USS Galileo :: Episode 06 - Legend of Souls - Rocky Starts
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Rocky Starts

Posted on 04 Apr 2014 @ 6:20pm by Commander Andreus Kohl & Lieutenant Elijah Williams IV, M.Sc.

2,277 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Episode 06 - Legend of Souls
Location: USS Galileo - Deck 4, Geology Laboratory
Timeline: MD -06 - 1542 hours


Stepping into Galileo's newly refit Geology Lab for the first time, Andreus Kohl stopped in the threshold, and he said, "Oh." Deep down, Kohl felt a pang of disappointment. Looking like a multipurpose lab wasn't what Kohl was expecting at all. Given the immerse nature of the arboretum, Kohl had hoped the bulkheads in the geology lab would be lined with stone, like a cave or an ancient temple. But the feeling passed.

Kohl strode the rest of the way into the compartment, and he took notice of Abbey-Mae Wyatt standing at a workstation. "Wyatt," said Kohl in a gravely tone. He held up one hand and folded his fingers into the mimed shape of a pistol. He slapped his finger-gun against his side, as if his pistol were in an invisible holster on his hip.

The corner of Abbey's lips curled towards her ears as she heard Kohl come in behind her. Biting her bottom lip she to folded her fingers into the shape of a pistol and spun around drawing her imaginary pistol "Kohl" She returned in an equally grave manor.

There was a caution to his movement, but no hesitation, as Kohl raised his finger pistol from its holster. He braced his wrist with his free hand. He didn't say anything more, until he took aim, and then he said, "Bang."

What in the world? Elijah thought to himself when he heard the word 'Bang'. He spun around on his stool and had seen Kohl standing there pointing two fingers at Abbey-Mae. He smiled, "What's going on?"

Wide eye'd Abbey grimaced as she fell backwards onto the since console she was working on and over exaggerating her death. Her make shift gun dropping to the floor whilst her free hand clung to her chest. "Revenge me" she said between fake cough's and splutters to Elijah.

Raising the tip of his finger-pistol to his lips, Andreus Kohl blew away the imaginary smoke. He waited for the imaginary smoke to clear, and then he explained with two words. "Quick-draw," Kohl said in an undefinable drawl. He nodded at his defeated opponent. "Abbey taught me the game. It's a good thing I'm not using live ammo this time."

Elijah laughed. "Yeah, good thing," he said as he turned his attention to the prone woman. "I'm afraid I wouldn't be as quick of a draw," he said as he then turned his attention back to the taller man. "It's good to see you again lieutenant, so what do we owe this pleasure?"

"Oh if it was live ammo you wouldn't be able to hit a barn door" She joked walking over to Kohl and giving him a quick and friendly hug "So yeah what gives, what brings you down to our humble abode. "

As he embraced Abbey briefly, Kohl said, "I promised Lieutenant Williams I wanted to hear all about his work." --He took a step back from Abbey and looked over at Elijah-- "And I do. What projects have you begun work on? I must admit, I'm not as strong in geology as I would like, especially when we're on our way to study a mining colony."

"Oh." Elijah hadn't really expected Kohl to actually come down to the lab. It had been his experience over the years that people said one thing and did exactly the other. "Well, one of the projects I have been working on that I brought from my lab on Earth is dealing with the plate tectonics on Retim Two. The planet has an unusually high concentration of plates for a planet and yet very little seismic activity..." his words trailed off as he got lost in his own thought. "The planet should have high seismic activity due to the lithosphere being slightly denser then the asthenosphere. I am hoping the research will lead to helping figure out how to stabilize heavy seismic activity that other worlds face."

He let go of a shrug. He was glad that his own project had been approved to be brought with him. He hated the idea of someone else finishing his work and getting the credit. "Beyond that, it is just cataloging rock and soil samples the Galileo has collected and cross-checking them with the current planetary sciences database."

Kohl strode towards one of the workstations in the middle of the lab, and he straddled a stool. He disregarded the cataloging, as it sounding like a task more than a passion project. "Have you gathered much data about Retim Two?" Kohl asked. "How did you manage to gather data from your lab on Earth?"

Abbey turned to Elijah and raised her eyebrow "Please spill the beans" She smiled.

Once again Abbey-Mae's smile was an infectious one and Elijah found himself smiling as well. He then sobered as he began to speak, "Unfortunately I haven't gathered as much information as I would have liked. The initial scans of the planet came from the USS Berlin which they didn't really know what to do with the scans they had. They turned the scans over to us and I was assigned to go over those. It was love at first sight." He shrugged, "After that there was some subsequent scans but not as many as I would have liked. But, it was still enough to keep my interest piqued and continue to do the research."

"Did the sane show any signs of unusual life signs because if so then you're stepping into my forte buddy" She asked hoping that the answer to her question was yes.

Elijah shook his head. "No, I'm afraid not Abbey, no unusual life signs or anything like that." Though, in hindsight he had never given much thought to unusual lifeforms. There weren't any, but sometimes that explained a lot when something seemed not textbook.

Kohl was leaning against the workstation, his eyes following the conversation between Abbey and Elijah. He smiled at Abbey's question and nodded at Elijah's considered reply. "Have you located any other starships near that sector?" Kohl asked, "Perhaps close enough to launch a probe for you?"

"Unfortunately I haven't had a chance to check," Elijah said. "With the transfer and settling in, getting used to being here and this lab, I haven't had much time for my own projects." It was the truth really, for a while there it felt like his head was spinning and he was being pulled in multiple directions. Things were finally settling down at least.

"Well now, look at that," Kohl said with a kind of enthusiastic self-satisfaction. "We may have just found something the science department can do for you, while you focus on the aspects of your research that demand your expertise. Don't worry about gathering more sensor data, not one byte. I'll make it happen," Kohl promised.

Elijah flinched in surprise not really expecting that. "Thank you lieutenant, I really appreciate that," which he was. He had never expected to be helped out like this. It would be nice to get back to his own project.

"I am always pleased to do my small part towards scientific discovery," remarked Kohl, with some flourish. He braced his hands against the workstation and he used his upper body to bring himself standing upright again. "And maybe Abbey can play her part too," Kohl said with a light touch. He turned his gaze on the younger woman, and asked, "Have you done much scientific resource networking?"

Elijah had watched the taller man stand, he wanted to ask about the motor-assist units, but thought better of it. He felt it wasn't his place to really ask such a personal question of a man he barely knew.

Abbey looked at Kohl and then to Elijah "Can we establish that I haven't even been through the Academy yet sooooo whats 'scientific resource networking'?" She felt like an idiot these two were graduates of starfleet academy and here she was some lowly crewman apprentice.

"It means locating any Federation starship within range of Retim Two," replied Kohl, "and sweet-talking every Operations Manager and scientist aboardship until you find one or two who will launch a probe on our behalf." Grinning at Abbey, Kohl tilted his head to the right. "Somehow," he said encouragingly, "I suspect you have all of the skills required for this job, and you didn't need to go to the Academy to get them either."

Abbey gave a strong tut "I'm not sure whether I should take that as a compliment or an insult but I always knew I was better than both you boys" She teased.

Kohl's posture stiffened, as he took note of Abbey's concern and the way she masked it with a joke. "Abbey, I'm sorry," Kohl said, and he paused to emphasize that point more than any other. "All I meant was to say the Academy isn't the be-all nor the end-all of what we do here. We learn by doing."

Abbey's hair bounced around her shoulders as she shook her head and smiled "You know I'm in the middle of deciding which one of you is cutest but I think you may have just won it Kohl!" Pausing for a moment she took the time to think about what he said "I know its not be-al and end-all" She said using her arms in a over emphasised flail "Its just a good place to start"

Elijah nodded his agreement. "You are right, it is a good place to start but Lieutenant Kohl is correct as well, it isn't the end-all or be-all. You will gain so much knowledge and experience by being here, out in open space. I have to admit, I am a little bit jealous of you in that regard Abbey. I wish I had this type of opportunity when I was younger," he said. He smiled as a way to reassure the younger woman. He wanted to mention that Andreus Kohl was definitely the better choice on who was cuter, the taller man was definitely cute, but he held his tongue. He didn't want to embarrass himself.

She smiled as her cheeks flushed a mellow pink "Awww! Sometimes I think you guys just say those things because I'm beautiful and a girl!" She joked as she moved across the room and sat on one of the stool that twisted. "So, Shall we go do something fun?" Abbey enjoyed Science but she enjoyed music, dancing, drinking and food more.

"Such as?" Elijah asked. Earlier conversations with Abbey had lead to her talking about dancing. "This isn't going to involve me dancing is it?" He wasn't quite prepared to make a fool of himself, at least not infront of a superior officer.

Shrugging, "Well not unless you want it to!" She smiled. "I was thinking more on the lines of a drink?" She asked.

"Wait, I'm confused," said Kohl. Although, the wicked curl to his lips and a glint in his sapphire eyes suggested otherwise. "I didn't know it was possible to drink without dancing..."

Elijah smiled, he wasn't much of a drinker even though synthehol was the norm. "A drink would be good," he said. He wasn't one to break out of his comfort zone, but it was something he needed to work on.

"Great It'll be only one and then we can get straight back to work?" She lied through grinning teeth like 'The Cheshire cat's' as her mum would have said. Taking off her white jacket she placed it over one of the stools for later.

He still had about 20 minutes of shift left, so Elijah wasn't entirely sure if it was appropriate to just leave early. Though, he had to admit, he liked Abbey's impulsiveness. It was completely opposite of how he was. It was refreshing.

Kohl shared a smile with Abbey, but his eyes turned back on Elijah's compact body. There was apprehension in Elijah's posture and, even for the reserved young man, he seemed more disengaged from the conversation than ever. Determined, Kohl stepped away from the younger officers, and retrieved a stack of widescreen PADDS from a storage locker. He returned to the central workstations, and handed one to Elijah and another to Abbey.

"Lieutenant Stace will still be on the Bridge," Kohl said. "That means we can use her office. And her office has a replicator." --But some semblance of responsibility kicked in, because he felt the need to add-- "While you tell me what else you two have dug up about Lyshan III." Kohl swept a hand towards the exit, gesturing that they should lead the way.

It took a little longer for Abbey to realise what Kohl's plan was but when it kicked in she smiled and raised her head "YES!" She said a little to convincingly before giggling "I mean yes, that sounds like a good idea!"

"What do you say, Elijah?" Kohl asked. He looked to the younger man with uncertainty clouding his lightning-blue eyes. Shaking his head, Kohl said, "It's not an order."

Abbey's enthusiasm was infectious though he found the outburst and giggles a little odd for what was going to be discussed but he paid it no mind. He nodded. "I'm in," he said as he gripped the edges of the PaDD. He was still uncertain about all this, but there would be work involved. With some slight hesitation, he moved forward toward the exit of the lab.


Crewman Apprentice Abbey-Mae Wyatt
Scientist Mate
USS Galileo

Lieutenant Andreus Kohl
Assistant Chief Science Officer
USS Galileo

Lieutenant Elijah Williams IV
USS Galileo


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