USS Galileo :: Personal Log 023
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Personal Log 023

Posted on 21 Dec 2013 @ 12:24pm by Captain Jonathan Holliday

596 words; about a 3 minute read


Personal Log - Comman.....Captain Jonathan Holliday reporting.'s finally happened - the Admiralty have made their most stupid decision in the history of stupid decisions - they've given me a fourth pip. Correct, I'm now a CO, and worse, they've given me Galileo after pulling the rug out from under Lirha!


Ok computer scratch that, let's start again.


Personal Log - Captain Jonathan Holliday reporting.

Following the completion of our mission with the Lek't, the Galileo has returned to Earth for refits and repairs. Whilst our new alien friends did a good job of repairing our systems and even replacing an entire nacelle, I still prefer Starfleet engineers tinkering with my ship.

Yes that's correct- you heard correctly, Galileo is now my vessel. For her exemplary service during the past year, Captain Saalm is now Commodore Saalm, and has taken up a role as Mission Adviser within Task Force HQ. As a result, Admiral Hurin saw fit to promote me to Captain as Commodore Saalm's replacement aboard the Galileo.

This is going to take some getting used to.

I have never served as a CO before, at least, not on my own vessel. Of course there have been times that I have stepped into the breach to command Galileo in the absence of Commodore Saalm, but never on such a permanent basis. It is also going to be a hell of a learning curve for my new XO, Commander Blake. If I think I have big shoes to fill replacing Lir...Commodore Saalm, she has no idea what's coming trying to fill mine.

I don't know how well I'm going to adapt to this situation. It set alarm bells ringing when I actually contemplated returning to the Academy as a Instructor again - for a split second it seemed far more enjoyable than taking up a command post.

Admiral Hurin did let one thing slip however - apparently, my track record has gotten the attention of some of the more senior brass - I have a sneaking suspicion that had he not chosen to promote me to a captain in my own right, I would have been very quickly reassigned as an XO elsewhere in the Fleet - I suppose I should be grateful for small miracles.

I would like to take a moment to go on record as saying to all those officers who decided I would never get past Lieutenant - suck it.


Erm, computer - remove that last statement.

Whilst Galileo continues her refit and repair, I should find some time to go home, the Red Planet seems about the most comfortable place I can think of right now - I've been an XO, a drone, and now, a CO - every step more scary than the one that came before. The Borg....they changed me.

I don't mean just physically - although the tubules still embedded in my right arm would argue otherwise - I don't feel like me, in my head. I'm sure if I spoke to a Counsellor they would try to tell me that I have some sort of PTSD - but the last thing I need is someone poking around in my head - Medical did enough of that removing those last few nodes.

With enough time I am sure I can come to terms with what happened to me - certainly with the challenge of Command looming, I will need to bring my A-game to the Bridge.

End log.


Captain Jonathan Holliday
Commanding Officer
USS Galileo


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