USS Galileo :: Episode 06 - Legend of Souls - Slow Burn: Part 2
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Slow Burn: Part 2

Posted on 12 Oct 2014 @ 11:05pm by Lieutenant Aria Rice & Commander Scarlet Blake & Chief Warrant Officer 3 Alexion Wylde & Lily Blake & Crewman Corealina Vipsania

1,942 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Episode 06 - Legend of Souls
Location: USS Galileo: Deck 1 - First Officer's Quarters
Timeline: MD 10: 2355


Alexion nodded in agreement, looking across to her with a small smile at her agreeing with the approach. "Perhaps you would keep watch while I go and speak with her child's minder?"

"Yes...of course, Doctor Wylde," she said and smiled gently, taking a blanket to gently cover Blake, so she'd be more comfortable. She seemed relatively comfortable on her front anyway. "Her daughter might still be up and worried. They are not silly at that age..." she stopped and looked at him before bowing her head. "You did good work, Doctor Wylde."

Alexion shook his head with a half smile. "Only with your help," he said firmly, nodding back to her before walking off at a quick pace, forgetting to put his jacket back on. He made his way to the First Officer's quarters, pressing the chime with a frown. At least he could put their minds at rest.

And now, the conclusion...

Aria stood by the door as it opened, watching the man for a long moment with worry. "Lily's asleep," she said, motioning for him to follow her in. "How's Scarlet? Is she okay? What happened?"

Alexion nodded, following her inside, sighing as he rested his hands on his hips. "I think she had a head injury from the Away Mission that was not fully treated. It was serious, but we got to her in time. We have treated it and she is resting. She may need to...recover, but you can tell her daughter that her Mummy will wake up."

Aria nodded, frownng as she motioned for him to sit down, pouring the tea she had made. "She got hurt on the away mission," she said quietly. "She was sent to the holodeck, for minor injuries. I thought she got healed...but a lot of us that had a fall ended up not being seen by doctors."

"I am sorry, that is not good enough," Alexion shook his head firmly with a frown, his blue eyes darkening in colour with it. "I should have been more thorough. After healing Hex, I was...drained."

Aria looked at him before chuckling softly. "Oh,'re not in charge down there and you can't be everywhere! Wasn't your job now, was it? You had enough with saving Siren's life. Thanks for that, by the way."

Alexion shook his head at the words, his frown only deepening as he looked down uneasily. "It is my job. We are a team, and we made mistakes. It should never have got that far," he replied simply. "And neither should this. At least they are both recovering now."

"That's enough for me," Aria admitted and carried the tea to him, gently placing it in his hands. She searched his face before smiling weakly. "You know,'s better to just let some things go. Like this. Just...let it go and forget it."

Alexion met her eyes, his own intense as he wrapped his hands tightly around the cup. "If everyone absolved themselves of everything, then no work would ever be done," he said quietly. "You have lives in your hands when you are a doctor. Souls. It is too much to make mistakes."

Aria watched him before poking his side. "Sometimes, you just laugh it off. I know my job isn't as stressful, but if I dwelled on every time I missed a tiny thing or did a misstep I'd go crazy. Just...learn and move on, right?"

"The time to learn is not when you have someone's life in your hands, but hopefully, now things have slowed down, now is the time to learn," Alexion said quietly, frowning as he looked into his tea. "I...apologise, I should go," he took a quick breath as he stood, sensing the difference in their replies and not wanting to darken her mood with his own annoyances.

Aria watched him before reaching out, touching his arm. "Thank you," she said, meaning it. "For helping Scarlet. I...Lily won't admit it, but she got a bit scared too."

Alexion shook his head quickly, frowning as he let out a long, tried breath, giving her arm a squeeze. "No gratitude is needed for something that is my job," he said firmly, but it was clear he meant it. He wasn't in for all that gratitude thing that some doctors got a kick out of. He'd worked with a few of those egotists in his considerable time as a physician.

Aria gave a weak nod at that, watching the man for a moment. "Well, you have it anyway, so deal," she said and winked, pulling back. "I'll go to Lily...let her know. What can we expect when she gets home?"

"It depends on her recovery," he replied honestly, shaking his head as he thought it over. "There is no lasting damage, but there might still be some weakness in the left side of her body for a time, while she readjusts."

"I'll make sure she has people to help around here," Aria assured him before smiling gently. "And that Lily understand."


Aria smiled gently as she went into Lily's bedroom, tip-toeing over to her bed. She sat down on the side, reaching to gently stroke the girl's hair from her face. She looked so cute when sleeping. But then again, Lily was just the cutest little button of a girly girl. And now that she knew Scarlet would be okay...well, it helped. A lot.

Lily stirred at the touch, pulling Beorn just a little closer as she blinked her eyes open. "Mummy?"

"Just Aria..." she said and stroked over her hair. "Just want you to know your Mummy is fine, she's coming home later. But she was a bit poorly and the nice Doctor and Nurse made her better. But when she comes back, we have to be really nice and let her rest when she gets tired."

"Like when I was poorly and tired?" she asked softly, remembering the feeling to try and imagine what her Mummy was feeling.

Yes," she nodded and smiled, curling up beside Lily, to watch her face. "Just like that. Remember how nice it was to have some quiet time? Well...we'll make sure she gets some of it too. And I'm sure we can ask Verity or Jeroen to help out for a little bit too?"

"I can be quiet," Lily assured with a soft smile, nodding seriously at the task at hand. "I can play quiet."

She nodded, touching her cheek. "Not too quiet though, you Mummy loves to have you close..." she said softly before kissing her hair. "You're a good dragon, Lily."

Lily smiled brightly at the praise, shaking her head as she whispered, already getting ready to be quiet. "You are the bestest princess."

Aria smiled as she pulled her close, so that the girl rested against her. "We should bake for your Mummy..." she said gently. "Lovely muffins? Does she like them?"

"She likes anything chocolate," she whispered, shaking her head with a giggle. "But says it's naughty."

"But we should make it then, as a treat," she said and smiled, searching Lily's face. "A nice little treat for her and for us too."

"Chocolate cake," she whispered with excitement, curling up closer to her. "She won't be cross?"

"No, I don't think so," Aria promised, grinning as she touched her cheek. "We do it together. Promise."

"And....she won't be cross I let strangers in?" she whispered, her lips pursed. "The lady in the ship picked them though."

"No, she won't be cross for those two. They were nice, weren't they?" she asked, smiling gently as she took her hand. "And took good care of your Mummy too, which is important. So she won't be cross, she'll be proud."

"Okay," Lily accepted her word easily, trusting her as she curled up warmly next to her....before suddenly sitting up with a bounce, grinning. "Midnight baking! Let's make those choc-a-lot-a-chocolate cakes!"

Aria grinned, nodding quickly as she caught hold of her to lift as she jumped up from the bed. "Let's do it! Girl-who-gets-to-lick-the-bowl-chef....."


Aria smiled as she placed the chocolate cake out. She had cleaned as well, with Lily's help. Done what she could to make it nice for Scarlet to come back. It mattered to her. Well...a lot of things mattered to her, but she now just wanted Scarlet back home so she could...well, relax with her daughter.

"Anyone home?" Scarlet asked with a soft smile, looking forward to getting in and settled, but Lina was steadying her on her left side...and she pretty much had to let her.

"Yes!" Aria smiled, holding Lily's hand as she led her out. "Welcome home! We baked you cake and cleaned!"

"Wow! Middle of the night naughtiness!" Scarlet smiled warmly, trying to hide how tired she was, sitting down heavily. "Thank you, Nurse," she said quietly. She felt better already being back in her own room, with her girl who wasn't looking worried or scared.

Lina smiled gently, touching her arm. "I will see you soon," she said gently before leaving.

Aria smiled gently, moving to Scarlet's side. "Now, Lily and I've made sure you get what you need. So we've fixed your you can relax there."

"That sounds...amazing," Scarlet admitted with a soft smile, but it was clear the muscles on the left side of her face were still struggling a little. "Aria, thank you."

Aria nodded, smiling gently as she looked at Lily. "Okay, give your Mummy a gentle hug and then we'll get her to her bed and then cake and sleep!"

"Proper cake," Lily said with pride, moving to cuddle her Mummy, holding on close. "I helped and everything."

"She was brilliant," Aria said and smiled gently, watching Scarlet. "You'll also get someone here tomorrow. Lily wanted her uncle Jeroen to be helping, so she told him he has to be here tomorrow morning."

Scarlet chuckled weakly, looking down with a soft sigh, rubbing her numb leg. "You don't all have to....go out of your way," she said quietly.

Aria smiled as she moved to her side, watching her. "You know I never do," she said softly. "Come on, let's get you to bed."

Scarlet nodded with a slight frown, pushing herself up to stand. She had to hold onto Aria's arm with her own good hand though, her left leg sluggish and numb, not doing well with her weight as she tried to step forward onto it.

Aria wrapped her arm around her, taking some of the weight as she smiled. "That's it, Scarlet...that's perfect.." she encouraged as they slowly got to her bedroom. "Good, that's it."

Scarlet chuckled tiredly, sighing as she let her help her, but only because she didn't have any choice. "I can't have you take me to the bridge like this."

"Well, you shouldn't be on the bridge until you've regained some strength," she said as she watched Scarlet, getting her on the bed. "Understand, Scarlet?"

"Blah, blah, blah," Scarlet muttered as she laid back with a loud sigh of relief with the weight off.

Aria smiled as she touched her arm. "That's code for 'yes, Aria, you are right'. Now, you need to rest. Rest and eat cake!"


ENS Aria Rice
Security/Tactical Officer
USS Galileo

CMDR Scarlet Blake
First Officer
USS Galileo

SWO Alexion Wylde
USS Galileo
[PNPC Blake]

Lily Blake
Civilian Child
USS Galileo
[PNPC Blake]

CN Corealina Vipsania
USS Galileo
[PNPC Rice]


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