USS Galileo :: A Logical Betrayal
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A Logical Betrayal

Posted on 30 Nov 2023 @ 5:19am by Ensign S'Ers-a M'Lyr'Zor

1,347 words; about a 7 minute read

Starfleet Academy, San Fransisco, Earth – 2390

Graduation Day

It was the culmination of 4 years of intensive study and personal sacrifice, and for Sera it was a personal success, having completed the rigorous program, and graduating with honors. Although she did not feel any particular sense of pride—such a self-serving sentiment had no place within a logical Vulcan mindset--there was a certain amount of satisfaction in the completion of her studies. Her subsequent commission as an Ensign was proof that she was capable of meaningful accomplishments through nothing more than her own hard work.

Viruk, her mate, had sat apart from her; however, as they were organized by their majors, this was not particularly unusual. He was grouped with the School of Sciences.

After the ceremony it took some time to navigate the crowded space to travel over to where he had been sitting, however, by the time she had gotten there he was not visible. She looked about, clutching the padd that held her orders close to her chest, and saw him at the top of the large auditorium standing near a female. From the distance she could see his posture stooped ever so slightly, and his attention appeared to be focused on her. A cold wash of concern poured through her, but she immediately controlled her response. Surely a benign explanation was to be forthcoming. Sera began climbing the stairs to intercept him.

What Sera observed as she reached the top of the stairs sent a cold shock through her. The female, who appeared to be Terran with hair the color of dead Earth grasses gently reached out a touched Viruk’s hand. Her. Mate’s. Hand. A dark emotion coiled deep within her gut, its claws latching deep as it prowled about like a caged le-matya.

Sera entered Viruk’s field of vision, and she noted that he shifted in a nervous manner. Her focus was on the female, however. She had seen her before. The female was often featured in Viruk’s study sessions…now that she considered it, Sera had never been formally introduced as would be appropriate.

“What are you doing?” Sera pointedly asked the diminutive female who stood more than a head shorter than her.

The woman’s mouth rose in a closed mouthed smile of sorts, but only one corner of her mouth raised.

“Is this her?” She asked of Viruk, ignoring Sera’s inquiry. Sera’s nostrils flared slightly in barely controlled aggression, and she turned to her mate raising a brow imperiously.

” Explain yourself, Viruk. Why was she touching you?” Sera inquired in Vulkahnsu, the tone of her voice was a demand for answer.

“It is.” He responded blandly to the human female, ignoring Sera’s question at first, but then turned his attention to her. His expression was disdainfully annoyed. “It is rude to speak to not be understood, Aduna.” Viruk countered coldly.

How dare he chastise her, when he allowed one who was not his mate to touch him!

“You have not supplied an adequate response to my inquiry.” Sera retorted imperiously, switching back to Federation Standard.

“Wow, Viruk, you weren’t wrong. She IS cold.”

Sera’s head slowly turned from Viruk to the female standing before her with a triumphant look on her face. She took a step towards her unconsciously. “Do you desire him?”

Well, that seemed to wipe the strange smile off the woman’s face. “Wh…what?”

“It is a simple question. I thought humans understood simple questions. Do. You. Desire. Him.”

The woman’s cheeks flushed a red color, making her looked ill in Sera’s estimation. “How dare you! You—”

Sera cut her off. “You touched my mate. My. Mate. Do you wish to declare Kal’i-fee?” Sera asked emphatically.

“S’Ers-a.” Viruk interjected, “You are…overreacting.”

“Kali-what?” The woman queried. She wasn’t even capable of uttering the first syllable of the word without butchering it.

“On Vulcan, were you to engage in such despicable behavior I would be well within my rights to kill you.”

”KROYKAH.” Viruk interjected emphatically, and the rest of Sera’s vehement response died on her lips, and she turned herself squarely towards Viruk.

“I will speak with you later, Vivienne.” Viruk said to the female and nodded deferentially towards her.

The woman knowing an exit when she saw one quickly retreated.

Sera raised her hand in ozh’esta and in an uncharacteristic manner demanded, “Adun. Attend.”

The seconds ticked by, but Viruk did not reciprocate the gesture, and a tightening vice began to squeeze her heart. She slowly brought her hand back to her side.

”I bet that it rankles, T’Sai (Lady).” Viruk responded derisively.

Sera eyes lowered to the ground; her discomfort evident by her averting her eyes.

Viruk, emboldened by her submissiveness, pressed on. “I thought I was being paired with a Lyr’Zor. A ‘True’ Vulcan. What a disappointment. Vivienne was right…you are cold, lifeless. S’Ers-a. From the essence of life. Ha. You are nothing but a tepid vessel of water.”

Sera’s eyes shot back up to his and found that there was no warmth in them. There never had been.

”I have applied to a scientific research program and have been accepted. I leave tomorrow.” Viruk continued, using Sera’s bewildered silence to announce the plans he spent months organizing.

Sera blinked. He…he was doing what? They were supposed to be stationed together. That had been the plan. None of this was the plan. “And the human?” Sera all but whispered, the vice continuing to tighten.

“Ah…yes. She is quite extraordinary. Humans are such passionate beings. Vivenne’s scientific acumen almost rivals her sensuality.”

Sera’s hand went to her stomach; she suddenly felt physically ill. “But…Viruk. This is not logical. I am your mate.” Sera responded, pained. “I…I saved your life.”

“You performed your duties as any Vulcan female would when such was required.”

His callous dismissal of what she had endured at his hands during his time was…it was the final grain of sand.

“I HATE you, Viruk.” Sera hissed, her normally iron-clad emotional control fracturing.

“So noted.” Viruk retorted. “The feeling is mutual.”

He continued. “I will no longer require your services…I believe I have found a more…adequate outlet for my physiological urges.”

Sera’s mouth dropped open as she gaped at him. He…he was dismissing her as if she was some servant?! How dare he?!

“You Lyr’Zor think so highly of yourselves. The pinnacle of our Clan’s prowess. Our clan proclaims freedom from Surak’s insanity of self-denial of our very natures. I was intrigued at the prospect of wedding the daughter of the Matriarch. My House’s position was secured through our marriage.”

“I cannot blame you completely, however. After all you are nothing but the product of your mother’s fanatical adherence to Surak’s teachings…what a poor choice of a mate she was…and now she rules us. Her. A Priestess of Seleya…a lapdog of Surak’s dogma. We are weakened by her.” Viruk’s words were each a vicious cut, delivered with a calm precision that later Sera would marvel at. He had kept his true sentiments hidden for the entirety of their time together.

“Nonetheless, I do need to extend some thanks to you, S’Ers-a, for you were quite useful in arranging my freedom from Jian’Kahr. Now I will make a name for myself, not as the trivial mate of a Lyr’Zor, but as a pre-eminent expert in quantum physics. My future is assured.”

He would be dead within a year. The circumstances behind his death…classified. No explanation…not even any of his personal affects. It was like he ceased to exist. If it weren’t for the unusually severe psychic damage caused by the sundering of their sickly, soured bond, Sera could have all but pretended he had never existed.


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