USS Galileo :: Biography - Dawn Meridian


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14 Jul 2013 @ 2:58pm

Lieutenant Dawn Meridian

Name Dawn Selene Meridian

Position Counselor

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 23
Date of Birth November 12, 2366
Place of Birth Dax, France

Character Type

Starfleet ID

Serial Number LK-993-1889
Security Clearance Level 5
Duty Watch Beta

Physical Appearance

Height 5'5
Weight 118 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Grey
Physical Description Dawn is small and lithe, with a delicate frame and only the slightest musculature. While she is not particularly strong, even considering her frame, she is quick and agile. She has a smooth, somewhat pale complexion, framed by waves of dark hair. Her grey eyes are bright and wide, always peering inquisitively around her. Her features are sharp, giving her a serious look that belies her aloof nature.

She is almost never in uniform when off-duty, preferring to wear simple dresses or gowns, if anything. When on duty, she usually keeps her hair in a ponytail and strives to make herself, at the very least, presentable. She prefers to use as little makeup as possible, giving her a sort of quiet beauty.
Body Art None


Father Edmond de Fay (Deceased)
Mother Sélène de Fay (Deceased)
Other Family Lucian Meridian (Adoptive)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Dawn is perhaps best described as... odd. Her methods are odd, her mannerisms are odd, her moods are odd, and her way of thinking is odd. Dawn is almost frustratingly straightforward; she has a very hard time not saying exactly what she thinks, and she is a terrible liar. She also has no problem expressing her feelings, even when it seems insubordinate or out of place. On the other hand, she can have an often-eerie kind of insight into others, and has very little trouble telling when someone isn’t being entirely upfront with her. She is trusting, compassionate, and loyal to her friends, in her own special way. She is difficult to upset and alternates easily between seriousness and playfulness, although not always at appropriate times.

Dawn is generally a person with little restraint. She tends to do what she likes, even when she shouldn’t, but she tends to listen to the advice (and orders) of those she likes while quietly subverting the orders of people she finds arrogant or rude. Dawn is a divisive person; others tend to either hate her oddness or adore it. She is sometimes described as catlike in the motions of her head and her burning, sometimes-frustrating curiosity.
Strengths Dawn is a very intelligent woman. She knows a great deal about counselling and relationships, although she often relies on intuition rather than knowledge. She enjoys her job a great deal, and those who warm to her often find great insight in her counselling, provided they can deal with her directness and candour. She is also very friendly, except to those she truly dislikes. Her curiosity drives her to learn more even about people she doesn’t much like, and keeps her interested in counselling even the most troubled of people. She is also good at reading others.

Physically, Dawn is swift and agile, and has remarkably good hand-eye coordination.
Weaknesses Dawn is very stubborn when she believes she is right, and can be hard to deal with when she doesn’t understand why things aren’t being done a certain way. She can also be very difficult to understand due to her lack of tact, curiosity, and general strangeness. She is physically weak, and can’t put up much of a fight with brute force. She also occasionally has difficulty following orders she does not like or when they are given rudely, and has a hard time understanding the purpose of the chain of command. She tends to follow her heart rather than her mind, not seeming to understand even the simplest of social norms, and rarely feels shame or guilt. Still, she has never intentionally put another’s life in danger due to her oddness and tends to be open to reason, as long as she believes it’s for the right reasons. She also has a crippling fear of isolation, which kicks in if she thinks she’s been left entirely alone or if she goes too long without seeing another person.
Ambitions Dawn wishes to study others, to learn, and to perhaps, one day, be able to research the anomaly responsible for the disappearance of her parents. She enjoys social interaction in her own way, and finds endless joy for life in watching and helping people.
Hobbies & Interests She enjoys all kinds of music and the more social of the arts - she likes plays and holonovels more than paintings and sculptures, for instance. She plays the guitar and fiddle, and loves to sing, although her soft voice is better suited to casual performances than anything else. She is easily bored by activities which do not involve other people (or at least simulations of them.) Dawn loves recreation of all sorts, and enjoys learning about others, human or alien, both physically and mentally. When she isn’t with others, she loves anything to do with water, be it showering, swimming, or bathing.
Vernacular Dawn is soft-spoken most of the time, and has a relatively high pitch to her voice. She speaks in pointed, straightforward sentences using simple vocabulary, which can make her come across as childish. In an argument, she can gain a “matter-of-fact” edge to her voice.
Orientation Bisexual
Language(s) Spoken Federation Standard, French, Vulcan

Personal History Dawn was born in 2366 in Dax, France, a resort village where her parents, Sélène and Edmond, were vacationing. Her parents were kind, intelligent, and hopelessly doting to their only child. Both were eminent scientists; Sélène was a leading astrophysicist who focused on discovering and categorising spatial phenomena, while Edmond was a biologist who studied the differences between various species, interested in why some species, like Vulcans and Betazoids, developed psionic sensitivity while very few humans did.

The young girl lived an idyllic life with her parents, learning from them as they travelled the Alpha Quadrant aboard the Augustine. They took great care to educate her, and were even more invested in her than they were in their research. She interacted with the small ship’s crew as an equal, respected in part because of her parents and in part because of her adorable curiosity. In spite of the invisible barrier between her and the adults, she was happy; she grew to be a thoughtful and intelligent little girl.

The Dominion War came and went, distant and irrelevant to the Augustine and her crew. Dawn slowly grew bored of life on the small ship, and her parents, realising that they couldn’t keep their daughter bound to them any longer, began to inch the ship back toward Earth. In November of 2377, a week before Dawn’s birthday, the Augustine came across a bizarre nebula on the way back to Earth. Naturally, the crew stopped to take readings. While Dawn slept, she dreamt of hundreds of alien voices calling out to her in unison. When she awoke, the entire crew of the Augustine had vanished without a trace, leaving her utterly alone.

Almost a month later, the USS Deneb encountered the Augustine adrift in space. Life support was near critical, and, of the ship’s supposed crew complement of thirty, there was only one life sign. Preliminary readings showed high levels of chroniton particles, but no other abnormalities. Dawn was brought aboard the Deneb, where she was treated for malnutrition. The ship’s counsellor, Lucian Meridian, took her under his wing, and after two weeks, she was speaking and interacting normally with the crew, although there was no telling what lasting mental effects the experience would cause.

Lucian took Dawn back to Earth, resigning his position within Starfleet to raise her, trying to help her regain some piece of the life that had evaporated before her eyes. With time, she came to excel in school, and she managed to hold onto some small part of a normal life. Still, now and then, she would look and the stars and wonder...
Starfleet History Dawn entered Starfleet Academy in 2383, seeking to follow in both her parents’ and Lucian’s footsteps. The vastness of space and the multitude of species and cultures she remembered distantly from her past called to her, spurring her to excel, particularly in psychology, biology, and xenoanthropology. Interestingly, she performed much better in evaluations involving interaction with others, such as presentations, discussions, and oral exams, than in written exams, which generally bored her. She rarely seemed to study, instead choosing to spend her time with others, although she’d often discuss course material with them. After she finished her basic training, she went on to study at Starfleet Medical Academy. Each year, in her rush to set foot back on a starship, she took slightly more than the recommended course load, which allowed her to graduate in 2388.

In July of 2388, Dawn was stationed on the USS Washington, a Galaxy-class, as Counsellor, reporting to Head Counsellor Victor Fordson. After Commander Fordson was killed by a stowaway, Dawn took over as acting Head Counsellor, and managed to keep the crew sane and healthy until the conclusion of the Washington’s mission.

In 2389, per her request to serve on a science vessel, she transferred off the Washington and onto the Galileo, a Nova-class.
Medical History Other than her fear of isolation, Dawn has no major medical conditions (that she knows of), although she does occasionally get strange headaches.
Service Record 2366: Born in Dax, France
2367-77: Child on the USS Augustine
2377: Spatial anomaly leaves Dawn the sole survivor of the USS Augustine.
2378: Dawn settles on Earth with Lucian Meridian, her adoptive father.
2383: Accepted into Starfleet Academy.
2386: Completes basic training.
2388: Completes medical training at Starfleet Medical Academy.
2388: Stationed aboard the USS Washington (Galaxy) as Counsellor.
2389: Transferred to the USS Galileo (Nova) as Counsellor.

Character Progression System

Skills and Perks

Skill Training