USS Galileo :: AGAIN?
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Posted on 01 Dec 2014 @ 3:00am by Senior Chief Petty Officer Keval zh'Erinov

311 words; about a 2 minute read

Wow, I have had an interesting few days, to say the least. I went over to the Star Port hoping just to relax and have some much needed me time. After our last mission I deserve it. So does the rest of the crew, I don't think I'm anything special. Anyway I ran into my dad. He was out of prison and it wasn't exactly a happy reunion. We had words, he made some vague threat, just your typical dysfunctional family drama.

I didn't think much about at the time, just a minor inconvenience I told myself. I did take revert to my parent's surname and gave up his. But it turned out to be much more than some simple drama.

I went back to the station, a nice bar and got kidnapped by the old bastard, this time he damned near killed me by tying me to a chair, beating the shit our of me and then literally kicking over the hornet's nest or wasp's nest would be more accurate.

I recovered from that and this time I armed myself before I left. No encounters with dear old day, but I did run into a Jasper Marsh. The second guy I was really serious with. The man who promised to keep in touch, to make a long distant relationship work, the man who simply disappeared from my life with no explanation. The man who, without sounding like a whinny High Schooler, broke my heart. Though of course I would never tell him that.

He just gradually stopped sending messages, then stopped returning them. And now, now he's part of the crew of the Galileo. I don't know whether to be excited or demoralized. But given my penchant for screwing up relationships, it what we had really was a relationship, I'm king of leaning towards the the demoralizing side.


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