USS Galileo :: Dear Home
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Dear Home

Posted on 03 Jan 2017 @ 6:23am by Yasmin Khoroushi

511 words; about a 3 minute read

Noah was sleeping again, leaving Yasmin with time on her hands and mind to think and otherwise occupy herself. She'd managed to find an old PADD that someone had salvaged and set about pecking her thoughts into the device on the hopes that they would find a way off this rock.

Now, curled up on a narrow cot beside her brother's, she considered what to write next.

"... Noah is doing better, I think. I told you last time how I was scared for the longest time that he was gone - that I hadn't seen him because somehow he had been lost with so many others in the explosion that took the ship. Thankfully, it wasn't so and he was only in another shuttle from mine. Now we're here together and he's recuperating from whatever those jerk Klingons did to him before we got here.

"This place ... Maman, it is so different from anything I could have ever imagined. Dark, cold - I'm bundled up in some old service jacket and a blanket and still shivering - but there are bright spots here and there. I checked in on the security guy yesterday - the big one who was with me in the shuttle. He was asleep, but his friend said he would be alright. It's kinda bizarre that after everything that was done, we're actually being treated almost nicely now.

"Oh, there's this one little girl who's been in the infirmary now and then - I think her name is J-something. I hear her called JJ so I guess I'll stick with that. Cute little thing - I don't think she's quite two, unless she's a really tiny two. She just sorta trots from place to place to investigate, I would say. I'm thinking about asking her mother tomorrow if she'd like me to watch her, seeing as I don't have anything else to do. It would at least get my mind off of things."

Leaning back, Yasmin closed her eyes. She heard Noah shift beside her, murmuring something in his sleep before she reached out a hand to rest on his shoulder, feeling him settle at her touch.

"I don't think Noah was ready to go back." she continued. "Maybe it really was just worrying about me, but somehow I feel like he was always just a little ... not him. I hope when all of this s over he'll re-think going off on another ship. Of course, if he does, I plan on going with him. I miss home, but something about all of this makes me think maybe I should look into joining up myself. Wouldn't Papa love that?"

Yasmin smiled, but rather than adding to the thought, she set the PADD down, tucking it securely beneath her pillow before laying out. The chronometer said it was 2248, though she wouldn't know the time to look about her. Figuring she might as well stick to as normal a schedule as she could manage, she reached up to click off the light overhead and settle in to sleep.


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