USS Galileo :: Episode 06 - Legend of Souls - Back in Bed
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Back in Bed

Posted on 17 Mar 2014 @ 7:44pm by Commander Andreus Kohl & Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim

1,276 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 06 - Legend of Souls
Location: USS Galileo - Deck 3, Sickbay
Timeline: MD -09 - 0711 hours


Laid back on biobed two, Andreus Kohl would have appeared to be the epitome of complacency. His legs were stretched out, his arms relaxed in neutral postures by his sides, and his neck was provided just the right amount of support by the pillow beneath his head. Of course, ever since Doctor Allyndra had walked away from his biobedside, his stomach felt like it was coiling in on itself like a pit of venomous snakes. He was anxious. He couldn't remember feeling quite this nervous after the Borg attack, when it wasn't certain he would ever walk again. And yet, there was nothing particularly remarkable about this physical examination. Just that it was his first since his weeks in full-time rehabilitation at Starfleet Medical and after his temporary treatment on Akkadia. But he was more anxious than ever.

Allyndra smiled at Andreus. "How come it always seems that I have you on one of my beds but not in it?" She knew he would understand the banter.

Bracing his elbows against the mattress, Kohl pushed his torso upright. He scooted on the biobed to lean his back against the headboard, using the pillow as lumbar support. "I haven't been so lucky as to receive an invitation inside your quarters," Kohl replied, and he pouted with some disappointment.

"Well, someone is going to be lucky. Now this is supposed to be an official check-in but would like to see how well you really are doing. Can you give me a summary of your condition, you are medically trained."

Allyndra had managed to put Kohl at ease, even if only for a moment, and so when she turned the conversation back to the matter at hand, Kohl's eyes widened and he cleared his throat. He took a deep breath. "I was struck by a Borg drone and my body was struck against a biobed several weeks ago," Kohl said in his clinical timbre. "For 24 hours, I experienced spinal shock, complete absence of sensory and motor function. But that passed. There was significant bruising around my lower lumbar spine, and later testing has shown there was no damage to the vertebral bones, nor the intervertebral discs. Impairment in nerve function has reduced my range of motion in the thighs, knees, all the way down to my feet."

Allyndra nodded and went through some tests including bending Kohl's legs, wiggling toes and touching various places again to see what if he could feel it.

"There is still some weakness in the lower calf muscles, and some in your feet. However," she pulled his pre-Akkadia results and brought them up side by side on the PaDD and showed him. "There has been a vast improvement. I would say one-hundred percent back until just below the knees and then sliding down to maybe eighty percent."

She shrugged, "I would like to think the gene therapy helped but maybe your own body kicked itself into gear or some combination before the genes we tried were rejected."

As if he hadn't been living in his own skin these past weeks, as if he was newly born by Allyndra's news, Kohl stared in wonderment at his legs. He bent his right leg at the knee and raised his thigh. He wrapped both hands around his thigh, and raised it again experimentally. "I didn't... Uhm, I mean, I've been feeling an improvement, but I haven't felt like I was as strong as I used to be," Kohl said. The confusion that was evident in his furrowed brow and narrowed eyes was just as evident in his tone. "If the nerve damage has recovered as much as you say, I must also be slowed down by some deconditioning."

"That would be logical. The bands you have been using are an assist and perhaps relied on a little too much. Alright, I think we some physical therapy you can start reducing the load the bands are compensating for." Allyndra made a couple of quick notes.

"As a science officer now I think I can give you a tentative sign off for duty. Your going to have to use the assist bands for awhile but I want you to try to get that physical therapy in and I have a plan that you might or might not be agreeable to."

At Allyndra's recommendation, Kohl nodded most enthusiastically. "I've been making myself at home at Galileo's new workout room. I'm continuing with the exercise regime they designed for me at Starfleet Medical. I assume one of your staff can assist me in Sickbay as well," Kohl said. His brow furrowed, and he squinted at Allyndra momentarily with suspicion. Kohl asked, "What is this plan you speak of?"

"Your very well medically trained and though it would be a bit extra duty, the Beta shift is not as well covered as I would like. Mott is doing an extended Alpha and I will do an extended Gamma but that leaves sickbay thin in between."

Clapping his palms together, Kohl said, "I would be thrilled to help out. My days haven't felt complete without practicing a little medicine." He grinned at Allyndra like a child at the fair, but then his expression became shadowed. Until just that moment, Kohl hadn't been entirely certain he felt that way. And he wasn't entirely certain what that meant. "Unless Lieutenant Stace has any objections, I would like to accept your plan."

"Very good," Allyndra nodded her head. "Check with your new department head if it is alright then I would love to have the extra help. Well, other than some of that continued weakness you are otherwise in excellent health."
Allyndra put the PaDD down and took a seat on the bed her expression now clouded.

"I must say, I am sorry that I have failed. I truly had hoped that the old data would have worked but something did not quite work out. Can you forgive me?"

At Allyndra's words, Kohl smiled and he scoffed. There was mirth in the sound. "My forgiveness? Allyndra, you have my thanks," Kohl said in all sincerity. "Since the moment the met me, since literally the first moment, you have been my advocate. You have been my defender. We went back to your home, and you spent most of your time trying to heal me. I can't say that's at all how I would have spent a trip back to Argelius. Thank you, Allyndra. Thank you for always taking care of me."

Allyndra reached for Kohl's hand. "Thank you, it means a lot as do you. I have not given up and will not but there is one thing I ask once we get you out of these." She used her other hand to touch the motor bands.

Kohl looked up at Allyndra. "You can name your price," Kohl told her.

"You owe me a first dance. Agreed?"

Nodding slowly, Kohl breathed in suddenly, as if he were catching his breath. It was a funny thing. His first Chief Medical Officer aboard Galileo, Pola Ni Dhuinn, had loved to dance. They had danced when they were happy, and had danced when they were angry with one another. Kohl smiled fondly. "My first dance is all yours," Kohl promised.

"Good!" Allyndra smiled a big smile. "Now out of our sickbay until Beta shift and keep it that way alright?"

"Yes, Doctor," Kohl said in a mocking approximation of his most formal timbre. "Consider your order followed!"


Lieutenant Andreus Kohl
Assistant Chief Science Officer
USS Galileo

Lt Cmdr Allyndra illm Warraquim
Chief Medical Officer
USS Galileo


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