USS Galileo :: Biography - Tykhin Vess


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03 Dec 2013 @ 8:20pm

Lieutenant JG Tykhin Vess

Name Tykhin Vess

Position Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Betazoid
Age 44
Date of Birth September 23, 2343
Place of Birth Medara, Betazed

Character Type

Starfleet ID

Serial Number BR-029-7328
Security Clearance Level 5
Duty Watch Beta

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8"
Weight 150 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Tykhin is an athletic man of average height, with the lighter complexion of many people who have been on ships for prolonged periods and short black hair that is beginning to grey. The pure black eyes give away his species. He is somewhat unassuming in appearance, rarely getting second looks and lacks any really remarkable facial features. There is something tired and wary about his natural expression that is contrary to the usual Betazoid air of good-naturedness.

Tykhin has a small surgical scar on his left shoulder from a complete shoulder reconstruction on that side.
Body Art None


Spouse None
Children None
Father Jan Vess, retired, High Chief of Agriculture, Betazed
Mother Bylana Vess, retired, former civil engineer, City of Medara
Brother(s) Oltan Vess, 2 years younger, XO of the civilian cargo hauler BSS Cataria, killed in 2374 during the Battle of Betazed as his ship was trying to evacuate civilians from the system
Other Family Jana Gallan, former sister-in-law and Oltan's widow, re-married, lawyer, Medara, Betazed
Lwinna Vess, niece, 18, student House of Mara School of Dance, Medara, Betazed

Lun Vess, uncle, retired merchant banker, Tolara Interstellar Bank of Commerce
Hana Vess, aunt (Lun's wife), creative fiction author
Ensign Lun Vess II, cousin, same age, died in 2373 in the Battle of Sector 001 onboard the USS Yeager
Jadilla Vess, cousin, 5 years younger, general practitioner in community practice, Medara, Betazed

Personality & Traits

General Overview Subject: Intake Review and Assessment
Author: Lt. Malana Heru, Chief Counselor, USS Venture

A review of Academy intake records shows Tykhin demonstrated species-typical conservative values for Betazoids, registering significantly above baseline in extraversion, concern for others, interpersonal flexibility, idealism and truthfulness. He demonstrated many birth order typical traits such as high achievement orientation, analytical tendencies and affinity for responsibility. He demonstrated well-developed internalization of the Code of Sentience and control of his telepathic and empathic abilities.

It appears he was well-liked and adjusted easily to the Academy and his diplomatic training. During his first posting, his counselor's logs show some frustration and difficulty adjusting to the elevated levels of deception and hostility involved in the protracted negotiations with the Cardassian government. The counselor notes this was common among the diplomatic task force members.

The profound effects of the occupation of Betazed by the Dominion in 2374 on most Betazoids is well documented though still not completely understood. For Tykhin, this event was accompanied by the loss of his younger brother, to whom he was quite close.

The combination of events and personal outrage at the well-publicized shortcomings of intelligence at that time caused Tykhin to make a component transfer to Starfleet Intelligence and accept a reduction in rank to Ensign with a two-year re-training assignment. It appears these key events in Tykhin's life caused him to reframe the conservative Betazoid beliefs inter-species understanding in promoting peace into the importance of understanding species in order to ensure peace. This is representative of baseline motives for new personnel in Intelligence, however is species-atypical for Betazoids. It was noted at this time that Tykhin may experience some difficulties reconciling his personality structure and prior development with the ongoing indoctrination and values internalization required for significant advancement in Intelligence. He was also deemed unsuitable for field and covert specialist streams.

His training evaluations specifically note the explicit exploitation of unresolved grief and loss relating to the security of Betazed and the death of his brother as part of his Intelligence socialization process. Tykhin's intake assessment from his first Intelligence posting show he scored baseline on extraversion, concern for others and idealism. He also showed slightly above baseline in sociopathic traits such as exploitative-manipulative, aggression and dominance, in line with the general population of Security, Marine and Intelligence personnel. Notably, his internal commitment to the Code of Sentience had eroded significantly. While this is adaptive given his duties, I must note again that this is species-atypical and may have long-term consequences for his health. I am concerned that his re-training and personal identification with Intelligence may have entrenched the grief and loss he experienced and is interfereing with its proper resolution. I see the counselor on Starbase 301 had the same concern and this was relayed through the chain of command to Starfleet Intelligence. On review of his file, they determine he showed acceptable if slow adaptation to his re-socialization and the ongoing Intelligence development and training program.

I interviewed Tykhin. His ratings on the Dunn-Melu Loss Scale are within acceptable ratings for Starfleet service. He shows signs of identity conflict consistent with the competing demands of his conservative Betazoid upbringing and his Intelligence socialization. I believe his minor symptoms of long-term chronic stress are a result of this internal conflict. Outwardly, he is sociable, dedicated and sincere in his desire to promote peace through avoiding conflict by leveraging Intelligence. As a Starfleet counselor, I find him to be managing the stresses and demands of his role well. I note however, that career dedication has interfered with other life tasks such partnering and developing intimacy with others.

As a fellow Betazoid, I am deeply troubled and concerned. Intelligence is an uncommon field for our species because of the frequent value conflicts. I am concerned about the impact this is having on him and that he may not be able to recover species-typical psychological health. This may present significant barriers to successful re-integration into Betazoid society on discharge from Starfleet. What makes a good Intelligence Officer may not make a health Betazoid.
Strengths -Intelligent/Analytical
-Dedicated to Starfleet's Mission
-Believes in what Intelligence can be
-Strong inter-personal skills
-Telepathic and empathic
Weaknesses -Not over the death of his brother or the occupation of Betazed
-Has significant new grief from the loss of shipmates on the Venture
-Survivor guilt from the Venture
-Struggles with certain aspects of his Branch's role and duties
-Fears intimacy
-Feels alienated from other Betazoids (Healthy Betazoids find his psychic impression unappealing)
-Some resentment over lack of career progression
-Latent mid-life crisis facing his 20th Starfleet graduation anniversary and the realization he is neither as successful as much of his family nor has he done his part to preserve the family line
Ambitions -Become a Commander and Chief Intelligence Officer
-Please and preserve his family by marrying and having kids
-Promote change in Intelligence
-Live up to his brother's heroism
Hobbies & Interests -Age-group triathlon competition and training
-Music appreciation - orchestral
Vernacular -Four Gods and Five Hells [curse]
-Four Gods, Five Hells and Six Admirals [frustrated curse]
-This isn't happening...
-There's the right way, the wrong way and the Starfleet way
Orientation Heterosexual
Language(s) Spoken Standard, Cardassian, Romulan

Personal History Tykhin was born the first child to Jan and Bylana Vess in Medara, Betazed in 2343. His father a mid-level bureaucrat in the High Office of Agriculture at the time, and his mother a civil engineer for the City of Medara. Tykhin had a happy childhood and got along well with his younger brother, who was two years younger than him.

Tykhin was studious, responsible and eager to please growing up, while his brother was more athletic, adventurous and prone to playing jokes. He had strong connections with his parents, brother and extended family. Of the two, he was the more psionically developed, as well, and the more inter-personally sensitive.

In school, Tykhin was a strong performer, committed to excelling. By age 10 he dreamed of joining Starfleet and his parents were supportive and encouraging from the beginning. Where his brother became athletically active during his high school years, Tykhin became active as a volunteer counselor and helped younger students practice telepathic and empathic skills at school. He started dating his first girlfriend when he was 17, but despite the fact the relationship lasted almost until he left for Starfleet Academy 5 years later, it never became truly serious. Tykhin was fixed on Starfleet and his girlfriend was just as fixed on staying on Betazed.

At 18, Tykhin applied to Starfleet and was rejected because he lacked sufficient life experience. He took a year to travel with his girlfriend, then enrolled in sociology and psychology at the University of Betazed. He re-applied when he was 21 and started in the Academy at 22.

Tykhin's personal history is largely wrapped up in his Starfleet History after this point. In 2376 while at Starbase 301, he started a Master's of Intelligence Studies degree and wrote a thesis on psionically assisted interview techniques. He also wrote and published a research paper on how communications breakdowns contributed to intelligence failures before the Battle of Betazed.

Relationally, Tykhin has had no serious relationships during his career. There were two Betazoid women he pursued, one on Starbase 301 and one on the USS Venture, but neither returned his interest. On the USS Magellan he had an on again, off again relationship with one of the nurses, but he struggled with both wanting to be closer to her in a way humans cannot be and fearing the closeness he had. His resulting ambivalence ended up with her finally ending the relationship after about a year and a half.
Starfleet History In 2365, Tykhin left for Earth. While it was not easy to leave Betazed, his family, girlfriend and friends, joining Starfleet had been his dream since childhood, which eased the transition. He was excited and threw himself into his studies and training as a diplomatic officer. Tykhin double-majored in sociology and psychology. He also discovered triathlons as a sport, introduced by a human woman in operations he dated briefly. Their relationship did not last, though they stayed friends, but his love of the three sports as one did. Tykhin enjoyed a wide circle of friends at the Academy, many of whom he has kept up with over the years.

In 2369, tensions were high with the Cardassians and a lasting peace had not been negotiated. As an ensign, Tykhin was assigned to the Cardassian Task Force, a multi-agency Federation task force mandated to negotiate a permanent end to hostilities. Tykhin was given progressively more responsible roles as he threw himself into his work, thrilled at the opportunity he had been given. After the treaty was negotiated in 2370, Tykhin was assigned to assist facilitating and negotiating the details of various transfers of sovereignty over some former Federation colonies.

The Dominion invaded and occupied Betazed in 2374 and Tykhin's brother was killed. Shocked, grief struck and outraged, Tykhin applied for a component transfer to Intelligence. As a rare Betazoid candidate, his application was reviewed quickly and he was soon back on Earth being re-trained. However, the transfer came with a reduction in rank because of the significant differences in training basic given to Intelligence and Diplomatic Branch cadets meant he lacked key skills. During the next two years Tykhin participated in intelligence training for a range of duties. While he was competent in the skills required for covert duties, it became quickly apparent that he may not be psychologically suited for it. Tykhin performed well and was assigned to Starbase 301 where he served as the Analytical Officer and also provided support to the diplomatic staff. The proximity of Starbase 301 to the Romulan Neutral Zone meant Tykhin did a great deal of analytical work, especially after the destruction of the Scimitar in 2379. Tykhin was promoted to Lieutenant, JG during this assignment.

In 2382, Tykhin was transfered to the USS Magellan, a Galaxy-Class starship, as an Intelligence Officer. The USS Magellan was heavily involved in diplomatic, intelligence and patrol missions along the Romulan neutral zone during the upheaval in the Empire. Highlights from this time involved interviewing several Romulan defectors from political factions that were being persecuted and being assigned responsibility for initial signals analysis on a collection of monitoring probes maintained and serviced by the USS Magellan. Politically, however, Tykhin began having difficulties with some of his superiors as he questioned some of the objectives he and the USS Magellan were assigned. Tykhin's career stagnated while on the USS Magellan and he was eventually transferred to the USS Venture in 2387, which was considered a less prestigious post as she was a science vessel. Tykhin saw this as being put in the penalty box, if not out to pasture. He served as an Intelligence Officer onboard the Venture until its destruction.

Medical History There are only two significant medical events in Tykhin's medical file. In 2375, during his intelligence training, he had minor cosmetic surgery that eliminated some distinguishing marks (a birthmark and a slight asymmetry in the cheek bones) in his face.

The second event is a complete left shoulder reconstruction in 2383 after the USS Magellan fought an unaligned three-vessel Reman battle group while assisting a colony on the edge of the Romulan Neutral Zone.

He has no significant medical conditions or history of major disease.
Service Record 2365 - Admission to Starfleet Academy, Diplomatic Stream. Declared Majors: Sociology and Psychology. Participated in triathlon team several cultural familiarzation excursions to other planets during summer semesters.

2369 - Assigned as a Diplomatic Officer to the Starfleet component of the Cardassian Task Force. Performed administrative and intra-task force coordination duties and facilitated transfer of authority at three former Federation colonies.

2374 - Component transfer to Starfleet Intelligence. Re-assigned to Starfleet Headquarters for re-training.

2376 - Assigned as Intelligence Officer to Starbase 301. Post: Analytics Officer. Secondary Post: Diplomatic Assistant.

2377 - Admitted to New York University's Master of Intelligence Studies, distance program.

2378 - Promoted to Lieutenant, JG.

2380 - Graduated New York University's Master of Intelligence Studies, distance program.

2382 - Assigned as Intelligence Officer to USS Magellan. Post: Intelligence Officer.

2387 - Assigned as Intelligence Officer to USS Venture. Post: Intelligence Officer.

Character Progression System

Primary Band Intelligence
Secondary Band Diplomacy

Skills and Perks

Basic Skills Charisma
+ Manipulation

+ Acuity
+ Education

+ Empathy
+ Telepathy
Department Skills Diplomacy
+ Negotiation

+ Analysis

Skill Training