USS Galileo :: Biography - Si'tar Del'an


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26 Oct 2012 @ 6:01pm

Ambassador Si'tar Del'an

Name Si'tar Del'an

Position Foreign Observer

Rank Ambassador

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Ta'rkan
Age 47
Date of Birth 2342
Place of Birth Arun R'lantha

Character Type

Starfleet ID

Serial Number CV-734-8927
Security Clearance Level 1
Duty Watch None

Physical Appearance

Height 1.81
Weight 73.0 kg
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Green
Physical Description .:Si'tar Del'an, Daughter of Si'lani, Fa'iel of the Order of Ban'kina:.
She had the bearing of one who was ancient, mirrored in the wisdom of her emerald eyes and the strength in her mature features. But she was not worn by the ravishes of time, her skin as smooth as a maid's, pale as a Earth's moon, and she lacked any sign of weariness. One would be hard pressed to guess her true age, rather it was easier to say she was ageless. Stray locks of dark, auburn hair framed features as her eyes gazed upon Lirha with an intensity that was almost tangible. Her lips bore neither smile nor frown. Upon her brow rested a fine line, a set of cranial ridges rising from the bridge of her nose and sweeping up only to curve back towards one another and then split in two just below her hairline. A similar ridge gave her chin a striking appearance.

Her robes were a deep amethyst color and shimmered in the light, revealing wisps of periwinkle, cobalt, and turquoise within its depths. They clung loosely to her womanly form, cinched just above the waist with golden links from which hung a ruby dagger sheath with an elegant golden hilt hinting at the quality of the gently curving blade within. Upon her brow rested a very small by very lustrous ruby, ensconced in gold and hanging from a slender chain.
Body Art =^= PNPC Owned by Amril =^=


Spouse Si'tar Ven'mar, Son of Vol'mar, Ja'iel of the Order of Nal'yeri
Children .:Sons:.
Si'tar Shel'mar, Son of Ven'mar, Hri'ti of the Order Nal'yeri

Si'tar Zel'an, Daughter of Del'an, Vati of the Order of Ban'kina
Si'tar Ta'li, Daughter of Del'an, Vati of the Order of Ban'kina
Father Si'tar Vol'mar, son of Kor'tun, Dro'kuv'iel of the Order of Nal'yeri
Mother Si'tar Si'lani, Daughter of Im'ila, Yur'urn'iel of the Order of Sar'naon

Personality & Traits

General Overview "The Universe is a sea of chaos; you must be an island of serenity. Only on the island of your mind can you find the peace all beings seek. You are Ban'kina, you must guide yourself, your fellows, and all the stars in finding peace. It is in this way that you will achieve harmony with the Eternal One."
~ Si'tar Del'an, from Reflections of the Ban'kina Way: Reflection One, Passage Three
Strengths "Mind is the greatest gift, the most perfect weapon, the strongest shield. Mind is the essence of the Eternal One.”
~Vre'kel, Son of Vre'ra, First Othai of Ta'rkan

"It is through your mind that you attain perfection. There is no single aspect of your being that has such infinite worth. You must learn to control your mind. All aspects of your sharing in perfection stems from your mind. Without it, you are nothing; with it, you are everything. The arts of your body are begot by the discipline of your mind, and so before you take any action, think. The first thing you mist learn is Discipline of the Mind, then the path to Discipline of the Body will seem easy to you."
~ Si'tar Del'an, from Reflections of the Ban'kina Way: Reflection Four, Passage Seven

"The Discipline of the Body is the physical manifestation of the warrior's immortal spirit. The strength of a monk lies not in his ability to master gestures, or the strength of physical body. Mastery of the mind is where Discipline of the Body draws for strength. Striking an opponent in just the right spot with just the right touch, at just the right time will be of no avail without the focus required to overpower the will of the opponent's body. Again, it is not the touch of the healer's hands that mends the wound, but rather the focus of the healer's mind that makes whole what was destroyed."
~Vir'unas Zhal'ia, Meditations of the Mind and Body: Scroll Three, Passage Six
Weaknesses "Be wary, young Ban'kina. In attaining perfection, you will fall short. If you let your mind grow weak, you will think yourself greater than you are. You must always avoid overestimating yourself, for knowing your true place is a part of perfection."
~ Si'tar Del'an, from Reflections of the Ban'kina Way: Reflection Seven, Passage Twelve.
Ambitions "How best to orient yourself towards achieving harmony with the Eternal One? Walk always as a bastion of peace amidst the chaos of the Universe. Seek no battles without cause. Remember to speak the truth loudly enough to be heard but softly enough to hear it, no matter who may speak it. Avoid disharmony in all its forms lest you succumb to it. Compare yourself not to others but to the your harmony with Eternity. Be neither gullible nor cynical, that you may gain Wisdom, and remember that all seek to attain perfection. Always know who you are and be sincere with others, especially with your affection. But do not fear love, for it is a gift from the Eternal One. Seek out the wisdom of age. Your mind must be strong in order to face adversity, for there is nothing that weakens the will as fear. In your pursuit of the Disciplines of Mind and Body, be unwavering, but know when the time comes to relax, lest tension darken your harmony. Most importantly, have trust in the Eternal One; the Universe is guided by the Hand and Eye and no matter what may seem to be, all unfolds as it should. True peace and happiness comes when you attain harmony with the Eternal One."
~ Si'tar Del'an, from Reflections of the Ban'kina Way: Reflection One, Passages Fourteen through Twenty

"To attain perfection, one must achieve absolute harmony of Body and Mind."
~Orm'a Jul'im, Discourse on the Nature of Eternity
Orientation Heterosexual

Character Progression System


Skills and Perks

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