USS Galileo :: Episode 07 - Sojourn - Flight Control Performance Evaluations
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Flight Control Performance Evaluations

Posted on 26 Oct 2014 @ 11:51pm by Lieutenant Commander Dea Mialin & Chief Warrant Officer 3 Lamar Darius & Chief Warrant Officer 2 Oliver Sylver & Crewman Ash Rowe

1,085 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 07 - Sojourn
Location: Starbase 84 - Conference Room 52
Timeline: MD 03, 0900 hours


Once again Dea had called the flight department together. She knew everyone was anxious for shoreleave but that didn't officially start for another several days. In the meantime there was one last duty related item for Flight Control to see to. A message had been sent to all flight control personnel to attend a meeting.

Wintrow walked in, still adjusting his uniform. Though he was on alpha shift, he had no classes this particular morning so he'd been using that time available to head to the gym. He was well aware he wasn't physically very strong, and so he was hoping to rectify that issue. "Ma'am," he greeted as he walked to the nearest available seat, and sat down.

Wearing a new freshly-pressed uniform and sporting a much-needed haircut, Lamar moseyed on in to the large spacious conference room aboard the starbase. He was a bit late for the meeting, but that was mostly because he had somehow managed to get lost in the starbase's massive winding corridors for close to fifteen minutes before he decided to stop and ask for directions.

As the large double-doors swished open, he took sight of Mialin and the rookie who were already present, then gave them both a mock salute before walking around the table and taking a seat next to Paragon. "Morning," he said in greeting while trying to hide his curiosity at the reason for this gathering.

"Morning," Dea greeted Lamar, "Massive starbase I know. Galileo and our birds are still under decon procedures." She turned her attention back to monitoring the entrance for a moment.

Oliver Sylver walked in a minute later, looking around for a moment. He wasn't entirely sure what was going to go on, but he was here. He had found his way here by some miracle.

"Grande cinnamon spiced double shot skinny macchiato," Ash sighed as she moved in, sipping said drink with a sigh of relied as she moved for a chair. "I am now ready for the day...."

Dea took her place at the front of the group once everyone arrived. "Before shoreleave officially begins we have one important task to see two. Everyone will have to complete a checkride with me and I'll be talking to each of you to finalize performance evaluations. Tomorrow and the day after there will be the shuttle flights. Since Galileo is still be contaminated we'll be using one of the station's shuttle for the checkrides."

"What exactly can we expect during those?" Wintrow asked, never having been submitted to an official performance evaluation.

"You can expect a check ride with me and a conversation," Dea answered Wintrow's question. "It's routine procedure." She glanced around the room, "We had a tough mission. So I also wanted to say thank you for a job well done."

Ash gave a wry smile at that as she sat back and sipped her coffee. It was nice to be praised, but frankly, she, herself, had done bugger all on the last mission. Pretty much shovelling tribbles was as hard as it got for her.

Lamar simply nodded at the thanks. There hadn't been much to it, really. Pretty much the entire second half of the mission had involved trying to keep the shuttlebays from being overrun with balls of fur, and he wasn't exactly sure he had been successful on that front. But if his DH was happy, then so was he.

A thought popped into his head at the mention of evaluations. "What craft will we be flying? Is this a live exercise or simulated?" he asked.

Dea answered the question, "It will be a live exercise I've up in a request for a Type-9 or a Polaris. They should let me know this afternoon which exact craft. They have confirmed that we can use one of their aux craft."

"I can't wait," Wintrow remarked exitedly. He had not flown a Polaris before. "Do we get time to study the craft?" he added hesitantly.

Sylver glanced at the young cadet, taking a slow breath. least someone found all of this exciting.

"I know for most of you this is not something you're looking forward to but it is required. Once we get this out of the way we won't have to deal with it again for some time, "Dea commented, "As far as studying the craft you only have the time available before your designated checkride. Sylver you have the afternoon slot tomorrow. Cadet Wintrow is first up in the morning. The next day its Rowe in the morning then Darius."

In the morning, that didn't leave him a whole lot of time to brush up on the craft. But since they were in Decon, he didn't have that much else to do, so he would make sure he'd spend his time studying.

"Great," Ash leant back with a smile, sipping her coffee. "Turn up, fire her up and destroy the field, got it..." a playful glint played in her eyes.

"Anyone have any other questions?" Dea asked looking at the group of flight control personnel assembled before her. "If not then I'll see you each at the designated time for your checkrides."

"Roger that," Lamar said with a simple nod as he stood from his seat after being dismissed. It was going to be a rather routine flight for him -- at least that was what he was expecting -- but at least he would actually get to log more flight hours especially after all of Galileo's support craft had been grounded for the majority of the previous mission.

Oliver too stood, nodding as well before leading out. Plus side, he had something to do now. It was at times necessary to do these things...and he'd enjoy it.

This time, Wintrow did not wait to be last to leave. He gave his departmenthead a smile and a nod, before skipping out of the room.

For Ash, it was the last couple of hoops to jump through before some real shoreleave meant she could let her hair down and breathe some fresh air.


MWO Lamar Darius
Chief Support Craft Pilot
USS Galileo
[PNPC Saalm]

Staff Warrant Officer Oliver Sylver
Flight Control
USS Galileo
[PNPC Rice]

LTCDR Dea Mialin
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Galileo

Cadet SO Wintrow Paragon
Support Craft Pilot
USS Galileo
[PNPC T'Vanna]

CN Ash Rowe
Support Craft Pilot
USS Galileo
[PNPC Blake]


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