USS Galileo :: Biography - Benjamin Dale


  • 5 Mission Posts

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28 Mar 2013 @ 2:36pm

Benjamin Dale

Name Benjamin Richard Dale Ph.D.

Position Chemical Engineer

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 37
Place of Birth Melbourne, Earth

Character Type

Starfleet ID

Serial Number CV-003-2743
Security Clearance Level 1
Duty Watch Pending

Physical Appearance

Physical Description Ben's height and lanky build make him seem thinner than he is. In actuality, he's got a slight wine pooch to his belly and he wheezes if he has to run for too long. His reddish gold hair is a wild, lazily maintained mane of dreadlocks and his beard gets trimmed maybe once every few weeks.
Body Art =^= PNPC Owned by Lilou Peers =^=
Portrait 631984286.jpg


Spouse Kendall Tanner (2nd grade teacher)
Children Penny, 2 years old
Oliver, 4 years old
Father George Dale
Mother Elizabeth Dale
Brother(s) Patrick, 37 (twin)
Daniel, 35
Kenneth, 34
Sister(s) Beth, 39
Other Family Nephews: Jackson, George, Hamilton
Nieces: Bethany, Henrietta

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ben is a smart ass with a heart that is not exactly golden. He's devoted to his work, but tends to keep to himself otherwise.
Strengths Innovative.
Weaknesses No filters: tact, diplomacy, what?
Snores really, really loudly.
Ambitions To discover something neat and name it after his kids.
Hobbies & Interests Doodling.
Orientation Heterosexual

Personal History Born: Melbourne.
Childhood: played in the sand, built things with blocks, got stung by a jellyfish.
Then: Went to school. Got married. Went to more school.
Then: Enlisted. Traveled.
Medical History Appendectomy.
Sleep apnea.
Service Record Age 27: Enlisted. Shipped to Research Station 75 with wife in tow.
Age 32: Learns Kendall is pregnant. Requests transfer to Sol system.
Age 33: Transfer accepted. Transferred to Earth Research Center.
Age 37: Accepts "temporary" transfer aboard USS Galileo.

Character Progression System

Skills and Perks

Skill Training