USS Galileo :: The one you feed - Tales from Akkadia
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The one you feed - Tales from Akkadia

Posted on 27 Sep 2017 @ 2:09pm by Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim

249 words; about a 1 minute read

Allyndra watched the ring rise. There was nothing like it even on the holodeck as good as that was. It was her favourite time of evening.

She watched as the sky light until the great silver rainbow stretched from horizon to horizon and lit the landscape with silver light. The gardens below the night flowers opened and it reminded her of a little story she had once heard.

She had been keeping a set of stories to share about her world and she turned to record this one.

"One day a woman of one of the great Houses was walking along the shore and came upon a goddess.

She made a curtsy and the goddess turned and nodded.

“Child, come stand with me.” The goddess said and waved. The woman did as bid.

“Child in every life there is a terrible fight. A fight between two predators. One is evil, full or anger, envy, greed, resentment and deceit. The other is good, full of joy, serenity, humility, generosity, truth, and compassion.”

“Lady,” the woman looked at the goddess, “which one wins the fight?”

The goddess reached and touched the woman on the chin and said, “The one you feed.”

The woman nodded and again curtsyed and said, "Thank you for the wisdom, Lady, I will feed the later."

She went on to become a Mother of one of the Great Houses and all said that she was one of the wisest, kindest and wonderful Mothers there had ever been.


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