USS Galileo :: Episode 04 - Exodus - Drinkin'f buddies
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Drinkin'f buddies

Posted on 03 Aug 2013 @ 5:10pm by Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim & Chief Warrant Officer 2 Oliver Sylver

984 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 04 - Exodus
Location: USS Galileo - Deck 4 - Sickbay
Timeline: MD04 Time 0620


It was another of those fairly quiet shifts and Allyndra had been working in the lab portion on her project on programmable DNA scissors. Though the science was already known her pet project had been to reprogramme the scissors to build or rather interfere with nanomachine assembly. The idea was simple in theory but a lot more difficult in execution.

The time had gone quickly but the hours of bending over the laboratory machines had worked their toll. She glanced at the chronometer and noted that it was only an hour left. That was enough of the research for today she thought and she headed out of the lab back into the regular ward.

Empty as the proverbial robbed tomb and about as quiet. She needed to stretch and she did so, raising the great translucent wings and then sort of dancing. As she danced letting the wings muscles warm with slow movements of the wings she hummed to herself.

"Now you don't see that every day," Oliver Sylver said with a grin as he watched her, his hand cradled close to his chest, wrapped in a wet towel. She was magnificent. Graceful. And clearly, someone who knew this was the dead shift. Which had been why he had thought working on the shuttles had been a good idea. Which had resulted in a laser burn to his hand that hurt like hell.

Allyndra stumbled and snapped the wings closed so hard they actually made a sort of snap sound. She recovered her balance and turned.

"I am sorry, I did not think anyone would be in. How may I..." she trailed off and noted the towel. "What happened?"

"I had an argument with a laser," he said and shook his head, arching an eyebrow. "Graceful, by the way. Very graceful...I liked the recovery and sound effects."

Allyndra moved to take the offended member and began to unwrap the towel. "Thank you, one learns to recover when water dancing." The last wrapping of towel came away. She shook her head, it was not dangerous but definitely painful she could imagine.

"Come on over here," she maneuvered the man onto a bed. "Give me a moment to get some analgesic."

He nodded as he got on and removed the towel. The burns weren't bad enough to warrant surgery, but pretty painful. "Water dancing?" he asked, with confusion.

"Water dancing? Oh that, well it is a little like Earth ballet but the idea is to just barely touch the surface of a body of water with one's feet while supporting oneself on ones wings. An errant gust of wind and..." Allyndra turned back with a small tray, "and gerr-plunk." Trying to imitate the sound of something falling in water.

"Ah...I don't know much of that sort of dancing," he admitted as he shook his head. "Saying that, reminds me of this pole dancing move I saw on Risa..." he grimaced as he felt the pain, frowning as he gritted his teeth.

Allyndra laughed. She had not seen much of what some called exotic dancing but enough to know what he was referring to.

"Alright let's get this sting down." She pulled some cloth pieces and dabbed them in an analgesic and then began to gently swab the area. "This should take the sting out and then I can use the regenerator. No use enduring that while it still hurts. So another Gamma shifter?"

"Yep," he said and nodded, his body tense as he watched her. "Happy gamma. Always fun to be asleep when people are doing stuff, you know? Can't remember last time I was awake during Beta."

Allyndra laughed lightly almost just a chuckle. "As a former Counselor, I could say something," she looked up and winked. "However, since I am not I won't. Now how is that feeling? The pain subside?"

"Better, thanks," he said as he nodded weakly, frowning.

"Good, now let me get the regenerator and get that thing healed up." Allyndra went to get the instrument. She returned and taking the hand gently began to use the instrument. "I will put in a prescription for some light pain medication. This is liable to continue to tingle for a day or so."

He nodded, remaining silent as he let her sort it all out.

"There, and" Allyndra pointed her chin toward a chronographic readout. "Just in time to say farewell to Gamma."

"Well, that's just dandy," he said and grinned, flexing his hand to feel it. "My relief came in when I was heading out, so she knows I won't be back until my next shift."

Allyndra nodded, "Just in time to get something to eat."

"I was thinking of the same thing. Want to grab a bite, doctor? I'd say I'd buy, but since it is all in our rations that is a bad turn of phrase," he said as he smiled warmly, arching an eyebrow in a playful manner to her.

Allyndra felt a small chill. She did not do mess for good reason. "You know, it is almost like evening now to me and I know it is really morning, but how about a drink and I'll spring." She made a quick nod/tilt of the head. "All first time patients get one on me."

"Seeing as it isn't real stuff anyway, sure," he said as he chuckled. "I could actually do with a coffee more than anything, doctor. With caffeine."

"Very well, coffee it is for you and I will take tea." Allyndra said. Tea actually sounded good, and sweetened deeply.

"Shall we?" Allyndra did not offer an arm but just tilted her head in the appropriate direction.

Oliver chuckled at that and gave a nod, bowing as he motioned in that direction. "Ladies first, doctor..."



Warrant Officer Oliver Sylver
Flight Control Officer
USS Galileo


Lt jg Allyndra illm Warraquim
USS Galileo


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