USS Galileo :: Episode 09 - Empires - Something in the Air
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Something in the Air

Posted on 31 Jul 2015 @ 11:25pm by Ambassador Mina Nalin & Captain Jonathan Holliday & Rear Admiral Lirha Saalm

1,549 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 09 - Empires
Location: USS Galileo - Transporter Room 2
Timeline: MD -02 - 1830hrs


Transporter Room 2, Deck 2

For all the filtration and wonders of modern technology, there was something stale about the air on a starship. It wasn't a smell, not a dryness per say, nor stagnation - she really couldn't explain it. Ambassador Nalin was well traveled, no stranger to long treks to other worlds, but the air on starships was always noticeable, and she's never cared for it. In a circle of logical that would have made her grandfather cringe, she attributed to the fact it was probably just too clean and regulated. Whether by coincidence or divine self-fulfilling prophecy, the moment the transporter cycle finished and she was fully materialized on the pad, Mina's face twisted and she sneezed. No one is graceful or attractive when they sneeze.

Clearing her throat, Mina adjusted her dark purple jacket while mentally commenting on what a great start this first impression was off to. Today had been a long and trying one, not the least of which was the standard Ambassador's uniform she had been wrestling to no end. Dammit this thing is uncomfortable. Was it actually a jacket? Or more of a dress? It came halfway to her knees, but she was also wearing pants.

Finally locking eyes with the man who was obviously there to greet her, Mina tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "My apologies." She mustered a genuine but tired smile. "Captain Holliday, I presume?" She greeted, politely extending her hand and maintaining eye-contact.

"Ambassador." John replied with a curt nod. He was deeply dissatisfied that Starfleet had decided to perform crew transfers right after a set of war games, and even less impressed that they had decided in their almighty wisdom that the next thing he needed was an ambassador under his feet. Swallowing his pride he stepped forward and accepted her offer of a handshake.

"Welcome aboard the Galileo."

It certainly doesn't take a Betazoid... Mina's thoughts trailed off as she read his body language, taking his hand firmly for a lady of her stature. It was no secret that the military and diplomats were one of oldest cases of oil and water in civilized history, even if they were supposedly on the same team.

"Thank you," she replied, nodding slightly.

Mina always has good posture, but her stance was one of poise more so than normal. This was the standard faceoff, shrouded in half-hearted niceties, that two strong-willed individuals tended to engage in when neither party fully trusted the other. Mina was well known for breaking barriers and changing norms, she was hoping this posting could be an example of that, and not one of admirals and senior ambassadors yelling over subspace.

"I appreciate you taking the the time and meeting me here." She let go of his hand but didn't look away.

"Protocol." Replied the captain without any pomp or circumstance. As a diplomat his new arrival would exist slightly outside the usual chain of command and be treated with the associated respect of their position. As such regulations required the captain to be present.

Mina raised an eyebrow ever so slightly. Captain Holliday apparently was not a man to play the 'dog and pony show' game. Although taken slightly off guard by his pragmatism, she respected it.

"I presume you have been versed on this ship? She isn't big, but she is clever. And with a crew to match - we have more experts in more fields than we do lightbulbs I seem to find. It can take some getting used to."

"I..." Mina shut her mouth and choose her next words carefully. "...was given some reading material." It wasn't not true. Having done her due-diligence, the experienced diplomat had throughly studied...the Sovereign class vessel to which she was originally assigned. Thanks to another ambassador falling ill to a nasty case of Targarian flu, Mina had been reassigned less than 24hrs prior. So yes - she read her new orders - which contained Captain Holliday's name and a one line mission statement for the ship itself. "I feel like I have a lot to learn still." Understatement.

You could already cut the air with a phaser between the two of them, the tension was thick enough. So why continue with formalities? Mina broke her gaze and sized-up the man in front of her. If a good working relationship between the two do them was going to be a puzzle, she at least had to understand the pieces.

A soft hiss sounded in the transporter room as the door parted to make way for Lirha who strode in casually with her hands loosely clasped behind her back. Her duties aboard USS Atlas had been many over the past few days, but she now enjoyed a brief period of solidarity back on Galileo for a few hours before she was scheduled to depart to her flagship. And, as any personable Orion rear admiral would have it, she'd found it prudent to greet the most recent of the Nova-class' arrivals when she'd been informed of the pending transfer.

"Captain Holliday. Miss Nalin, I presume?" she greeted both of them with a polite nod while walking towards their position.

Given Mina's position in the room, she had a clear view of the doors over the Captain's shoulder. The moment she saw the individual was an Admiral, she almost sighed - this fun little meeting was about to get better. But, the woman's demeanor was more inviting. Mina decided against correcting her term of address, it was not worth coming off aloof or entitled.

"Admiral," Mina nodded. "What an unexpected pleasure." She allowed her shoulders to relax slightly.

"Admiral?" Holliday replied with a questioning tone. He did not want to appear disrespecting of his superior and former commanding officer, but equally he was surprised at her suddenly appearing in the transporter room.

"I wasn't aware you would be attending ma'am?"

Mina did the polite thing and lowered her gaze to the floor in front of her feet. It would appear communication isn't our strong point...

"Yes, an unexpected surprise, I know," replied Saalm matter-of-factly with a wry grin. The reasons for her presence weren't exactly prudent to the situation nor anyone else's prerogative, and so instead she turned her attention towards the new ambassador.

"I trust your journey to the Nimbus system was without incident?" she inquired of the purple-collared transfer.

"It was," Mina paused and smiled politely, "Unexpected. But uneventful." She looked back and forth between the Captain and the Admiral for a moment. Their dynamic was one she'd yet to grasp fully.

"Both of you taking the time to meet me here is a pleasant surprise, even if only a matter of protocol." Mina tilted her head slightly as she looked at the taller man.

"Indeed. Protocol." Holliday replied before shooting a gaze at the Orion. She was starting to develop some rather Admiral-like and as such less than admirable traits - she may have outranked him and it might have once been her ship, but now it was his, and being made to feel foolish was not high on his priority list. Thankfully the Ambassador had showcased her diplomatic flair from the off and given him a way out of an otherwise embarrassing gaffe.

"Speaking of protocol - you would do well to check in with Sickbay and to meet my First Officer, Commander Stace. Quarters have been assigned to you already I believe."

"Absolutely," Mina replied with polite nod. No. It was the last thing she wanted to do at the moment was to be poked and prodded, follow by what would likely be more political smiles. But she knew that wasn't a suggestion in the least.

"Lead the way, Captain." She smiled at the taller man.

Lirha was quite happy to let John depart with the new crew member. As much as she wanted to delay and indulge Nalin in some proper gossip of the quadrants, now wasn't exactly the best time with the impending exercises with the Klingon Empire on the immanent horizon.

Instead, she gave the new diplomat another friendly smile and gestured for her to follow Galileo's commanding officer.

"With your permission Admiral?" Holliday replied, turning to face the Orion. She was the ranking officer in the room, and for him to simply turn and leave would not have been acceptable, certainly if one of his officers had done the same to him, words would have been exchanged.

"Of course," answered Saalm. "I would not want to keep the captain from inundating his newest diplomat." A soft and light chuckle escaped her gold lips and was accompanied by a mischievous grin. With a dismissive wave of her green hand she gave the dark-haired Nalin one final look then sent the both of them on her way. "Dismissed."

"Very well. This way Ambassador." Holliday replied, making sure to take a note of the smile spreading across her lips. She was enjoying this, clearly.

Turning away he headed for the doors, and the corridor beyond.



RADM Lirha Saalm
Mission Advisor
USS Galileo

CAPT Jonathan Holliday
Commanding Officer
USS Galileo

AMB Mina Nalin
USS Galileo


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Comments (2)

By Commander Andreus Kohl on 05 Aug 2015 @ 1:30am

What a fascinating read with conflict spiraling in all directions. Truly a post where what's unsaid is more juicy than what's said. I'm intrigued to read how this develops!

By Ensign K'os Beaumont on 09 Sep 2015 @ 7:51pm

Oh, wow. I really liked reading this!