USS Galileo :: Fright Night
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Fright Night

Posted on 31 Oct 2015 @ 8:05pm by

564 words; about a 3 minute read

== ~20 years ago ==

Medical school held some strange traditions. Naois had figured that one out quite early on and now in his second year he still couldnt quite get a grasp of all these Human traditions. Even though he was half Human, the concept of Halloween was beyond him. Still, he had promised his friends he'd participate and so he had dressed up.

With his pointed ears, no doubt everyone had expected him to dress up as the Devil, but a little investigation had the young hybrid intrigued in quite another concept: witchcraft. And so, he had used green make-up to make his green-ish skin look much greener, and he had used a kohl pencil to blacken his blonde eyebrows.

Naois looked at his reflection in the mirror and smiled as he applied a a wig over his soft, strawberry blonde locks and shifted it a little until it sat as good as perfect. The long black hair of his wig fell well beyond his shoulders and it made him look very odd. At least, he reasoned, they hid his pointed ears well enough.

Next was his outfit: a long shiny black dress with sleeves that tapered out at the wrist. It was reasonably form-fitting from the waist up and high in collar. He topped it off with a pointed and broad-rimmed witch's hat and a wooden wand.

All done, he left his dorm room, but just as he stepped out, something big and hairy fell down onto his shoulder. And, Naois couldn't help but scream as a long-legged spider fell down onto the floor. Laughter followed the echo of his scream as his friends approached. "You..." The Vulcan felt his heart thump in his side. "I hate spiders.."

"Exactly!" A petite Human female grinned broadly at him. She was dressed up in a white dress, her face all white and a blonde wig. Obviously she was meant to represent a corpse of some fashion. The others in the group wore various costumes, though one was similar to his own with the difference that the owner wore long fangs and had made his lips blood red. "It was too good to pass up Naois, just admit it. You're always so aloof and so...not-reacting....we just had to try and scare the living daylights out of you."

Naois just nodded as they walked down the hall, down to pathology where another group was going to meet with them. He didn't like the pathology area. Though he did want to earn his medical degree, despite his main being counselling, he never did like dealing with corpses. They entered through the morgue, where several bodies lay for next day's anatomy class. His senses on alert, he walked amidst his friends, blue eyes scanning the room in the semi darkness. "Something is not right," he whispered, "I sense-"

He faltered as suddenly something grabbed him by the shoulder, while something else seemed to grab his leg. He heard others scream, though this time he had only gasped in surprise, feeling a chill pass through his body as cold fingers wrapped around his throat. The dead weren't dead?

The lights came on suddenly and other students sat grinning on the metal slabs, obviously having replaced the corpses. He smiled as he caught his breath again. Yes this was going to be a good night! And, his very first Halloween.


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