USS Galileo :: Episode 06 - Legend of Souls - In the Gym
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In the Gym

Posted on 20 Sep 2014 @ 2:47am by Lieutenant Elijah Williams IV, M.Sc. & Petty Officer 1st Class Oliver Morris
Edited on on 20 Sep 2014 @ 1:40pm

899 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 06 - Legend of Souls
Location: USS Galileo - Deck 7, Workout Room
Timeline: MD 8 - 1530 Hrs


The workout room on the Galileo was not a huge one by any stretch, but it served it's purpose. The place wasn't overly busy at this time of the time, which Elijah was grateful for. It wasn't really the people, it was the fact he would then have to wait for the weights or the treadmill and then he would just lose interest. The only real reason he kept up with physical exercise was because Starfleet insisted on it. Though, he had to admit the other benefit to it was that it allowed him to clear his mind and focus on running or lifting weights. It was, in a way, a very freeing feeling.

Dressed in a pair of dark gray shorts, a light gray tank tee and some running sneakers, he entered the gym. There weren't that many people there, people he didn't really recognize. There was one person there that he did recognize. "Hi Oliver," Elijah said as he approached the yeoman, who was sitting on a bench tying up his shoe.

"Oh, Eli. Wow! Long time no see," Oliver said sarcastically. "I just got finished my work out. Hand me that towel." Taking the towel from Elijah's hand the started to pat down his neck. "After everything we've been through I needed this workout." He stopped and breathed in a deep sigh. "Can I tell you something? I've got a crush on someone."

Okay so the Eli thing wasn't his cup of tea, but Elijah let it go this time. He picked up the towel and then handed it to the other man. "Oh?" he said as he took a seat on the bench next to Oliver. "Who?" he really wasn't sure if it was appropriate to ask but it seemed like a logical follow up question.

"Promise not tell?" Oliver threw his towel in his bag. "It's Luke Wyatt."

Elijah's eyebrows raised slightly to denote his surprise. Luke Wyatt? That almost seemed out of left field. He didn't really know the man just like he didn't really know Oliver either. Nevertheless, he was glad the yeoman confided in him. "I promise I won't tell," he said. He had wondered what it felt like to have a crush, he never really felt one for anyone. "Do you think you will ever approach him about it? I mean it's a small ship after all."

"No, he's straight. If I do I am afraid it will muddy things up. I am relatively new to this ship and I'd hate to cause any tension. I went to one of the counselors to talk about it. He said that I should interact with Wyatt in order to get rid of the fantasy aspect. Learning more about him will knock him off this strange pedestal I've placed him on." Peter stood up. "Make him more human."

Not sure if that was the best approach, but Elijah wasn't a counselor so honestly what did he know anyway. What did he know about any of this. He looked up and briefly admired Oliver's form a moment later he averted his gaze. Noticing people, how they looked, walked, talked and all that had recently been something that the geologist was taking notice of. It was hard to keep one's head buried in the sand on a ship as small as the Galileo. "I suppose that is sound advice," he said. "Did you place him on a pedestal though?" he queried. He couldn't imagine putting anyone up in such high regard, to him everyone had flaws and they were no better or worse then anyone else in this galaxy.

"It might be that seeing we've been on the away mission together. It could just be youthful admiration."

Elijah shrugged. He could see that, Wyatt was a bit older then he or Oliver. As he thought back, he had never really admired anyone. He certainly never admired his own father, or any uncles or anything like that. They were all bigoted, narrow-minded, aholes. "So, I don't really know much about this stuff in general... but aren't you setting yourself up to get hurt? I mean if he is straight... the fact he is very human and flawed... it just seems like a recipe for disaster." But, the other man did say it was a crush. Was there even a difference? He thought about the one person he felt something for, the one person he had felt something for since the moment he met him. It wasn't the same thing. At lease he didn't think so. It couldn't have been a crush.

"I could be," Oliver replied. Part of him couldn't grasp these feelings while another part of him. Rational side was telling him that it was just a crush and he had to move on. "I just have to move past this and put that energy into something else. Like, working out."

"Or your job," Elijah said. "That's what I do, which probably seems lame now that I have said that outloud," he offered the yeoman a bit of a smile. He fell silent in thought for a moment as he pondered a question. Elijah's smile broadened. "Well whatever happens, I'm sure everything will work out," he said. "It always seems to."



PO1 Oliver Morris
Senior Yeoman
USS Galileo

Lieutenant JG Elijah Williams, IV
USS Galileo


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