USS Galileo :: Episode 05 - Solstice - Stumped by the ACMO
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Stumped by the ACMO

Posted on 22 Feb 2014 @ 1:30am by Lieutenant Commander Dea Mialin & Lieutenant Olsam Mott

1,209 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 05 - Solstice
Location: Starfleet Medical, San Francisco, Earth
Timeline: MD 30 - 1400 hrs

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Dea figured she'd better get to know all the Department Heads and Assistants better. There was also a good number of new faces she'd never met before at all. One of the names on her list was Olsam Mott. Listed on the roster as Galileo's new Assistant Chief Medical Officer.

Olsam emerged from the surgical ward in a gown covered in green blood. His hands were held high and vertical in front of him; when he saw Commander Mialin right outside he smiled and gave an eyebrow waggle.

"Hello! Are you Commander Mialin? Sorry it took so long, that one was a real bleeder," he said cheerily. "I'm so sorry I couldn't come down to your offices, but I signed up to help out in emergency services for a couple of shifts. I appreciate your willingness to come down here - some people can't stand the sight of blood! Do you mind walking with me?"

With a nod Dea replied, "Yes I'm Commander Mialin. No need to apologize Doctor. You're doing your job." She started walk with Mott as he requested, "Believe me I'm not bothered by the sight of blood. I was a combat pilot. And now I've been thrown an even bigger challenge."

"Whoa! A combat pilot!" Olsam's hands trembled with excitement, but he tried to keep himself under control. Otherwise, the corridor would be splashed with blood. He asked the second officer to wait while he stepped into a room with a near opaque viewing wall; it didn't seem to limit sounds as much as vision so he continued talking while decontaminating himself and changing back into his uniform. "That must be really cool! Zooming around space, shooting at... I don't know. Who do we shoot at now? Rogue Romulans? Cardassian pirates? What's your bigger challenge? Is it like a bigger fighter or something?"

"I've recently been assigned as Galileo's Second Officer, " Dea commented, "As far as fighters go I haven't flown one full time in quite a while."

"Oh, that's right! You're the new second officer," Olsam said from within the decontamination room. He finally finished changing into his uniform and popped back out into the corridor with her. "Did you come to ask me to be the third officer? I can do that. But maybe it should be Dr. Allyndra. She's probably more qualified. Maybe I could be like the fifth or sixth officer. You know, way down the chain of command. Like, near the bottom." He lowered his voice to a whisper and leaned close. "I have no business commanding a starship. Even a little one."

Dea nodded with a smile, "Believe me Doctor I totally understand. Really I'm just going around introducing myself to the new crew and getting to know the Department Heads and Assistants better."

"Oh, that's good!" Olsam exclaimed, taking it upon himself to provide her with the inside scoop as if she hadn't been serving on the ship. "Let's see.... I haven't had a chance to meet everyone. The Captain is a very cranky man, as I'm sure you know. Commander Blake is very pretty and very kind. I don't know any of the security people, which is probably a good thing. They're usually these big sort of brutish fellows who are obsessed with procedures and phaser accuracy. The COO is a Vorta if you can believe that! But the ACOO isn't a Jem'Hadar for some reason; she's this big waddling pregnant lady named Min, who I think is dating some fellow in sciences. I don't know the Chief Engineer, but I did pass the ACEO in the hall once. He's so little, I was terrified I might accidentally bump him into the wall and snap him in half. And of course Norvi has a great sense of humor, and Mr. Kohl is a real delight even if he's a bit of a cripple at the moment. You know Dr. Allyndra, I'm sure - lady with compound eyes and wings, you can't miss her, really. And I don't know anything about the intelligence lady. I stay away from those people. They just don't seem right, you know? The way they look at you... Like you're just automatically part of some grand conspiracy to overthrow the Federation! So I read one piece of Romulan propaganda in the Academy, big deal! I mean, is that going to haunt me for the rest of my life?!"

The Bolian heaved an enormous sigh and slumped his shoulders, looking exhausted after the crew rundown.

Dea resisted the urge to burst out laughing at Mott's comments. It was not at all what she expected but she welcomed a different look at things. Glad for the diversion. "With time you'll get to know the crew you haven't met. Relatively speaking we're not a large ship."

"No, it's very tiny!" he agreed. "Which is just fine with me. I prefer getting to know my shipmates. If you're on one of those Galaxy or Sovereign behemoths you don't get to know anything about anyone. People passing through Sickbay are just serial numbers. But on the small ships, you get to know your patients and make friends."

With a nod Dea responded, "I've never liked being just a number. Although I've been on my share of ships where that's the case. We're a close knit crew."

"That's good to know! When I was serving on a Luna-class vessel we had this horrendous outbreak of venereal disease, and it took me forever to track down its source! There were just too many people to investigate all the rumors. I'm sure it would be much easier on the Galileo. Did you need anything else from me, commander? Medical checkup? Gynecological visit? Relationship advice? Bolian restaurant recommendations?"

This time Dea couldn't stop herself laughing for a bit before answering Mott. More than likely she was blushing from his comment but Mialin held her own well. "Restaurant recommendations will be good enough." Very relieved that her medical records were up to date.

"The best Bolian restaurant on Earth is run by my third cousin Rixxahn in Sydney, and if you never eat there you're doing yourself a disfavor," Olsam said immediately. "But if you do eat there then tell them I sent you. I bet they'll give you a nice table and a discount, too. Oh, don't eat the Nineees beef soup, though. I'm pretty sure you couldn't handle it." He looked her up and down once and then shook his head. "Nope, definitely couldn't."

With a nod Dea responded, "Thank you Doctor. I'll make sure to remember that." She paused, "You time is appreciated. I won't keep you any longer."

"Thank you for stopping by to see me," Olsam said, smiling and waving. "Sorry I can't chat longer, but I've got rounds to do. I'll see you on board, yes? Have a good afternoon!"

"Not a problem Doctor. I have a long list of items that require my attention as well. I'll see you on board," Dea replied as she turned to leave.

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Lt Commander Dea Mialin
Chief Flight Control Officer/Second Officer
USS Galileo


Lieutenant JG Olsam Mott, M.D.
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Galileo


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