USS Galileo :: Biography - Vedek Ludir

Vedek Ludir

Name Vedek Jalek Ludir

Position Chaplain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Bajoran
Age 32
Date of Birth November 28, 2354
Place of Birth Hendrikspool Province, Bajor

Character Type

Starfleet ID

Serial Number CV-507-8950
Security Clearance Level 2
Duty Watch Gamma

Physical Appearance

Height 5’11”
Weight 180 pounds
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Ludir is around average height for a man, standing 5’11”, although he seems taller as he always carries himself with good posture. He has a reasonably toned build, as he does try to work out relatively frequently, and believes that a healthy body is essential to a healthy spirit. His dark brown hair is somewhat haphazardly cut, and is frequently in a state of disarray that seems just a bit too planned. His most noteworthy feature is his blue eyes, which contrast nicely with his naturally tanned skin. Between his good looks, and his calm, unflappable demeanor, he makes friends easily, and comforts those around him.
Portrait Ludir.png


Father Jalek Lemir
Mother Jalek Seras
Brother(s) Jalek Korin
Sister(s) Jalek Ehlissa

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ludir is a softspoken man, but he is not the sort who people talk over. Rather, he is the one who with a single word can silence an entire room. He has a quiet sort of confidence that doesn’t come off as arrogant, but rather comes off as inspiring. He is a born leader, and is good at both leading and advising others. He is reknowned for his ability to see multiple sides of different disputes, and to be non-judgemental, even in the most convoluted arguments.

Ludir does have a difficult time with the knowledge that the Galileo does sometimes does cause death in members of other species. He questions whether it is necessary, although keeps these concerns to himself, as he enjoys the opportunity to see the galaxy.
Strengths Public Speaking
Motivating Others
Weaknesses Gives his heart away too easily
Wants to please everyone
Prejudiced against Cardassians
Ambitions To join the Vedek Assembly
To get married and settle down
To become Kai of Bajor
Hobbies & Interests Meditation, gardening, tai chi, calligraphy, painting, pottery
Vernacular Ludir speaks in a soft tenor voice. There is something about his conviction and his body language that causes others to quiet down to avoid speaking over him.
Orientation Heterosexual
Language(s) Spoken Several Bajoran dialects, Federation Standard, Cardassian

Personal History Born towards the latter part of the Bajoran Occupation, Ludir grew up surrounded by strife. His father was forced to work in the Cardassian mines, while his mother acted as a servant to the Cardassian families on Bajor. Being the oldest, he was the one left to tend to his father’s wounds when he was beaten for poor production, and to his mother’s heart when she was the victim of rape.

Growing up in such circumstances can do many things to a young boy. But while his fellows were running off to join resistance cells, Ludir found himself drawn to more peaceful pursuits. While many Bajoran Temples had been destroyed by the Cardassians, there was on near his home where he found himself spending more and more time. He was awed by talk of the Prophets, and he wished to see the Orbs for himself.

When he was 12 the Occupation ended, and Starfleet came to Bajor. This drove the young people of Bajor to talk of joining Starfleet, and seeing something other than the tattered remains of Bajor. Ludir saw a different opportunity. He wanted to help rebuild, and to inspire his people to the greatness that they deserved.

As soon as he came of age, he became an acolyte, and began learning all there was to know about the Bajoran faith. While some acolytes were forced into service by their parents, or had come there because they had nowhere else to go, Ludir genuinely wanted to be there. He devoted himself to his studies with vigor, and impressed his superiors and teachers.

He quickly moved up the ranks, due to a combination of working hard and making the right connections. As he grew older, his friends within the order started to become more interested in settling down and starting a family, but Ludir continued his push.

Yet still, within him, something was beginning to stir. He’d made so much progress in his career, yet he couldn’t quite pin what was missing. Upon being made a Vedek, he realized what it was, and he spoke to the others in the order. He wanted to see the galaxy, so that he could encounter the Prophet’s works outside of Bajor.

The Assembly understood and supported his desire, and he investigated his various options. A civilian ship would likely be slower, and go less interesting places. A Starfleet vessel, though, would likely end up in more combat situation than he was comfortable with. After speaking to a few representatives of Starfleet, they decided a science or medical vessel was the best option, and Ludir came to be assigned to the Galileo.
Medical History Ludir spent the better part of his childhood malnourished as a result of the Bajoran Occupation. He had a broken arm that wasn’t properly repaired until his adulthood, which resulted from a kick to the chest from a Cardassian soldier. His immune system has never recovered from this malnutrition, and he is not nearly as physically strong as he should be. As a child he also suffered from rickets.

As an adult, he has had pneumonia several times, and has broken his right ankle and wrist.

Character Progression System


Skills and Perks

Skill Training