USS Galileo :: Personal Log 3
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Personal Log 3

Posted on 28 Feb 2013 @ 11:12am by

467 words; about a 2 minute read

He stares at the screen long enough that the computer prompts him about the idle time, suggesting he record an entry or delete the log. He blinks a couple time and then scowls

It seems like I've already done one of these. Didn't I?

he checks his PADD

I guess it doesn't matter. I'm supposed to do them. I still don't know why. There's no real reason for this other than to waste my time.

But my time has been wasted a lot lately. It seems everything I do on this ship is a waste of time.

Privacy concerns. What are people so afraid of? Their commbadges, which people love like a second skin, do everything the transponders do. The transponders only added function is to strengthen transporter pattern signals to allow me to beam them to safety from harsher environments. There's even been success in using them across some lower modulated shield frequencies. How is trying to protect people a 'privacy concern'?

The 'crew' of this ship is a joke. This is supposed to be Starfleet but they act like anything to do with Starfleet is a personal affront. They have no concepts of rules, no regard for regulations and complete disdain for those that recall we made an oath to follow the very same.

He sighs as he rubs his head, staring off to the side of the screen for some time.

The captain gave me two weeks to train Sidi for the Bridge and...I don't know. I'm trying but I just don't know what I'm doing. He's a smart dog and seems to pick up on things quickly. Mostly. Unless it involves food.

I'm holding him back. I just...I'm just not good at this. I think he should be done with learning the bridge stuff now but...

he sighs

We should be coming to Rojar system and dropping out of warp soon. I have to leave Sidi in our quarters because I'll have to respond to the bridge and Sidi hasn't had his test yet. It's bullshit.

I want the lawsuit over. I want a judge to tell them that they have no right to discriminate against him for the speciesist attitudes of others.

Oh, Dad's called several times. Left messages. Don't know what he wants now, I've deleted them. He even had Mom call for him. I didn't want to hear her cry again so I deleted that one too.

We're coming into Rojar, so this survey should get underway. Hopefully I'll have the chance to get the TRT solidified before I leave the ship when we return to 185. This ship needs something to help protect it. But I'm afraid it's worse enemy is itself.

It's about that time.


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