USS Galileo :: Episode 08 - NIMBUS - A Valkyrie after the battle
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A Valkyrie after the battle

Posted on 01 Jul 2015 @ 7:42pm by Chief Warrant Officer 2 Sigrun Akar
Edited on on 05 Jul 2015 @ 3:35pm

1,512 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 08 - NIMBUS
Location: USS Galileo, Deck 5, CIO Office
Timeline: MD1, 1930


That sense of battle, the tension and now the realization that it was over was hanging thick in the air, at least to those who could taste it. Sigrun was one of those and she had arrived just after the fact onboard a Nebula class tasked to map the battlefield and the residues of the battle. To stand now within the tiny Nova class vessel was a bit of a change, but nothing she was to concerned with personally. She tucked her black field jacket straight and with a tap to the head as a token of thanks and respect to the transporter chief she made her way into the corridor. Normally one would report in to the captain, but seeing events he was no doubt occupied. With that fact in mind Sigrun decided to instead find the intelligence offices and her direct senior officer instead.

As she made her way through the corridors and gained a few odd glances, having opted for the tank top her arms where showing in full force tattoos and all. It didn't take her much time however to reach the offices and hit the chime alongside her ID code to note her as an intelligence officer. Small details that would pass over the heads of most, but it would save the person on the other end a bit of time locking away all classified records and what not.

Her office in disarray, T'Vanna did her best to recreate some order into the chaos that had ensued. She had been told to expect a new officer, but when the woman walked in, she could not help but blink in surprise. "Yes?" she queried, while tucking her hair back into a messy ponytail. Even her uniform was wrinkled and she looked as if she really needed to be elsewhere, doing something other than clean up an office.

'Chaos, surprise, lack of control.' The words came up and where archived right away as Sigrun took a glance at the room and the woman within it. "Lieutenant Murray I assume, I am Warrant Officer Akar." She said as a simple introduction, the woman which she of course knew was Lieutenant Murray was no doubt fully aware of Sigrun as Sigrun was of her.

"Yes I'm she," T'Vanna answered, smiling slightly as she walked around her desk and offered her hand. "I apologize for the mess but well...bumpy ride and all...things do fly around, sadly. People included, I'm afraid.' Her smile widened a little. "Did you have a pleasant voyage over?"

"Quite, though I believe this was a simulated battle correct? The extent of the damage suggest something must have gone wrong protocol would be against putting people at serious risk during such events." Sigrun stated taking the hand in a firm, but careful grip knowing her strength.

"One of my intelligence officers was injured due to a power surge, during the games," T'Vanna replied calmly, though concern filtered into her voice. "Sit, and tell me a little about yourself. I haven't been able to review your file yet."

"I see, accidents can be quite annoying." Sigrun said sitting down, her tone was rather void when she mentioned the accidents. "The preparation for these games must have been taxing than, but is there anything you would like to know because I could share 18 years of service history, but that will take some time."

"Just give me a summary. I want to know you, not your service record," T'Vanna added. "And I'm sure Chief Faye was extremely annoyed though he was tended to in sickbay and likely in his...partner's care now."

"I am a late sign up, 25 years old when I enlisted shortly after the outbreak of the war, guess the news triggered something within me. Intelligence picked me up right after basic, send me through a crash course operator training and out in the field on sabotage and data retrieval missions and the like. After the war Intel didn't really need so people like me anymore and I was assigned to the 151st recon battalion as their intelligence asset. It was during my 12 years there that I started to develop more into an all round intelligence operative or as my instructor used to say instead of just dealing with secrets I was working with them. Beside that the recon marines and specially the 151st have a habit of finding the worst situations so life was quite interesting. However at some point I wanted more and I was offered a chance for commission and I took it, spend a year in officer training and after that 2 years on Deep Space 4 to learn the job. Now I am here within this rather active tasting tin can." Sigrun said going through the basics of her career and ignoring the return comment feeling she hit a more sensitive snare.

"The ship is not made of tin," T'vanna commented dryly, "and I wouldn't recommend tasting it either..." She smiled ever so slightly, a mild indication she wasn't offended in any fashion. "So your specialty lies in recon?"

"Recon, hacking, explosives, hand to hand combat, infiltration of hostile territory and or facilities and if all else fails one cannot go wrong with a classic 5.7." Sigrun commented rather dryly. "I am quite capable putting intelligence into practical terms as well, recon marines are a cut above, but they are still marines and just want thing simple and clear to understand. I am still working on my skills of gathering and extracting useful information from the oceans there off. I was hoping to learn a bit more on that side still, my training on Deep Space 4 has given me a good lead, but I still have much to learn." she added in a more serious if neutral tone. "In the end I am still quite practically oriented, but I believe that will help me in this job a lot because I know how to present intelligence and how to actively use it and above all else I know just how dangerous bad intelligence can be from first hand experiences." Her tone had shift once again this time there was a slight bitter mixed with a determination.

"Hacking?" T'Vanna arched an eyebrow at her. "You should have a word with Chief Faye...he's an avid hacker. And yes intelligence gathering can be quite the danger. Unfortunately, my field of expertice isn't as widely ranged or as long as yours. I'm to it all and I could use someone to make me a little more, what's it called? Streetwise?"

"The gathering can be indeed, but using it can be far more dangerous. As for the hacking I am sure he will be a lot more refined my skills are those of the raw field kind." Sigrun said leaning back a little as she started to feel more at ease. "As for streetwise I can share what I know and I hope we can learn from each other. I would not be comfortable to be in your seat to be honest, my experience is to as you put it practical."

"Mine is more diplomacy oriented and observation," T'Vanna confessed, "and lately my situation has changed too because I have a child." She paused. "You should meet with chief Faye soon, exchange ideas on computer safety and keeping intruders out of ours. It should"

"I am sure he knows all my tricks, but I will drop by just to be sure it would be rather harmful to our reputation if we didn't even defend against the hacks we invented." Sigrun said letting a hint of annoyance slip into her tone to indicate that she was done on the subject, she just named it as a part of her field skills.

T'Vanna nodded. "It is a valuable skill to have, and I personally see it as an asset to an intelligence officer. On that note, there is your position we need to discuss. Given your experience, and my lack of having an assistant, I would like you to take up the position of assistant department head."

"That was the position I was offered for this assignment prior, so I guess this would avoid any issues." Sigrun said a little confused at just how little her new boss knew.

"I guess it does," T'Vanna agreed, "do you have any other questions?

"Not right now, though with your permission I would like to set up my work station right away and make sure all my access levels are in order." Signrun said, why waste time after all she was here and would find a place to sleep soon enough.

"By all means. Pick out any empty office, we aren't with many here." She smiled. "And make sure to introduce yourself to others, alright?"

"Will do." Sigrun said simply and got ready to head out, but she waited to be dismissed.

Lieutenant j.g. T'Vanna Murray
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Galileo

Chief Warrant Officer 2 Sigrun Akar
Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Galileo


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