USS Galileo :: Episode 09 - Empires - Nothing in the Dark
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Nothing in the Dark

Posted on 06 Aug 2015 @ 2:30am by Nevedno Loz

951 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 09 - Empires
Location: Analog Science Fiction and Fact Volume 847/Issue 3
Timeline: Published August 2389

WRITER'S NOTE: While obviously written for your reading pleasure, this post is also written so that your mirror universe characters may read it as well if they happen to be a fan of science fiction magazines.


What is to follow is a short story from the twenty-fourth century re-imagining of the Twilight Zone contained within this very magazine. The stories are lauded by almost all races of all backgrounds for their ability to conjure strong feelings in people of all cultures. The tales are as timeless as the show which spawned them, though the new method of accepting stories written by people throughout the galaxy has certainly allowed The Twilight Zone to blossom and flourish much more than anyone at the time could have imagined. The collection of stories now numbers at nearly a thousand and any one of them could be picked to entertain the reader, but here we have a new one which will hold special significance to those who find themselves reading it. For it could affect you all. It is written by someone who is only known as He-Who-Is-Forgotten. Prepare yourself, for what may seem like nothing in the dark may be much more...

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Nothing in the Dark

Imagine if you would, dear reader, a force in the universe so terrible as to be able to strike fear in all those who dwell within it, though they know not of its existence. A force so sinister that no one, not even a Terran fleet general or the Queen Regent herself is safe from it. Now imagine this force is a man. This force has a mind, but it is a damaged one. Tortured to the edges of existence and then freed amongst Those-With-Substance. Mortals more material than the monster. He has grown jealous of the interconnected bodies, his own seemingly nonexistent and disconnected from everyone. But more important to his motives, he has grown judgmental. Everyone must suffer for what has been done to him. Even you. And he will find you...

Because you have entered the Twilight Zone.

You find yourself sitting comfortably before your personal computer, ethylated beverage by your side. Or perhaps you are taking a quick peek at your personal communications device or PADD, sipping a coffee the barista just provided you minutes ago. Suddenly you feel a chilling shiver run through your body and down your spine. Like nails on a chalkboard. Goosebumps. You think it's nothing. Maybe a favorite song you haven't heard in a long time just hit its climax or the main antagonist in a horror movie just jumped out of the darkness. Or maybe your senses were merely excited for some unforeseen reason.

Well, dear reader, they were excited. Or more appropriately, frightened. Your senses just desperately tried to warn your mind of danger but the warning went unheard. "There is a man right here," your eyes cry out in fright to your brain. "Can't you hear the damning voice," your ears question pleadingly. But you are oblivious. The man, the monster, is judging you and no sin is beyond his twisted sense of punishment. Your only hope is that he diverts his attention elsewhere. To a more fitting victim.

Look up.

He's standing right in front of you, but you cannot see him. He is speaking at you, spitting out accusations that you have no hope of rebutting. What infraction have you done to deserve this monster's wrath? Murder? Torture? Theft? Maybe instead of doing something to help a man shouting as the Terran guards dragged him away for their scientists to do unspeakable things to him you merely went about your business like a good drone. Or maybe you did nothing at all. At least you think you did nothing to incur the wrath of the monster in front of you. But you are all guilty. Maybe you just don't know why. But he knows.

Just take a deep breath. There's nothing you can do. You don't even know he's there. "Maybe he isn't", you try to reassure yourself. Maybe he is. Maybe your sin is minor enough that he will do nothing more than toy with you. It would certainly be much better than if you had done something more serious. You feel the shiver again. He's behind you now. Perhaps he whispered something in your ear or ran a finger over your neck, cleverly disguising the hyposyringe that just punctured your neck. Or perhaps he did nothing. You would be more aware where it not for your brain ignoring something in the room too frightening to acknowledge. Like it is being forced to look away from something too vile for it to comprehend.

A few minutes pass.

Nothing happens. The place where you find yourself remains undisturbed, though for a few minutes it had felt most disturbing. The monster has left and though you did not know you were in danger your senses did. They almost breathe a sigh of relief as you feel a bit more relaxed. The brief moment of tension at the edge of your senses removed. He is gone (if he was even there at all). But to where and for how long you will never know or even care to. Just remember that the next time you feel that tingle down your spine or that unexplainable feeling of dread it could be more than just random excitement. It could be the monster. For anything is possible...

In the Twilight Zone.


Nevedno Loz
ISS Galileo
(PNPC played by Lieutenant JG Jynn)


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Comments (1)

By Ensign K'os Beaumont on 09 Sep 2015 @ 7:54pm

Interesting take on a post! It was fun to read.