USS Galileo :: Musings of a Drunk Geologist
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Musings of a Drunk Geologist

Posted on 29 Dec 2014 @ 1:19am by Lieutenant Elijah Williams IV, M.Sc.
Edited on 29 Dec 2014 @ 11:04pm

663 words; about a 3 minute read

"Computer begin uh, um... what's it called, uh personal log?

Hello, hey, computer... computer are you listening to me?"

Grabs the desktop workstation to focus it.

"Okay, okay so I am a little drunk, or maybe a lot. Or maybe, wait, what? What was I saying?"

Starts to giggle and looks around the temporary quarters.

"Oh right, right I know now. Drunk and the level at which I am such can't be determined. I'm a scientist, maybe there is a hypo... hypooo... thesis..."

Giggles more.

"Hypothesis, such a funny word."


"Does that even make sense? I don't know, who cares. Anywhowho, I have these temporary quarters on the starbase and they are soooo spacious. Like, I don't have to share or worry about shower times, or waking up Grayson when I get up before him and all that. Sometimes he has sex in our room, it's gross, and I mean you can just smell the sweat and the other fluids. It's gross just thinking about it."

I've seen him naked by the way. I was like brushing my teeth and he just walked into the bathroom. That guy is not modest at all. AT. ALL.

Yeah, yeah moving on from that. Oh, oh look look..."


"I got another tattoo, this one is pretty bad ass if I do say so myself. I got it up my forearm, I do like the design, so I will totally be wearing short sleeve shirts when I am not in uniform. I wouldn't have gotten one if Abbey didn't want to get one. It was a fun time and I definitely want to get more. As long as they don't show while in uniform then it's okay. At least that is what the regulation says but I've noticed people who have like tribal tattoos on their hands and neck and face, you know like visible. Maybe there is an exception or something.

Abbey is cute. She has a pretty smile. You know, comp... mind if I call you comp? I'd do anything for her, but man does her dad scare me. You know her dad right? Chief of Security, big guy, flatten me with one swift kick. Holymoly, can you imagine that, a flattened me."

Laughs again.

"I'm rambling..."


"You know, comp I didn't intend to go into that pub. But, I've just become more adventurous as of late. Sooooo I went in and apparently I am hot enough because there was this guy who kept buying me drinks. Who would have thought that would have happened a million years. Me. Someone bought ME drinks. How flattering is that, right? I, I, I bet he was trying to get into my pants. Get me all happy and drunk... bastard..."

More laughing.

"I got free drinks... and wings... those buffalo wings were kick ass man.

I like this starbase.

This starbase is kinda fun. It's not like me to let loose and you know, I wonder what people think of me ya know comp. I mean like I'm kinda quiet and I wonder if people think I am stuck up or something and well, I hope not. Andreus and Abbey don't think so. I have had some nice talks with uh... uh... what's his name. The Trill astrophysicist, um... Cyrip, no no, Cyrin. Yeah, yeah Ensign Cyrin. I think. Anyway, I can relate to him, he is a shy guy like me. Though, I don't feel so shy anymore, I feel strong and confident and... and... just like I can do whatever now. Though, I'm not sure how long that will last, I mean people fall back into old ways right? Oh damn that is just depressing, isn't it, comp?"

Looks down.

"Where the hell are my pants..."

Gets up from the desk and wanders around before collapsing on the couch.


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Comments (1)

By Lieutenant Olsam Mott on 29 Dec 2014 @ 2:12am

I love it cuz it's got my favorite thing: a giggly pant-less geologist! This was an amusing side to our resident shy guy, good to see him let his hair down for some drinks and a few wings. That brush with death has really changed him... Is he going to be wild now? Streak through the starbase? Make out with an admiral's son?