USS Galileo :: Episode 12 - Recluse - Standard Protocol
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Standard Protocol

Posted on 20 Aug 2016 @ 2:21am by Rear Admiral Lirha Saalm & Ensign Christopher Parker

1,405 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 12 - Recluse
Location: USS Galileo - Deck 1, Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: MD -16 1020 hrs


The door chime to the captain's ready room sounded in its familiar soothing tone. Not necessarily one of intrusion, but rather a gentle reminder that there was a pressing matter to be dealt with. Announcing a pressing manner in a non-pressing way... It was at that moment that Lirha realized the psych officers at Starfleet had done an excellent job with their work.

"Come," she said quietly while situated at her desk in front of her small private LCARS monitor.

"Admiral?" Topher said as he came through the door. "Ensign Christopher Parker. My orders state I have to report directly to you." He gave his usual, cheery, optimistic smile as he laid the PADD on the desk and stood to attention.

Another one? thought Lirha to herself. It was almost becoming a daily routine with new personnel coming and going from her starship. Perhaps their sedentary position in the Celes system was slowly turning Galileo into a recruitment hub, she mused before looking up at him.

Her initial impressions were good. He seemed to be an attractive and tall blue-eyed Human with light brown hair and good build. His gold-collared uniform looked neat enough, and his demeanor seemed to be professional. "At ease, ensign." She then motioned toward the empty chair across for her desk indicating for him to sit.

"Have you been assigned to colony duty, or to Galileo?" she asked before having a chance to thoroughly read through his PADD.

"Thank you," Topher said as he adjusted his uniform and sat down, maintaining an element of being at attention still. "My orders were less than clear on that particular issue. I do believe I primarily have been assigned to colony duties, but there was further, an explanation if you will, that I am to become a part of the ship crew should there be a space, need, and requirement for me." Making sure he sat up at that last comment; he did wish there were space and a need for him. Topher's most recent assignments had required a lot of travel, and he wanted for somewhere, for a while, to put down some roots and settle.

While she listened to him explain, her thumb flicked through the PADD and scrolled down through the content of his assignment. The orders were indeed a bit vague, but nothing that a seasoned yeoman or department head couldn't decipher. "Yes, I see now. It says here that you have been assigned to my I would interpret that as the commanding officer of Galileo. And therefore this vessel, as far as I require our crew to perform colony duties," she said while continuing to read. "Unless you have an objection or a formal amendment to these orders?"

"None at all Admiral," the young Engineer began, "It would be an honor to serve on such a prestigious ship. After some recent postings that had me bouncing about the quadrant, it will be nice to call somewhere home and sink my teeth into an assignment, as it were." His smile was noticeable, as much as he was trying to control it.

"Where do you come from, ensign?" she proceeded to ask as she started to study his personnel file more in depth. "Earth?"

"Born and raised Ma'am, er Sir," he gulped a rather nervously and quite uncharacteristically for him. "I'm sorry Admiral, which would you prefer?" Topher sat up a little straighter, the muscles in his back tensed quite tightly.

She didn't catch the meaning in his question and instead stared inquisitively at him for a short moment. "What do you mean?"

"I got in trouble once calling a new commanding officer Sir, when she preferred Ma'am," Topher sheepishly admitted, "I try and not to repeat that mistake, again, ever."

"Oh. I prefer 'captain', actually." She thought that was always the best for the ship's CO to be addressed -- it often helped to avoid the issue of misinterpretation when it came to issues of traditional formality. "But I will not dress you down if you happen to occasionally forget," she chuckled softly.

Lirha returned her attention to the PADD and continued reading. "Let me see...USS Falcon...USS Knight..." she mumbled to herself while reading off his list of prior postings. "Tell me about your experiences aboard those starships. I see you received a position promotion on your last posting?"

"They were exceptional postings in which I feel I was learning a lot, Captain," Topher began, "I had excellent officers in command of the departments who took me under their wing, but also allowed me free reign to explore ideas, solutions, and technologies."

She pressed a finger to her lips to consider the type of work me might have been doing. "Have you conducted any research programs on your own in the past? Or is it ongoing research?" she wondered with interest.

"My own research is something I have wanted to carry out, but so far I have been assisting others with theirs," Topher cleared his throat a little. He tended to get 'cotton mouth' when he was feeling nervous, something he always did when discussing his research ideas. "Personally, I would love to explore more into variable warp mechanics to improve warp efficiency and reduce any potential damages to subspace. If we could reduce the power needed to reach certain speeds, I would love to explore how a ship could use that extra energy potential. Could we strengthen our shields, add a second grid? Could we even use it to enhance our offensive capabilities in times of need? Can we use capicitors to buffer what we need?"

"Warp mechanics and efficiency," Lirha repeated with a thoughtful nod. "I believe that is a subject Starfleet has been trying to improve upon since its founding." And with good reason, she thought. The key to space travel and maintaining a space-faring empire was the technology needed to reach distant destinations as quickly as possible. "Have you per chance every studied wormhole dynamics? Or the slipstream technology recovered from the Borg by USS Voyager?"

"Only the subject matter they have made public knowledge. Much of it is still behind many restrictions," the young engineer wished they weren't, but he was stuck, for now. "That particular method does have merit for widespread implementation. From what I know, I would love to get my hands on some more data and try out some theories I have. Holodeck simulations of course."

Of course, repeated Lirha in her head. Otherwise he would be assigned to R&D at a more practical location as opposed to Galileo. Unless...the head of Starfleet Engineering wanted to use her Nova-class as a test bed...again? She shook that unpleasant thought from her head and returned her attention to new officer in front of her. "I am sure Lieutenant Kirilova would be happy to help you with your experiments? We have limited holodeck space but maybe she can allow you to use main engineering to conduct some of your experiments," she offered before pausing. "Have you met her yet?"

"A chance even to try them with as many experienced staff would be an honour, and no, I have not met the Lieutenant yet Captain. I thought it best to report directly to you first and make that my next port of call. Then figure out my quarters." Topher smiled warmly.

"Very well, then." Lirha looked back down at the PADD and entered in a few administrative notes to the young man's transfer orders before pressing her green thumb into the small box at the bottom to sign off on the approval. She then offered him back the slim device.

"Transfer approved, Mister Parker. Welcome aboard Galileo...she is a small vessel so it should not take you long to find your way around. After you report to your department head, Operations can help you acclimate further. Do you have any questions before you are dismissed?"

"No Captain, thank you," Topher went to stand, a smile beaming across his face.

"Enjoy your new assignment, then. Carry on," she finished, allowing him to depart on his new adventure aboard Galileo and hopefully get acquainted with the ship.



RADM Lirha Saalm
Commanding Officer
USS Galileo

ENS Christopher Parker
Assistant Chief Engineering Officer
USS Galileo


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