USS Galileo :: Episode 07 - Sojourn - A meeting with the Captain
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A meeting with the Captain

Posted on 17 Oct 2014 @ 7:55pm by Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim & Captain Jonathan Holliday
Edited on on 18 Oct 2014 @ 3:14am

882 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 07 - Sojourn
Location: USS Galileo: Deck 1 - Ready Room
Timeline: MD -7 0830


Allyndra had freshened up slightly after her shift. She had left a message for the Captain indicating she had finished her official entry in her medical log and requested a meeting to present it to the Captain formally. As she stood just outside the Ready Room she felt the two PaDDs in her hand feel like lead weights. Each step had seemed like those of the ancient Earth king Sisyphus as she approached the door. Every little distraction of the bridge caught at her attention. Still somehow she found herself now standing in front and shifting the two PaDDs to the crook of her left arm she winced slightly as her three newly growing fingers rebelled at the task. Nearly fully out but still thin, it would be several more weeks before they were more or less back to normal. She remembered her lessons from the Guild House, stand up straight, smile, look sharp and then pressed the chime.

After a moment's delay the Captain looked up from his desk and tapped the door release on his desk. He had finally made his last report to Starfleet pending their return to a Federation facility, and was glad that he would no longer have to be trying to avoid referring to the creatures living on Lyshan III as "ghosts".

"Doctor Allyndra. It's not often i see you coming to my Ready Room - please, take a seat."

Allyndra did as the Captain had asked and took a seat. "Thank you for seeing me sir. I wanted to give you," she hand one of the PaDDs over to place on his desk. "My official medical log entry. I thought it only fair that you have a chance to peruse it and if you had comments or questions. I attempted to keep things as concise as possible sir."

John took the PADD from his chief physician and took a moment to peruse the report - a lot of the content was what he would have expected to see after having heard several reports from other members of the crew. As a depatment head, the captain had to trust Allyndra's words, and didn't feel it was his place at this time to criticise her log.

"Very concise indeed Doctor - I don't think I will be needing to question anything at this time. Are you satisfied that the necessary steps will be taken to prevent any other...disturbances to normality?"

"We have done several exercises in similar situations and with differing injuries. I have also mixed it up with different doctors having to take charge. As noted force curtains have been requested to be installed." Allyndra handed the other PaDD over.

"Having said that, I realize that I should have taken charge much earlier. Though injured I should have handled the situation better. Hence..." Allyndra nodded her chin toward the PaDD. "I will offer to resign as the Chief."

John cocked his head at the request. The thought of removing his Chief Medical Officer from her duties had not even crossed his mind - if anything eh thought that the self-inflicted punishment was a little too harsh given the situation. Taking a moment to glance at the PADD in his hand, the Captain pushed it back across the table towards Allyndra.

"Not necessary Doctor. Mistakes are made - we learn from them. I don't feel your resignation is remotely necessary - if anything I would prefer it if you would stay aboard, you are an extremely competent physician."

Allyndra was relived but she felt she had to offer. "Thank you sir," She said taking the PaDD back and then knitted her brow. "I have always been more of the what if and how does that work type than the take charge. I was quite relieved to tell you the truth of not having to do that later on the Firebird." Allyndra remembered serving as both Executive Officer and Chief Medical Officer there. "Perhaps you might suggest some holodeck training programmes?"

John nodded before picking up a PADD and pulling up the ship's holodeck program manifest, it took him a moment to work his way through the system to the exact programs that he wanted, but after a moment he was satisfied and offered the PADD over to Allyndra.

"These should make a start - they are all standard Starfleet programs that I used to run at the Academy during my tenure there as a lecturer - they range in scenarios from very simple to combat operations but give a good flavour of command experience for those who are wanting to hone their skills shall we say?"

"Hone," Allyndra nodded, "most definitely. Culturally only a few are ever given the chance to be Guild Mothers. Perhaps had circumstances been different then I might have learned more but I was sent away before that. Anyway, thank you sir. I shall work on these. Thank you for your time sir," Allyndra got up.

"My door is always open Doctor." John replied with a smile before indicating towards the door, and that she was dismissed.

Allyndra got the idea and stood, "Thank you sir." She turned and left.



Lt Cmdr Allyndra illm Warraquim
USS Gallileo

CAPT Jonathan Holliday
Commanding Officer
USS Galileo


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