canines.

Allyndra waited while Mimi had something, sipping at her own precious cup and wanting nothing more then to lick it clean but she figured that would look rude in the extreme. "Better?"

"Much." Mimi said wiping her mouth. "Hopefully it will stay down."

"So if I remember you said your people did a lot of fishing since mostly like Akkadia it is an ocean world. Thus I presume that your not terribly adverse to water?"

"I am not a.... big fan of water." Mimi replied. "It's cold and makes my fur stick together and like I said before I can't swim but I'm not afraid of water no."

"If we had a holodeck I would teach you. Fan or not you should learn, you never know when it might come in handy. Slow down a little there too much too fast can cause problems."

"Sorry. I'm just that hungry."

"Now then, that is a critical bit of machinery and just a thought but for the moment since I do not want an accident with you drowning how would like to be a courier? Ban and I could always use someone that can get around quickly and with agility to keep all our people in contact and we know what is going on. I will not say that it might not be a bit dangerous, there is a lot of suspicion still."

"That I can do." Mimi said. "Back on Kemi I was the fastest runner out of all the kids, they used me to run messages sometimes when our radio's stopped working."

"Excellent, then report to the clinic tomorrow as new medical courier, now just finish up and enjoy while you can."

Mimi nodded "Understood." Then she turned her attention back to her meal and a little slower this time continued to eat.

Allyndra waited a bit and then asked, "You must have been something. I got quite a observation of you with that little simulation of Anesidora and yes the place is really that dangerous."

"That was an interesting simulation" Mimi paused from her meal "I'm glad you bought that picnic with you. Running that fast for that long took a lot of energy from me."

Allyndra smiled and nodded. "Agreed it would have with me as well. Sometime though perhaps we can see who can run faster and further. I think you might get me on the speed but I think I can get you on the further. I will bet the best fillet mignon on the nearest starbase and I do not mean replicated either."

"I'll take that bet Allyndra." Mimi said with a smile, it would certainly be an interesting race whenever the got to do it.

"Alright finish up and then I need you to make a little errand to Commander Ban."



Cmdr Allyndra illm Warraquim
Chief Medical and Second Officer
USS Galileo

Ensign Mimi
Operations Officer
USS Galileo


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