USS Galileo :: Episode 01 - Project Sienna - A New Place to Call Home
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A New Place to Call Home

Posted on 18 Apr 2012 @ 12:21pm by Rear Admiral Lirha Saalm & Lieutenant Commander Dea Mialin

1,554 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 01 - Project Sienna
Location: Starbase 234, USS Galileo
Timeline: MD 02 - 1110 hrs


Lirha leaned back in her chair and stretched her neck, feeling a pop as a pressure bubble broke and sent a soothing wave through her upper back. After a few minutes of quiet relaxation, she turned her attention towards her desk's console and the updated personnel reports which were beginning to pile up. Departing Earth short-staffed had meant that she had the tedious duty of acquiring new crew at Starbase 234. Though it was a respectable facility which she had no qualms with, she would have preferred to use the time for other matters, such as overseeing the requisition of her ship's full torpedo compliment. But such allowances had not graced her, and she found herself struggling to keep up with the many new crew transfers which needed to be approved in less than six hours. With a sigh, she began to browse through the files, taking note of a new Chief Flight Control Officer who had just been assigned to the Galileo.

Dea had hopped a transport to Starbase 234 on short notice. There was only a small window of opportunity to catch up with her new assignment. On the trip out she'd been reviewing the personnel records for Galileo's Command Staff. Walking through ships corridors Lieutenant Mialin headed for Deck 1. As she approached the Captain's Ready Room, Dea made sure her uniform was in order, a habit when meeting a superior officer, especially a new Commanding Officer. She triggered the door chime then waited for permission to enter.

"Enter." the captain called out, tapping a button on her console which turned her personal display's screen black. She stood up and pushed a lock of dark hair from her face as she looked towards the door to see who was on the opposite side.

MIalin entered the conference room and came to attention. With one hand she held out a PADD containing her official transfer orders, "Lieutenant JG Dea Mialin reporting for duty. I've been assigned as your new Chief Flight Control Officer." Handing that to the Captain as she spoke.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Lieutenant." Lirha replied with a friendly smile as she took the PADD from the Dea and set it down on her desk. There would be time to look over it soon, but for now the captain had several questions prepared for the young Trill woman. "Please, have a seat." she said, motioning towards a nearby vacant chair across from her desk. "I trust you found the Galileo with no problems?" she asked, a reference to the busy and complex operating nature of starbases.

With a smile Dea responded, "Thank you Sir it's a pleasure to meet you as well and look forward to serving under your command. I found the ship just fine. As a Flight Control Officer I'd better have more than just decent navigation skills." Taking a seat in the empty chair.

"Excellent." she said, sitting back down in her large chair and leaning back casually. "So," she began as she folded her hands in her lap. "What brings you to the Galileo? Were you transferred or did you request this assignment?" she asked curiously.

"A bit of both," Dea admitted, "Since I was between assignments Starfleet asked me what I was looking for in my next assignment. The only thing I indicated is that I wanted something different. At that point my choices were Galileo or letting Starfleet assign me to teaching at the Academy temporarily while waiting for them to assign me to the next available opening. Obviously I choose Galileo because its fits my criteria and it allows me to stay active on a starship."

"Well the Galileo is certainly different. We can fly circles around a Galaxy or or Ambassador Class, and our support craft are quite unique." she replied with a grin. "Have you ever piloted a Nova Class starship before?" she asked.

Dea nodded, "I have some experience there. You'll find that most of my piloting experience is with ships that will get you killed instantly if you make a wrong move. All of my experience with fighters translates over into starships easy enough."

Lirha listened to the woman speak. She finally picked up the PADD she had been handed and began to look through Dea's transfer request and service record. "Tell me about your last posting, the Nagasaki. I assume she was a fine ship to serve aboard?" she asked, wanting to know some of the lieutenant's thoughts and feelings about her time spent before arriving aboard the Galileo.

"First and foremost Nagasaki is a ship designed for war. Bigger and busier but certainly not one that's set up for a lot of relaxation or recreation. The Wing had long hours, lots of training so what little free time we did have was devoted to sleeping or stuff you could easily do in your quarters. We did what we had to do," Its clear from Dea's expression that she has a combat hardened side to her.

"I understand." she replied, having heard many stories about the combat stress which many pilots suffered through on long deployments. It was good to see that the Trill woman had a strong sense of duty and toughness. They were two of the best qualities a Starfleet officer could possess. "What made you want to switch departments to starship flight control?" she asked, following up her first question.

Dea thought about it for a moment, "I'm still sorting it all out. However I know its the right choice. Besides expanding my skills always a good challenge."

Lirha let a small grin spread across her lips. She liked the lieutenant's resolve and work ethic. "Yes, and you seem to have a few of them." she said as she looked back at the PADD in her hand. "I see you've served in strategic ops on two different postings, and it was one of your Academy majors." she commented. "And it says here that you're joined." she looked up with a smile, "Have you learned many useful skills from your symbiote?"

"Yes that is correct. Its a bit of an unusual situation but yes I can also say that I've learned some things from my symbiote," Dea answered her Commanding Officer's question. So far it had been a rather interesting but one sided conversation. "I hope you don't mind my asking but it seems you've been trying to get to know me which is fine. However I have an important question for you. I'd like to know what your expectations are for members of you crew and particularly Department Heads."

"I expect all members of my crew to perform their duties to the best of their abilities." she promptly replied, happy that Dea had taken the initiative to ask some questions of her own. "We are a small ship with not many personnel in each department, so I expect the best from everyone at all times." she elaborated. "As for being a department head, it's important to remember that you are a senior officer aboard this ship with men and women under your direct supervision. They will look to you for instruction and guidance, and it's essential to set a positive example for them." she said, then paused for a moment to collect her thoughts.

"The flight control department is one of the smallest aboard the Galileo so you will be quite busy with your duties. We have a small support craft manifest, but it's rather unique. We carry both Waverider and Hunley Class shuttlecraft, as well as a standard Type 9, which you and your staff are responsible for the maintenance and operation of. You're free to run your department however you wish as long as you stay within the operational guidelines." she said.

Dea listened to Lirha's comments carefully. "Understood Ma'am. The flight control department will be in tip top shape." Pondering her next question for a moment, "Is there anything I need to know about Galileo's current mission?" It was better to find out any potential issues now while there was time to come up with a plan.

The captain nodded and shifted in her chair. "You'll be briefed as soon as we get underway, along with all the other new personnel who have arrived. We're headed across Klingon territory to the Outer Colonies." she answered rather simply, not wanting to divulge any classified material to the new lieutenant at the moment.

"Aye Ma'am," Dea replied. At the moment she knew there was a lot of work ahead of her. In time that would change but for now all Mialin could do is her best to show she was the right officer for the job.

"Very well, Lieutenant," she began, shifting in her chair, "If there's nothing else, you're dismissed. Welcome aboard Galileo." she said with a smile and bright green eyes.

Dea got up to leave with a nod, "Thank you Captain." With that she exited the ready room to take care of other matters. Already she could tell this was going to be an interesting assignment in many ways.



CMDR Lirha Saalm
Commanding Officer
USS Galileo

Lieutenant (JG) Dea Mialin
Cheif Flight Control Officer
USS Galileo


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