USS Galileo :: View Awards - Pieter Van Zyl Ph.D.

View Awards - Pieter Van Zyl Ph.D.

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Out Of Character Awards

Award Reason
Non-Player Character Award Non-Player Character Award
Awarded 06 Nov 2014 @ 2:54am
Nominated by Lieutenant Olsam Mott
Maja has done a great job over the past two months of crafting a distinct non-player character with a unique personality and personal challenges. She's really brought him to life and gotten him engaged with the crew in both professional and off-duty capacities, quickly establishing him as a presence on the ship.
Friendship Ribbon Friendship Ribbon
Awarded 14 Dec 2014 @ 5:34pm
Over the course of several posts, starting with being stuck together as roommates, my NPC Tyrion has started to develop a somewhat uncertain and awkward friendship with his roommate Pieter van Zyl. It is evident that the two care about eachother as friends (and nothing more) and will go a fair way to see to it that the other is comfortable in time of need (such as the filters for Pieter during the tribble manifestation, and the cupcake in the brig for Tyrion)

Aside from his unfortunately lover Tyrek, Pieter is actually the first real friend Tyrion ever had.
Geordi LaForge Obstacle Citation Geordi LaForge Obstacle Citation
Awarded 22 Apr 2015 @ 11:23pm
Nominated by Lieutenant Prudence Devin Ph.D.
Pieter is one of those great characters that yes, has a disability, but quite frankly doesn't seem to impact his work. He is a well-written, intelligent character who is living with something that makes him different, but he just gets on with the work! It's a true testament to the writer's abilities that it seems so natural for Pieter to be the way he is without any real bitterness about it, it's just part of the situation he is in.