USS Galileo :: Biography - Jacrux


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09 Nov 2013 @ 1:38pm

Lieutenant JG Jacrux

Name Jacrux

Position Anthropologist

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Romulan/El-Aurian
Age 22
Date of Birth 6-10-2366
Place of Birth Kator, Romulan Star Empire

Character Type

Starfleet ID

Serial Number BX-393-1484
Security Clearance Level 4
Duty Watch Alpha

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8"
Weight 145lbs
Hair Color brown
Eye Color hazel
Physical Description Standing shorter than most Romulan males and with an only average build, Jac uses his other attributes to stand out from the crowd. With his eternally messy hair and intense hazel eyes, Jac cuts a roguish figure among the motley and varied crewmen of Starfleet. His eyebrows arch up to a lesser extent than most Romulans, and though it appears he lacks the forehead ridges underneath his bangs, slight bumps can be felt under the skin and show when he furrows his brow. Jac’s ears come to points, nearly as extreme as a full-blooded Romulan’s. Overall, Jac looks mostly Romulan, or like a human-Romulan hybrid, as El-Aurian’s have no outward physical characteristics that distinguish them from humans.

Though he is of adult age, Jac’s body still retains the slight gangly build of adolescence. He is muscled from his training, but will likely fill out over the next few years. Jac’s posture has none of the awkwardness of adolescence. He walks easily and well balanced from a lifetime of daily physical training. Jac’s smile only increases the boyish cast to his features, lessoning the usual cocky confidence that colors his expression much of the time.

Jac’s most obvious physical characteristic is his right arm. It was amputated because of the injuries sustained after the mining center under his home colony exploded. He has a prosthetic, a few, actually. One looks identical to his natural arm, aside from a bit of a seam where the arm meets his shoulder. Others are more experimental, as Jac likes to show off the abilities engineered into his arm. Why should VISORs be the only enhanced prosthetic device? His current favorite has many of the same sensory and data functions as a tricorder, for use in research. Of course, an arm made of a semi-metallic material is not very comfortable, so Jac takes the arm off for sleep and some of his leisure time. His main regrets about losing his arm? Starfleet won’t let him weaponize his arm.
Body Art none
Portrait i2ozk0.jpg


Spouse none
Children none
Father Tarvos - deceased
Mother Saoirse - status unknown
Brother(s) none
Sister(s) none
Other Family After the destruction of the Romulus homeworld, the status of his Romulan family is unknown.

Personality & Traits

General Overview At his heart, Jac is a storyteller. El-Aurian’s are the listeners of the galaxy, but equally important to Jac is telling the stories he learns. It is a method of feeling included, of getting people to trust him and relax, and Jac has used stories as a way of making sure he is listened to even when the others look down on him. People find Jac easy to talk to, and he can be quite the charmer when he deems it necessary. Jac respects several members of Starfleet and greatly respects Starfleet’s mission. His loyalty belongs to Starfleet, and he hopes in a very un-Romulan way that in the future, the Star Empire and the Federation can be allies to better the galaxy.

Jac is a very selfish individual. He thinks of most people in disparaging terms, and it is difficult to earn his respect, especially if the other person is of an equal or lower rank than he. The basis of Jac’s view of others stems from the fact that he does not consider a vast majority of the galaxy worth his time. People are useful for amusement, or as an audience, but Jac does not see a near-immediate benefit to himself, he will avoid interaction with the other person. There is a benefit to Jac’s disregard for others. He does not hold a grudge and does not get angry easily because that would involve validating a person and their opinion as important in his eyes. That does not mean Jac doesn’t get angry. He feels emotions extremely intensely, but controls them like all Romulans are trained to do by using deceptive methods to punish another for their wrongdoing rather than immediate violence. The manipulations Jac uses to get revenge on those who insult his honor can be extremely cruel. Though he will resort to physical means of expressing his anger or annoyance, Jac sees unrestrained violence as a sign of weakness. When Jac does lose control of his temper, it is an explosive and destructive event. He nearly killed an older child who insulted Jac’s father’s honor.

While he is far from antisocial, Jac still feels intimidated by unknown situations. He does not like to feel out of his depth, as that means he is vulnerable and that is unacceptable. Jac hates to show or admit weakness of any sort because he does not trust anyone enough to trust them with his weaknesses. He respects strength in others as well, and sees cowardice and passivity as extreme weaknesses.

Jac still acts immature in many ways. He is purposefully irritating, just to elicit an amusing reaction. He appears to have a short attention span as he goes from interest to interest, amusement to amusement, never spending too long on a subject, especially in his conversations, where Jac will often switch subjects without caring the other person is not finished yet. Jac’s mind is quick and never satisfied in its curiosity, so he is on an eternal quest to keep occupied. Another manifestation of Jac’s restlessness is Jac’s wanderlust. He chafes at the bit when forced to stay in one place for too long. He lived in on small colony for his entire childhood, and once he left and got a taste of something more, Jac does not want to go back. His first assignment involved a single long term mission, which drove him nearly mad waiting for something more interesting to happen. Hopefully his current assignment will offer more of a distraction.
Strengths +stubborn, refuses to give up
+dedicated, loyal to those who earn it
+courageous, almost reckless, in the face of any situation
+charismatic with a ‘knack’ for getting people to trust him
+physically faster, stronger, and tougher than a human
+cool-headed, almost callous, able to make difficult decisions
Weaknesses -confidence strays into arrogance
-condescending and sometimes insulting to those he has no use for
-will never perform an altruistic action
-refuses to admit to weaknesses, even when others can help
-fears dying and enclosed spaces (claustrophobic)
-not a very good swimmer
Ambitions Freedom to travel and discover new experiences; that is what Jac wishes from his life. Renown and prestige in Starfleet would be a bonus, but his main interest is in exploring new experiences and learning the story of the galaxy. He is still exploring the specific avenue that would allow him to achieve his goals.
Hobbies & Interests Jac has a fondness for avian species, particularly the predatory kind, like raptors and eagles. He has also found a great interest in ancient human myths and legends. He prefers to read them in their original tongue, and is working his way through Homer’s epics. Jac’s favorite is the Aenied for the familiarity to traditional Romulan epics. His favorite pastime is running for the freedom he feels while sprinting over the ground.
Vernacular His voice has settled into a baritone with a rasp to it when he speaks louder than a whisper. Jac hides most true emotions from his voice, only letting amusement, interest, and annoyance through, unless he needs something, of course. Jac is never without something to say, no matter the situation.
Orientation Heterosexual
Language(s) Spoken Romulan, Federation Standard, Vulcan, Ancient Vulcan, Reman, Bajoran, passing familiarity in about a dozen dead language families.

Personal History Commander Tarvos, son of Senator Narvi, was once a name known among the Romulan military elite for his heroism in several top secret intelligence gathering missions. His prestige and infamy continued to grow until he did the unthinkable and brought a non-Romulan home to be his wife. Her name was Saoirse and Tarvos loved her for her wisdom and fiery nature. She appeared human, though rumors spread like wildfire as to her true identity, and worst yet, she was pregnant with Tarvos’s child. Some wished for their death, but Tarvos had powerful friends, including his mother, a respected Senator. She called in every favor and instead had Tarvos demoted and sent to a small mining colony on the planetoid Kator. The mining colony doubled as a military outpost overseeing the farthest reaches of the Romulan Star Empire, and was a favorite of the empire for sending their undesirables and unwanteds, like Tarvos’s family. It was a harsh environment that Jacrux was born into, and though the baby was small, he was strong and survived.

Young Jacrux was the apple of his parents’ eyes and grew up strong and stubborn, with a streak of curiosity and a talent for mischief. He barely remembers his mother, only her beautiful face pronouncing his name with a soft, lyrical tone instead of the harsh Romulan consonants. He does remember her disappearance. He remembers a few snatched bits of overheard conversations, hinting at tensions in far off places, of word of a war brewing, of the Empire taking over what was rightfully theirs.

The family existed for a few years, relative outcasts because of Saoirse’s species, but when Jacrux was five, word came to the small colony of mounting tensions throughout the galaxy. One day, Saoirse accompanied a shuttle that was supposed to go out and meet a supply vessel. The shuttle was found far off course, the rest of the crew unconscious and Saoirse missing. An investigation revealed nothing, though they searched long and hard, even questioning five year old Jacrux.

With Saoirse’s calming and peculiar presence, Jacrux was tolerated, with her disappearance, he was outcast and distrusted. Tarvos was of little help or comfort. He had retreated into himself after Saoirse’s departure, interacting with Jacrux enough to train the youngster the Romulan way. Jacrux strove to prove himself. He and the other children practiced their deceit and subterfuge with near religious zeal. Jacrux found himself extremely talented at creating alliances with the other children. The others seemed to trust him easily, often seeming to forget his impure blood, lower status, and even past betrayals, and gave Jacrux information he could use to his advantage.

Jacrux honed his natural charisma, using his quick wit to pit his playmates against one another and enjoying the results, for when the other children fought each other, they forgot they were supposed to hate him. As he grew older, Jac grew bored of plotting his agemates’ lives and looked for other ways to amuse himself. He found his desired amusement in the elderly Romulans who lived in the colony. Sent by their families to Kator to be rid of useless and embarrassing relatives, the elders oversaw much of the children’s development, as the other adults were busy seeing to the day to day survival of the colony. Jacrux became fascinated by the wealth of knowledge contained in the elders’ minds. He turned his charm on the elders, starting with the older and most feebleminded before moving on to the more secretive, cajoling the elders to tell him stories from both the Empire’s history and of the other races that inhabited the galaxy.

The Dominion War came and went, leaving the colony of outcasts relatively untouched. Jac continued to spend much of his time with the elders, luring more and more stories from the wrinkled lips and clouded minds. But even that wealth of knowledge made Jac grow bored and restless. He explored every inch of the colony, traveling outside and risking death from the multitude of dangerous fauna that lived on Kator’s forested mountains where the mining colony dwelt. Jac explored the shadowy corners and hidden nooks inside the colony, even slipping among the Remans out of curiosity after rumors of a rebellion elsewhere in the Empire reached his ears. His curiosity piqued by the complex written form, Jac even manipulated one Reman to teach him the language. That heresy was the last straw. Jac was caught, and brought before his father to be punished for demeaning himself to the Reman’s level. The punishment only made Jac sneakier about his unpatriotic interests, though he did avoid the Remans.

It was the time of the Shinzon rebellion and the start of increasing chaos and strife among the empire. The colony kept control of their Remans, but the rest of the Empire was distracted by internal conflicts, their attention turning ever further away from the small, insignificant colony of outcasts and embarrassments. Supplies became scarce; food and other amenities became rationed, and the equipment that ran the mining facility fell into dangerous levels of disrepair. Everything seemed poised for a disaster, but when one came, no one was ready.

Trapped gases within the mine ignited, causing a chain reaction with the mining machinery until nearly the entire colony was destroyed and much of the population lay dead. The first responder was the USS Hastings, a small Starfleet research vessel called the USS Hastings woefully unequipped for the magnitude of the disaster and staggering amount of casualties. Jacrux lay beneath rubble for three days until rescuers found him. Jac suffered numerous injuries over his body, and was only spared fatal injury by his father, who had shielded Jac with his own body, at the price of his own life. His father’s sacrifice could not save Jac’s right arm, and it was amputated to save the youth’s life.

Jacrux lived, though about ninety percent of the colony did not. Romulan ships reached the colony and quickly took control of the rescue effort and the injured being cared for by the crew of the Hastings. They refused to accept Jacrux, telling the Hastings they should have let the now crippled youngster die and eliminate his impure blood. The Starfleet crew refused, of course, and took Jacrux with them as they left. He was officially a refugee, homeless and alone.

The crew of the Hastings was an eccentric bunch, to say the least. The addition of Jac to their vessel did little to disrupt the crew. The ship initially planned to meet up with a larger ship who would transport Jac to a Starbase, but through a series of coincidences and distractions, the two ships never met up, and by the time the Hastings met up with another Starfleet ship, the Captain decided there was no reason to send Jac away, that they could house Jac while he continued to heal and grow, at least until the Hastings finished their mission.

Though initially suspicious of Jac’s Romulan status, the crew quickly warmed up to the youth, at first because of his age and his terrible injuries, but later because Jac turned his charm on the crew to make sure they would not dispose of him. His people’s refusal to accept him after his father’s death hurt Jac, but he’d always known he was not a true part of the Romulan society, and that he was only allowed because of his father’s presence. When Jac reached adulthood, he would have likely been banished or forced to undertake a deadly mission to dispose of him anyway, so the abandonment merely happened a few years earlier.

It was on the Hastings that Jac received his first knowledge of his mother. No one had heard of Saiorse’s name, but the medical officers told Jac his genes were half El-Aurian, an enigmatic and extremely long-lived race. Jac resisted learning more. He had too many open wounds to start dissecting the scar his mother’s abandonment had left.

It was the Bajoran Chief Science Officer, Lieutenant Ro Korena, who helped Jac start to heal. The medical facilities on the ship were unequipped to give Jac a biosynthetic prosthesis, and he found that the other options caused his damaged nerves to react with great pain, so Jac instead tried to adjust to life with one arm. The CSO took Jac under her wing and gave him chores to do to keep busy, at first to keep Jac from getting into trouble and bringing the suspicious Security officers down on him. But Lt. Ro soon discovered that Jac had interests that aligned with her own, for she had been the anthropologist aboard several ships before being promoted, and caught Jac spying on some of her research. She had an acute interest in the stories of Romulan culture Jac had to offer, and she traded her own extensive knowledge for whatever stories she could get out of Jac. Jac was initially reluctant to give away knowledge of Romulans, but Lt. Ro had only scientific curiosity, so Jac started talking to her. He actually found that he very much enjoyed telling the Lieutenant about his life, and discussing the differences between the stories he had grown up with and those the Lieutenant had gathered in her own travels. Jac still communicates with the Lieutenant, sending her his personal accounts of Romulan culture to use in her academic research.

The Hastings did eventually return to base, after a year of events that resulted in the ship taking the extremely scenic route through the galaxy, and there Jac was presented with a choice. He had proven during his time aboard the ship that he was not a threat, but he could not continue to stay on the vessel as a civilian. Jac was now considered an adult. He could submit to refugee status and allow Starfleet to arrange a job for him on a colony, or he could join Starfleet. After some convincing by the Lieutenant, Jac decided that applying to the Academy offered him the greatest possibility for his future.
Starfleet History With the Lieutenant’s support, Jacrux was accepted into Starfleet. Despite having lived on a Starfleet ship for over a year, the young halfbreed had trouble adjusting, both to the prosthetic arm the advanced medical facilities were finally able to fit him with, and to the Academy institution, but he eventually became more comfortable. His classmates beat the reflexive Romulan superiority complex out of him, and the incredible amount of information to learn gave Jacrux impetus to adjust to his new surroundings. After his first rocky year, Jacrux turned his attention towards his classmates, using a few manipulations and his knack for gaining trust to make several connections and even some friendly allies among his classmates. Now known mostly as Jac, he began to become more distant from his Romulan blood as he became more adapted to life with Starfleet.

In his third year, word came of the destruction of Romulus, news that shook Jac to his core. He had never met the Romulan relatives who had banished his father to the farthest reaches of space, so their loss meant little to him. More important was the loss of the Romulan home world and the culture within. Jac knew the stories of the beauty of the planet and of the legends associated with each site, now all lost forever. Jac found a morbid solace in anthropology classes, where even long-dead and failed societies still left valued marks for future societies to view. He threw himself into those classes, turning previously mundane marks into stellar. He graduated in the top third of his class, nothing stellar, but still noteworthy enough to land a position on the USS Naiad to assist in the archeological unearthing of an ancient warp-capable society discovered on an asteroid.

After proving himself aboard the NaiadUSS Galileo for a hopefully more permanent position.
Medical History Jacrux’s medical history before 2382 is unknown, though Jacrux’s words and scans reveal nothing serious, a few broken bones, well healed. In 2382, Jacrux sustained nearly fatal injuries, including catastrophic damage to his right arm resulting in amputation, broken pelvis along with several other fractures, and severe lacerations and burns over much of his body. Replacement of the amputated limb with a traditional biosynthetic prosthetic limb was initially not possible because of lack of equipment and a delay between injury and treatment. The nerves show some lingering damage, but allow for control of a modified prosthetic attached to a port implanted in the remaining shoulder socket. Jacrux has not complained of debilitating pain. His medical records are uneventful since joining Starfleet with the occasional training injury.

Jacrux possesses internal physiology appearing Romulan, but upon closer inspection there are several differences that necessitate caution when prescribing medical treatments.
Service Record 2366-born on Kator
2371-Saoirse, his mother, disappears under suspicious circumstances
2373-2375: Dominion War
2383: Destruction of Kator and rescue by the USS Hastings
2383-2384: Civilian refugee aboard the USS Hastings
2384: Accepted into Starfleet Academy
2387: Destruction of Romulus
2388: Graduated Starfleet Academy
2388-2389: Anthropologist aboard the USS Naiad
2389: Assigned to the USS Galileo

Character Progression System


Skills and Perks

Skill Training