USS Galileo :: Biography - Tinaro Cyi


  • 4 Mission Posts

Warrant Officer ('etlh Suvwl') Tinaro Cyi

Name Tinaro Cyi

Second Position Crew Member

Rank Warrant Officer ('etlh Suvwl')

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Betazoid
Age 28
Place of Birth Betazed

Character Type

Starfleet ID

Security Clearance Pending
Duty Watch Pending

Physical Appearance

Height 5'5"
Weight 140 Lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Tinaro is short, stands at just under five feet five inches, with a weight of 140lbs of lean muscle. He works out on a regular basis and does daily marital arts training. Tinaro has brown hair. When Tinaro is in his uniform he has a stance about him that shows power and control. If you look into his eyes you can see the years of war that have been engraved into his soul. For his current infiltration mission, Tinaro had his hair color darkened and cut as well as his eyes lightened from the usual Betazoid Black.
Body Art None


Spouse Archduchess Annendia Keara Cyi, Lady of the 1st House of Betazed, Mother-Superior of the Imperial Daughters of Rixx
Children Lord Tyrien Cyi, Son of the 1st House of Betazed. Heir-Apparent. (13)
Father Lord Admiral Feanin Cyi, Lord of the 2nd House of Betazed. Knight-Marshal of the Forces of Betazed. Holder of the Sacred Spear of Del’ran. (Deceased)
Mother Lady Ivaian Troi Cyi, Lady of the 2nd House of Betazed. Mother-Superior of the Imperial Daughters of the Rixx. (Deceased)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Tinaro is a ruthless person, and task oriented person who does not always stick to protocol at times. He prefers to call people by their first name's and requires that they address him formally, his military and civil Family titles as well. During battle Tinaro doesn't let any of his emotions get out, and he is as cold as the space they are fighting in. He will fight to the end, even if it threatens his crew and ship. The only person he seems unwilling to sacrifice is his son, Tyrien, who always come first, even above his own life. He has been known to be unconventional during battle, and uses his extensive physical and mental abilities to lethal ends.
Strengths Tinaro has an unshakable belief in his own abilities. Gifted with fast reflexes he has studied and mastered several styles of martial arts and finely honed his telepathic skills. He possesses a genius level IQ which he uses to study his enemies and their actions and stay one step ahead of them. He is an exceptional liar and can fool even the most sophisticated detection systems.
Weaknesses Tinaro has little patience for disrespect and is often quick to speak his mind when dealing with ‘inferior peoples’. He has more diplomatic tact when the situation called for it. Tinaro is one of the most natural cold and discompassionate Betazoids ever. Rumored to have killed his own parents, and his in-laws, he truly loves only one being besides himself, his son Tyrien.
Ambitions To be Emperor and leave a mighty Empire to his son
Hobbies & Interests Studying tactics and teaching his son all he has learned over the years.
Vernacular Normally has a High Betazoid accent. Otherwise mimics the speech patterns of the people he infiltrates.
Orientation Heterosexual
Language(s) Spoken Klingon, Cardassian, Terran, Vulcan, and conversational in a half dozen others

Personal History Tinaro was born to the powerful Cyi family of the 3rd House of Betazed. His father, considered one of the most brilliant tacticans of this time, masterminded the coup that lead the Cyi family to usurp the 2nd House from the Troi family. His mother, a Troi, was a powerful telepath and taken as a spoil of war. Both are highly developed telepaths and were renowned for both their ability and skill telepathically and empathically, Tinaro was born with a sizeable advantage.

When Tinaro was 13, he was married to the daughter of the 1st House, Annendia Keara. Two years later she gave birth to their son, Tyrien. Two nights later, Lord Feanin Cyi, or at least parts of him, were found shattered over his study, a victim of an apparent bombing. Lord and Lady Keara as well as Lady Cyi all died two hours later, both from apparent heart attacks. Tinaro was crowned Archduke of the 1st House, Head of the Council of Houses, and Lord Marshal of Betazed immediately after the hastily prepared funerals.
Starfleet History Reaching the top of the political ladder on Betazed, Tinaro’s ambition had not yet be slated. Tinaro wanted more for himself and his new son. Having caught the attention of the Empress during a diplomatic function, Tinaro was soon recruited to the KCA Intelligence Services, the Obsidian Order. Using his telepathic skills and ability to think on his feet, Tinaro became a deep cover infiltrator and high-level target assassin.

Character Progression System

Skills and Perks

Skill Training