USS Galileo :: True Liberty
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True Liberty

Posted on 30 Nov 2015 @ 11:57pm by Alax Elren

574 words; about a 3 minute read

Computer, begin log.

One might be tempted to think that life aboard this Terran Empire vessel has softened my views on that organization and its denizens.

If anything, it has hardened them.

Being in such intimate acquaintance with the enemy has given me the opportunity to see them for who they truly are and to meditate and reflect upon them and their policies. I am now more convinced than ever of the need to bring the Gospel of the Great Fire to every corner of this wicked empire, that it may burn away their sins and restore stainless purity to these wayward children of the Goddess.

As a people, they are abased. They have failed to cultivate that inner discipline that tames the spirit and hardens one against the temptations of the universe. As a government, they are malformed and underdeveloped. Their spiritual growth has been stunted and with it their forward progress. They are an incomplete empire, for they have exchanged the eternal for the temporal, the spiritual for the material, the godly for the ungodly.

These humans fought so hard for what they perceived to be freedom, but in the pettiness of their minds they have mistaken it for true liberty. They have attained only that which injures them while at the same time casting away that which profits them. They have led themselves far, far astray in the pursuit of a false promise. Their so-called freedom fighters did nothing more than march themselves and their followers into the depths of ignorance.

How could they not see that this sort of liberty, in the end, leads only to perdition, whose flames none can quench? The Great Fire saith, “The embodiment of freedom is the animal,” and during my time on this vessel I have seen the truth of such a statement. Though they have been given the gift of higher thought they waste it in pursuit of base wants and desires. That which would profit them most is submission to the Gospel, the restraints of which will protect them from their own ignorance and guard them against the harm they would do to themselves and others. Their commitment to freedom causes them to overstep the bounds of propriety and to infringe on the dignity of their station as creatures of the Goddess. It debases them to the level of extreme depravity and wickedness.

Before it is too late, before the wickedness of their civilization carries itself to excess and devours the very people who built it, this pernicious influence must be brought to a halt. They must be regarded as a flock of sheep in need of a shepherd for their protection. And I am that Shepherd.

The Great Fire saith, “True liberty consists only in submission to the commands of the Goddess,” and before my time is done here it will be emblazoned across their hearts. They will come to see that by observing that which has been shown in the Great Flames of Revelation they will attain to perfect liberty. The freedom that will profit them can be found nowhere except in complete servitude to the Holy Church of the Great Fire, that Fiery Beacon of Eternal Truth. And once they have tasted of its sweetness they will refuse to barter it away even for dominion over all created things…

End log.

Alax Elren
Intendant of Betazed
Ecumenical Patriarch of the Holy Church of the Great Fire
[ PNPC - Mott ]


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