USS Galileo :: Admiral's Log 012
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Admiral's Log 012

Posted on 28 Apr 2017 @ 2:01pm by Rear Admiral Lirha Saalm

366 words; about a 2 minute read

Admiral's Log, Stardate 68067.2

As of this moment, the Galileo crew, myself, and several other Starfleet officers recovered on Kreanus are aboard the Kreanan warbird Ganelax. How did we get here on this vessel and this point in space along the Klingon-Federation Neutral Zone? I suppose I could give a full explanation of the recent events, but I know Starfleet Command will want its own debriefing in the near future. Suffice to say, there were many...challenges along the way. And more lives were lost, including Lieutenant Fraiser and Chief Caine... May we honor their memories and sacrifice to the Federation.

Many of us are now injured and require medical treatment. Our battle with the usurper named Chorag has left many of us in critical condition -- he was a Klingon commander assigned to our starship under the guise as an advisor and first officer, but then attempted to eliminate myself and the rest of my crew before we could accomplish the mission we had set out upon. And now we find ourselves to be the inevitable pawns of a political ploy to serve the interests of the Klingon Empire and Kreanus Colony...

I should have opened my eyes and seen it for what it truly was; I should have recognized the feeling in my heart that what I was being told was not the full truth; I should have known that former-Tal Shiar would always revert back to their instincts and instead trusted my training; And I should have known better than to negotiate the lives of my crew with people of questionable character and motives.

For this, I've again failed in my duties and cost more unnecessary lives to be lost. While only the spirits can judge me when I meet my eventual fate, my heart is full of shame and regret. I feel I'm no longer qualified to lead my officers and NCOs in a manner becoming of a commanding officer, and upon my arrival back at Earth, I will submit myself to the full authority of discipline for what I've done. Consider this my last log and record as a Starfleet officer.

Computer, end log


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