USS Galileo :: Biography - Eviess


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28 Dec 2017 @ 8:20pm

Petty Officer 1st Class Eviess

Name Eviess

Position Medical Officer

Rank Petty Officer 1st Class

Character Information

Gender Female
Species ½ Klingon and ½ Romulan
Age 30
Date of Birth February 14 2362
Place of Birth Vulcan, ShiKar City

Character Type

Starfleet ID

Serial Number ME-451-8213
Security Clearance Level 2
Duty Watch Gamma

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11
Weight 210lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Chocolate Brown
Physical Description Eviess is tall, well built, and athletic. She looks Klingon but has Romulan ears.

Eviess prefers to let her hair grow long and now it reaches half way down her back when loose. She has chocolate coloured eyes that seem to sparkle when she laughs.

She carries herself with grace and sensuality and seems to float off the ground when she walks.
Body Art She has a IDIC symbol tattooed on her inner right wrist and a Klingon and Romulan insignia on her lower back.
Portrait =^=PNPC written by Soral Varro=^=


Father Jadrur son of Keldar
Mother Eyelaya S'Kiell
Brother(s) Antos son of Jadrur

Kol son of Jadrur

Personality & Traits

General Overview Eviess is very much a calm thinker. She likes to work out her options before rushing into anything and only speaks when she is certain of things. Outside of work she is fun, outgoing, and the life of the party, at least on the outside. She has a quiet strength that many are attracted to and is quick to smile and tell a joke. She is very honest and open and often is considered too honest. In her work she is very sensitive and loving and truly cares about her clients.

In social situations, although she is the life of the party and is sweet, she does hide a bit of an insecurity that is due to all the bullying she went through growing up. She sees herself as a work in progress and is in a phase of trying to reinvent herself so that she is comfortable inside and out. Friendship wise she doesn’t have many close friends but she’d like to. She’s a bit shy making friends but when she does she is loyal and when she truly opens up she is truly a beautiful soul.

She also does have a yearning to be loved in a relationship kind of way. Seeing her parents so in love she has always wanted to find someone to love her but has been unable to. She is afraid that her Klingon background puts a lot of people off so for now she’s content to be a hopeless romantic but she does get lonely sometimes. She has taken the initiative once to reach out and lay her feelings of love out on the table but was burned and that gives her a bit of fear about being in relationships, a fear she is constantly fighting against.

She does sometimes show her temper, when frustrated, it’s her Klingon side, but she tries to suppress it.

Strengths She is loyal; she is driven, she loves her work, and is a detail orientated individual who loves research and reading. She never leaves a task unfinished. She is strong and calm in tense situations. She gives all of herself to her clients and their health.
Weaknesses She is often said to be too honest because she says what she thinks and feels and is not good at sugar coating things.

She is very hard on herself and unsure in romantic relationships. She tends to put the needs of others ahead of her own and as a result is prone to burnout and some frustration. She is afraid to ask to have her needs met because she views it a selfish.

Ambitions She wants to be the best doctor she can be.
Find true love
Hobbies & Interests Eviess loves to write, runs every day, meditates, reads, plays piano, sings, plays the electric guitar, works out a lot, and outside of the fleet she is a writer and has published several books in the Romance department as well as psychology/self-help.
Vernacular She is soft spoken until mad then her Klingon really shows. When mad she has been known to growl.
Orientation Bisexual
Language(s) Spoken Vulcan, Standard Federation, Romulan, Learning Klingon

Personal History Early Years:

Eviess was born in 2362 on Vulcan in the capital city ShiKahr. She was the only daughter born to Eyelaya and Jadrur who already had 2 sons. The story of Eyelaya and Jadrur was one of true love. They met on Romulus, fell in love and ran away to Vulcan both seeking asylum. There they had two sons and a daughter and lived happy and content. Jadrur, a former Military General, joined the Vulcan defense Academy as a teacher and Eyelaya, an artist, joined the Vulcan Arts Academy.

Eviess grew up attending school in ShiKahr. She always felt as if she was an outsider and was often bullied because of her background. She very much loved the IDIC (Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations) philosophy of Vulcan but didn’t see it much in her school.

She did, however, love learning and excelled in her studies. She as even recognized for her meditation discipline and her agility during physical education classes as well as her mind in galactic history and languages. Being a favorite of her teachers put her in even more of a problem with some of the other children. She did have her best friend though. Sobol a young Vulcan befriended the girl and the two were inseparable throughout their education.

They would spend hours on end in museums, libraries, monastery retreats, and the Surak Memorial Gardens.

At the age of 14 they were given an opportunity of a life time traveling throughout Vulcan with a Vulcan master who’d achieved Kolonahr. It was their reward for winning the Kal-toh championship. Those two years were the best of her life and she and Sobol grew close. In fact she fell in love with Sobol but he, sadly, did not love her.

At 16 years Master Vela announced that because of their excellence and their dedication to studies both would be up for a competing spot in the early Starfleet Academy entrance program for the prep courses. Eviess saw this as her opportunity to become a doctor. Having gone through the bullying and the loneliness of her childhood she wanted to help others. Sobol wanted to study engineering.

Eviess saw this opportunity as good for both and she would have been happy no matter who won but Sobol had other plans. His competitiveness won and he pulled away from her and treated her coldly. When she confronted him and told him how she felt about him he cruelly cut her down. He told her that he could never love someone like her and really chipped at her self-esteem hoping that she’d be too dejected to take the test and that he would win.

She felt lonely, lost, hurt, ugly, and useless but she pushed through and aced all the tests. In fact his treatment of her drove her to be better so she could leave Vulcan.

The Academy Prep Courses:

At 17 she was accepted to the Academy prep courses on the recommendation of teachers, and Master Vela who had many a friend at the Academy. She started her studies and found that she loved medicine and counselling and excelled in her studies.

Eviess decided that the Academy wasn’t for her but she entered Medical School on Earth in London England.

The Med School Years:

Her love of physical fitness made her join the University running team and she was one of the best wining several competitions. She recreationally learned how to fly shuttles and joined the flight squad off campus. She was in the drama club and she finally felt at home…she did have some issues with those who disliked Romulan/Klingon hybrids and again she had a sense of loneliness but she pushed through.

At 22 she was again, falling in love, this time with an Andorian professor at the Medical Academy.

They had a year long relationship and on Graduation night he showed up to the party with a young Andorian woman. Eviess was shocked to find out she was his wife. None of his files listed a wife nor had he ever told her he had one. She was crushed and when she confronted him he told her that he’d just wanted to be with her as her species intrigued him. She promptly slapped him and told his wife and walked out.

Working Years:

Eviess sank into a depression feeling quiet unworthy and ugly. What pulled her through was her writing. She’d started writing Romance books and by doing this it allowed her to give her characters what she always wanted but never had. She was assigned to work in a Hospital on the Lunar Colony and became an excellent doctor.

In 2388 She was asked to join Starfleet by an Admiral she’d treated. She told her that she would think about it.

In 2389 she enlisted in Starfleet. Admiral Benson, who’d followed Eviess’ career made a request to have her assigned as a PO to the USS Path. She excelled and even made friends there. In 2392 She asked Admiral Benson for help getting moved to the USS Galileo a science ship to be near a friend of hers.
Medical History Very far.
Service Record 2390-2392 – USS Path, Doctor
2392— USS Galileo, Gamma Doctor

Character Progression System


Skills and Perks

Skill Training