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Weekly Update

Posted on 26 Nov 2023 @ 1:35pm by Lieutenant Aria Rice

Hi all,

Another week, another step closer to:

Personal logs! Deadline is 30th November, submit or be airlocked!

Closedown of Mission 18! Get those last bits and pieces wrapped up and posted!

I hope that those who celebrated Thanksgiving had a good one, and that those that don’t just had a good week in general! Auntie Anne’s agony column is having a break this week, so instead I wanted to show you my favourite quote from a post this month. It’s most likely the most NCO quote I have seen in years which, at the time, made me giggle. And guess what? It still does:

Now that we've left the august company of our fearless leaders, indulge an old Andorian's curiosity, will you? How's the climate aboard the Galileo? Do the shiny pips up top treat our ranks with the respect that is due?"

For full post, check out Corridor Clarifications by Master Chief Petty Officer Toren Vral and Petty Officer 3rd Class Jeysa Zeror.

And now for our guest recipe of the week. I present to you…

Happy Summershimmer’s Unicorn Rocks

Hello…I’m Lily Blake. My official name is Happy Summershimmer. And this is the bestest recipe that Aria - Stardust Twinkletoes - has ever made with me. And it's easy peasy too!

We got to ask the Lady in the Ship for…400 grams white chocolate. It has to be white...and white chocolate is the scrummiest of all chocolates anyway.

And then you ask for those tubes of gel food colouring. My favourite ones are pink, purple and turq…tur…that blue-green seaside one! Oh, and loads of edible glitter and colour sprinkles! And a cocktail stick! Don’t forget that!

Stardust usually lines the baking tray for me with baking paper because it can be a bit tricky…

We break the chocolate up and put it in a bowl that doesn’t break when it gets hot. Pop it over a pan of juuuuust bubbling water. It gets all melty and we only stir it now and then. Oh, and don’t get any water in it, or else it goes icky!

So we pour melted chocolate into three different bowls. And each bowl gets a different colour (1/4 teaspoons) in them. Mix it up so the colour of the chocolate in each bowl goes like the gel!

Now this is the really fun bit…pouring blobs of the different coloured chocolate onto the baking tray! Wherever we want…and then use the cocktail stick to drag through them and mix up the colours into a cloud of happiness!

Dust loads of edible glitter and colour sprinkles over it...we even used sweeties one time! Let it sit for an hour to go back to crunchy chocolate…it feels like the longest hour of my life!

Break it up into magic shards and you get pretty, happy unicorn rocks!


Thank you, Lily. And that is it for this week!



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