USS Galileo :: Counselor/Medical Officer's Personal Log #28 - "Giving Thanks"
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Counselor/Medical Officer's Personal Log #28 - "Giving Thanks"

Posted on 24 Nov 2014 @ 7:39pm by Lieutenant JG Delainey Carlisle

456 words; about a 2 minute read

Sometimes the simplest truths are often the most powerful. Truths matter how strong any feelings are, they will change with time. It's physically impossible to stay angry or sad forever, so even if my head continues to find reasons to feel either way, the body will always find a way to bring itself toward some semblance of stability. I can appreciate that physical failsafe more today than I think I ever have.

The crew, myself included, still has a lot to work through from missions past as well as recent events, but I've been reminded this time for shoreleave will be as good for me as it will be for the rest of the crew. I am still perplexed by certain recent events, and I'm still unsure of my future here, but here's where I'm certain: I am fortunate to be a part of Starfleet, doing what I love. I am privileged to be able to witness people heal, whether from wounds that are easily seen or wounds that aren't.

When I was in medical school, I think I was so focused on achieving my goals, I never really stopped to think about what happens afterward. I never stopped to fully consider what I would get out doing the work I had worked so hard to earn the privilege to do. My parents were so anti-Starfleet and so anti-achievement, at least as it related to aspiring to be more than they were, I think it just pushed me to do the opposite.

I'm still ambitious, and I know there's nothing wrong with that, but shoreleave also reminds me, I have a lot to be grateful for.

I am grateful to be healthy. I am grateful to have a family who loves me (even if they don't always understand me). I am grateful to have a career I love, a career I might add that allows me to see and hold babies on a semi-regular basis. Most of all, I am grateful for my friends here. I am thankful for Jacob, who will serenade me and let me join him for wings and sodas "just because." I am thankful for Scarlet, who reminds me I have a lot to contribute even when she's just as perplexed by the changes that come down from Starfleet Medical as I am. I'm thankful for Paul, perhaps the only non-counselor on the ship who can understand my job, on a stage much bigger.

Lastly, I'm thankful for Andreus Kohl, a man who lets me vent and cares for me anyway, and who has volunteered to be my "drinking tutor" later.

I am thankful for a lot of things, but I know a hangover will not be one of them.


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