USS Galileo :: Episode 07 - Sojourn - Reunion
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Posted on 25 Jan 2015 @ 1:21am by Lieutenant JG Grayson Jones &
Edited on on 25 Jan 2015 @ 1:33am

420 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 07 - Sojourn
Location: SB84- Grayson's Temporary Quaters
Timeline: MD 43- 2300


It had been many months since Doyle had spoken to his best friend. They were in usual constant contact, but with both of their hectic schedules it had made it difficult to speak to Grayson. Today though, he planned a massive surprise. Doyle and Grayson always said they had a special bond, an ESP or fabled comic book lore, 'Spidey Sense' to say alarm bells had been ringing the past few days.

A cloud hung over the door of Grayson's room as he run the chime and waited for a response. The person that answered though, looked like Grayson, carried himself like Grayson but his eyes...there was something missing, his spark, his cheery nature. It all started coming back though when he realised who was in front of the door. His eyes flickered with a sparkle as Grayson went in for a hug.

The two hardly had to say anything to each other, so much could be said between them without a single word being said. It was no wonder that many people used to think they were dating. Doyle's first words were, "I'm sorry."

Be it a mixture of knowing him so well, his years as a bar tender or just downright good luck, Doyle wandered over with Grayson to the bed, where they would lay down in a platonic lovers embrace as they had done so many times before. Grayson, with this touch, burst. The tears he had been holding back for so long burst from his eyes like water from a weakened dam. He had been the only person Grayson would ever let him see in this state. Very rarely did he let people this close, even though he longed for nothing else in the world.

For the next few hours, not a word was spoken, the pair just lay there...spooned up. Doyle knew it was all he could do and all he needed to do. Grayson was an extremely tactile person, without someone there, he could only hold on so much longer. After all, he owed him. Many a time had Grayson gotten him out of a tough situation or been there to be his crutch when he needed it. Good friends return the favour without mentioning it. Best friends do so without even being asked.

It wouldn't be till the morning that the pair would get a chance to speak properly...


Lt. (JG) Grayson Jones
Assistant Chief Engineering Officer
USS Galileo

Doyle McAdams
USS Galileo


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